But just rely on your hands in cold weather?


The instant Inuzuka's attack touched Leng Tian's hands, Leng Tian's hands were not shattered as others imagined...

On the contrary, at the moment of contact, Leng Tian covered the opponent's blow with his sleeve, deflecting Inuzuka's fangs.

"It's still possible to do this..."

All exclaimed.

Even Inuzuka himself looked incredible.

In his opinion, it was a fantasy to block his blow with only a pair of sleeves, but it did happen.

Is he a monster?

Since Leng Tian traveled to the world of Naruto, he discovered that although this world has physical skills like Akai, there is not much research on soft skills, including the soft fist of the Hyuga family.

In Leng Tian's world, many people know the principle of using softness to overcome strength. Just now, Leng Tian used his white eyes to observe the opponent's attack direction in advance, and took advantage of the softness of his sleeves to instantly wrap around the opponent's sharp claws and deflect the direction.

In the words of Leng Tian's world, it is to use softness to overcome rigidity, and four or two to pull a thousand catties.

It's a pity that everyone at the scene didn't understand this truth, and they were all amazed for a while.

Leng Tian didn't give Inuzuka time to react, and stuck in front of him in an instant.

Then Leng Tian slapped Inuzuka with his palm like lightning.

Although many Konoha executives on the stage knew how severe the cold weather was, they did not expect it to be so severe.

Seeing that Leng Tian was able to beat Inuzuka backwards with physical strength alone, Uchiha Kagami asked in surprise, "I remember he is a child of the Hinata branch, right?"

No one on the stage answered his words, because they were all still in surprise.

They could tell that Leng Tian's opponent wanted to fight back.

But no matter how he reacted, it was predicted by Leng Tian, ​​and Zhao Zhao preempted him before he made a move...

In this way, Inuzuka didn't even have a chance to fight back.


Several people on the stage looked at each other.

There was a look of surprise in their eyes.

This is not something that can be done quickly.

Even more so, the opponent's every move has already been calculated in order to be the first to come first and judge in advance.

Just when everyone thought that Leng Tian would continue to attack, Leng Tian suddenly stopped, then turned and left.

Seeing that Leng Tian had already walked towards the stands, the invigilator said hurriedly: "The competition is not over yet, do you want to abstain at this time!"

"Not yet?"

Leng Tian smiled indifferently.

"For a person who can't even move, is there any need to continue to compete?"

Leng Tian left a back view for the examiner, and left...

Hearing Leng Tian's words, the invigilator was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it.

At this time, the others finally discovered the strangeness of Leng Tian's opponent.

Unexpectedly motionless.

At this time, the examiner quickly came to Leng Tian's opponent.

It was found that he was hit with acupuncture points all over his body.

As Leng Tian said, there is no need to continue the comparison.

"Has his white eyes actually reached the point where he can see acupuncture points?"

The third generation was also taken aback.

Not only that, just now Leng Tian did not use any ninjutsu to reach this level, it is simply unbelievable...

The strength shown by Leng Tian not only shocked Konoha's senior management, but also made many candidates terrified.

Although they have heard of the power of Leng Tian before, most of them have heard of its name, just like Inuzuka in the border mission of the Land of Fire. …

However, some of the ninjas who had seen Leng Tian and Lei Li fight in the death forest were not so surprised by this.

From their point of view, Leng Tian shouldn't take part in this kind of Zhongnin exam at all. His strength has already reached or even surpassed...

"It's terrifying to do this with physical strength alone without using a single trace of Chakra!"

Even the leader of Yun Nin who had been paying attention was shocked, and there was a strange look in Lei Li's eyes.

Seeing the leader's gaze, Lei Li nodded, looking at Leng Tian with murderous intent.

On the other side, Tsunade saw how imposing his student was, and he was even more excited to punch Duan: "Your student is really amazing..."

"Ha ha……"

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