It's just that every time Leng Tian takes a step, the fierce aura on his body becomes heavier. It's the aura brought down from the battlefield...

The forbearance accumulated through the missions around me couldn't bear it at all, and they retreated one after another.

Lei Li and Leng Tian got closer and closer, and the aura between them became stronger and stronger...

Even suppressed all the ninja who took the zhongnin exam to be speechless.

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind: "It's terrible!"

Even the other two of Yun Nin's three people were surprised.

"It's such a terrifying aura. If it wasn't for Lei Li standing in front of me, I couldn't help but retreat. I didn't expect Konoha to have such a monster!"

"Okay, guys, the first Chunin exam has started, come with me..."

A Jōnin with a beard slowly came out of the examination room.

As soon as he came, the tense atmosphere around him dissipated.

This made all the ninjas around him breathe a sigh of relief.

But no one dared to step into the examination room first, they dared to enter only after Leng Tian and Lei Li entered.

This made the bearded man shake his head incessantly, he didn't see the aura of a strong man at all from these people.

In fact, the bearded man was also shocked by Leng Tian and Lei Li's aura, which is rarely seen in Chunin, not to mention Genin.

But when he saw Matt Dai in the crowd, he shook his head slightly, and he still came to participate.

Walking into the classroom, everyone sat down, but subconsciously avoided Leng Tian and Lei Li...

"Okay, the first round of the Chunin exam is now..."

"Teacher, wait a minute!"

At this time, three people rushed to the door...

Chapter 54 The first Chunin fight

Hearing the voice outside the door, everyone looked.

It turned out to be the three of Uchiha Xuanhuo.

Before Leng Tian was curious why he didn't see them in the exam room, thinking that the three of them would not take part in today's Chunin exam.

Didn't expect them to come now.

But at this moment, the three of Uchiha Xuanhuo looked extremely embarrassed, as if they had fought with someone before.

Leng Tian noticed that Lei Li's eyes were full of disdain when they saw Uchiha Xuanhuo.

The bearded examiner frowned.

He dared to be late for the Chunin exam, and wanted to revoke the qualifications of the three of them to take the Chunin exam this year on the spot.

However, after seeing the Uchiha clan's Peugeot on them, he hesitated for a while, and finally the bearded examiner said in a deep voice, "Come in..."

Uchiha Xuanhuo and the three had expressions of rejoicing on their faces.

But when they saw the three of Yun Ren, their expressions changed drastically...

Especially Uchiha Xuanhuo's eyes were even more angry, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "So you are also taking the Chunin exam!"

"Why is it not enough to be beaten!"

Lei Li replied indifferently.


The other party's answer made Uchiha Xuanhuo even more angry.

They were approached out of nowhere for no reason before, and then shot when they came up, and the three of them were beaten and defeated miserably without any preparation.

Especially the one named Lei Li in the middle, who said condescendingly to himself: "I thought the Uchiha clan is so great, but that's all, it's far worse than the Hyuga clan..."

Especially the last sentence, saying that the Uchiha clan is inferior to the Hyuga clan. Thinking of this, Uchiha Xuanhuo is furious and wants to rush towards Leili at any time!

at this time.

The bearded examiner shouted angrily: "Do you still want to take the Chunin exam!"

Hearing the angry shout of the bearded examiner, the three of Uchiha Genho sat down obediently.

But when passing by Lei Li, Uchiha Xuanhuo gritted his teeth and threatened: "This matter will not be counted like this!"

"Accompany you at any time, no matter how many times, your fate will be the same as before, you will be trampled under my feet!"


Uchiha Genho saw that everyone in the examination room was listening attentively to their conversation, and felt a burst of shame.

Leng Tian also finally understood why Uchiha Xuanhuo came so late, and he was in a mess, because he was defeated by the three of Lei Li.

At the same time, they exchanged glances with Minato, not understanding what the three of Kumo Shinobi were planning.

Why are you making trouble in the village?

At this time, the bearded examiner finally spoke the exam questions!

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