Sure enough, after the barrier was destroyed, the sealing time slowed down.

And under the attack of Jiraiya and Matt Dai from inside and outside.

Leng Tian finally saw a flaw in the barrier.

"Tsunade-sensei, concentrate on destroying the northwest..."

Leng Tian said quickly.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Tsunade instantly activated ninjutsu.

Concentrate all the chakra in the body and release the strange power up to hundreds of punches.

"not good!"

The four members of the cloud ninja group showed a horrified expression.

The four of them had put all their chakra against Jiraiya and Matedai, and there was no time to defend what Tsunade attacked.

With a "bang", the barrier was shattered by Tsunade.

After enduring the attack of the enchantment backlash, the four members of Yun Nin's group all fainted.

"worn out……"

Jilai also lay directly on the ground.

There are too many chakras in this outbreak.

Even Zirai couldn't stand up anymore because of too much chakra consumption in his body.

Tsunade is the same as him.

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at each other, they both understood each other's situation.

"Kato, Leng Tian, ​​and Minato will be up to you next time. Tsunade and I have exhausted all our chakra, so we can't act together with you..."

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Kato nods his head.

"Don't worry, we will definitely save Kushina..."

Just when the three of Leng Tian were about to chase Yun Ren, Matt Dai said: "Wait, count me in..."


Kato Duan had some doubts about Matt Dai's strength.

At this time, Leng Tian smiled and said: "Don't worry, teacher, Matt Dai's strength will surprise you..."

Hearing Leng Tian's assurance, Kato Duan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go!"

"Damn it, these people deliberately left a lot of traces, just so that we can't tell where they went from..."

The four of Leng Tian continued to chase, but there were more and more traces of destruction on the road, and there were even traces left by Yun Nin on purpose.

They all knew that this was Yun Nin's intentional use of the shadow clone to interfere with the pursuers.

After such a long delay, even the windward ears in cold weather could not hear much.

They are faced with a difficult problem, they have to judge which one of them is the direction of Yun Ren's escape.

At this time, every bit of time is very critical and cannot be delayed.

But they had to stop here.

Kato glanced at Leng Tian.

Leng Tian didn't speak and opened his eyes, as if he was looking for something.

This made Minato and Matt Dai curious.

Leng Tian remembered that in the original book, Minato could only catch up with the clues of Kushina's red hair.

I hope that Kushina can think of this way in this time and space.

Suddenly Leng Tian showed a happy smile.

On a branch, a lock of red hair hangs there...

Leng Tian immediately rushed over.

Seeing that this is Kushina's hair, Kato Dan and Minato were overjoyed at the same time.

"This girl is really smart..."

Kato-san showed a happy smile.


The four immediately chased forward with the fastest speed.

At this time, the leader of Yun Nin frowned suddenly, stopped and said to the three of Yun Nin, "You go first, the tail behind is catching up..."

Hearing what the leader said, the Yunin trio were taken aback.

"I didn't expect their luck to be so good, and they could still find them in so many wrong paths..."

"Captain, did the group of four fail?"

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