ten days later.

The third Chunin exam has begun.

Before the lottery, Sandai stood up, looked at the many candidates in front of him and said.

"For the third assessment, it's an individual competition. Unless one side falls down, the words will not stop. This may be life-threatening, so there is still time for those who want to quit..."

No one wants to quit.

The third generation nodded in satisfaction, and later he looked at Leng Tian, ​​this is the boy who Kato Dan said had flaws in his white eyes, but he created a boy with a smooth ear.

The eyes of the three generations made Leng Tian feel nervous.

Is this old man still thinking about the sealed book...

The first game of the lottery was the civil war between the three of Yunin.

Heavy versus fast.

This made Konoha's ninja happy.

"I surrender……"

Quickly raise your hand on the spot.

This made Konoha Ninja a pity.

I also want to see the strength of the other two Yunin.

In the past ten days, Yun Ren and the three of them have been looking for someone to challenge everywhere.

It even alarmed Konoha's police department, and all the ninjas of the Uchiha tribe were dispatched.

At that time, if the second leader of Yunnin Village hadn't arrived in time, a big battle would have been inevitable.

The result of the second lottery was against one of Konoha's candidates...

Leng Tian stepped onto the field with ease, at this moment he found that the opponent seemed to be hostile towards him...

Chapter 65 Hostility ([-]rd update)

"My name is Inuzuka Po, and you are Hinata Lengtian..."

Inuzukapo looked Leng Tian up and down, and a look of hatred came out of his eyes.

This made Leng Tian puzzled for a while, in his opinion, he didn't know this person at all.

"you know me?"

Leng Tian asked suspiciously.

"Of course, but you may not know me. At the time of the ninja school exam, I was originally ranked [-]th in class A. According to the information I got, it was because of your appearance that my place was removed and I was allowed to enter Class B..."

Hearing Inuzuka's words, Leng Tian smiled indifferently.


"So I want to defeat you and let everyone know that the assessment back then was not fair..."

Looking at the confident Inuzuka, Leng Tian said indifferently: "Unfortunately, you are not my opponent..."

"What a big breath."

Inuzuka knew that Leng Tian was listed as a hero in the border mission of the Land of Fire and was praised by high-level officials.

But in his opinion, that battle was mainly won by Chunin and Jonin. Leng Tian and the others were just lucky to survive.

"Hmph, let me see how powerful you are, let's make a move..."

Inuzuka struck a pose.

But after Inuzuka finished speaking, Leng Tian's door opened wide, and he even stood there swaggeringly.

"To deal with you, I don't need to use any ninjutsu at all, not even Chakra..."

Leng Tian said lightly.

"How arrogant!"

When Inuzuka heard Leng Tian's words, his whole body exploded with rage.

"I'll make you regret it... Ninja! Teeth!"

Inuzuka's hands became extremely sharp, and quickly attacked Leng Tian.

It's just that he just stood there without moving in the cold weather.

If you use it in cold weather, it should be easy to pop open.

But Leng Tian said before that he would not use ninjutsu, which made all the spectators curious about how Leng Tian would respond.

Although Inuzuka's tooth protruding is not as powerful as Ninfa Gaja Tongya, it is superior in that it can be used at a fast speed, and it can be used with almost no seals.

At this time, the cold weather moved, and he actually took it with both hands.

"He's crazy?"

The people watching the battle were all surprised, knowing that even rocks would be shattered under Ya Tu's attack.

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