"I can't figure it out, maybe it's a fish that slipped through the net, you go first, I will catch up with you later!"

The leader of Yunin didn't believe that someone could escape from the barrier, and even believed that Konoha and others bypassed the group of four.

The four of Leng Tian stopped when they saw that the leader of Yun Nin was standing there swaggeringly waiting for them.

Seeing that it was actually Leng Tian and the others, the leader of Yun Nin was taken aback, but then he showed a relaxed look on his face.

It's not Konoha's top ninja, it's just a few low ninja.

The opponent is a Jonin, and Kato Duan suddenly said to Leng Tian and the others: "You guys continue to chase, I will leave this to the teacher!"

"But the opponent is a ninja..."

Leng Tian said with some worry.

Kato-san smiled.

"Don't underestimate the teacher, hurry up and chase after him, and we must bring Jiu Xinna back..."

"Haha, I don't think any of you need to leave..."

"Water escape! Great waterfall!"

"Thunderstorm! Thunderstorm!"

"No, get out of here!"

Kato Dan reminded loudly.

This technique is to put the enemy in the water, and then use the power of Thunder Dun to attack the enemy.

Seeing Leng Tian, ​​the three of them dispersed.

The second leader of Yunin immediately caught up.

"Your opponent is me!"

Kato Duan came to the front of the second leader of Kumo Nin with a teleportation technique.

The second boss showed a disdainful smile.

At this time, Kato was startled, and the enemy in front of him disappeared with a "bang".

It turned out to be a shadow clone technique!

At the same time, the real second leader of Yunin appeared in front of Leng Tian and others, and a thunder escape technique hit Minato.


The water gate disappeared.


The second leader of Yun Nin was taken aback, at this time Leng Tian and Matt Dai also disappeared at the same time.

"What? They're all Shadow Clone Techniques?"

The second leader of Yun Nin was stunned.

"I told you not to underestimate Konoha Ninja..."

Kato Dan turned around slowly, blocking the way of the two leaders of Kumo Shinobi.

It turns out that the three of Leng Tian were all using the shadow clone technique used by Kato Dan and Minato...

It wasn't until this time that the three of Leng Tian appeared from behind the leader of Yun Nin.

Seeing that the three of them had disappeared into the forest, the leader of Yun Nin smiled indifferently.

"Hmph, so what if they catch up? Do you think the three of them are really Genin?"

"What does it mean……"

Kato Duan had a bad premonition in his heart.

At the same time, in Konoha Anbe, Danzo finally received news from Gen that Raren and the three of them.

"The intelligence sent back by our spies in Yunin, the three of Yunin have all passed Yunin's Chunin exam before, all of them are Chunin, and the level is set as an elite Chunin..."

"What? Are all three elite Chunin?"

Danzo asked in a deep voice.

"No! Only two of them are at the elite Chunin level..."

The person who reported it answered here, somewhat hesitantly.

Danzo was just relieved to hear that there were only two elite Chunin.

"Fortunately, not all three..."

"Danzo-sama, Lei Li is actually the last one left. He has become an elite Chunin a year ago, and recently he was awarded a special Jōnin. As far as we know, Lei Li seems to be a disciple of Raikage..."

"What! Special Jnin! Lei Li is actually a special Jnin?"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Danzo almost screamed.

Chapter 72 Matt Dai's Resolution

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