A Konoha ninja said lightly.

They were put together in a house in cold weather.

All Konoha ninjas who came to support are waiting for orders here.

This group is more of jinnin, like cold weather zhongnin are a minority.

In addition, Leng Tian was awarded Chunin at such a young age, which made them all look sideways.

Two days later, Orochimaru finally returned to the rear defense station from the outside.

With Tsunade's letter of recommendation, Leng Tian finally met Orochimaru.

This is one of the three ninjas who became famous in the ninja world.

Is this Orochimaru?

Leng Tian's first impression when he saw Dashewan was that he didn't expect Dashewan to be so tough when he was young.

His face was silent, but there was a sense of rigidity, which was obviously different from the later kind of femininity.

Such Orochimaru looks like the third generation!

No wonder Orochimaru felt that he had the best chance of winning when he competed with Hokage, because he and his teacher were so close in style, and he deserved the teacher's support the most, but he didn't...

Orochimaru in this period, just his aura can make outsiders feel his strength.

In the original book, Leng Tian felt that Orochimaru was simply an alternative in Hokage, more like an inventor and biologist.

But at this moment, Orochimaru didn't care about the cold weather around him at all.

Instead, he opened the map and assigned tasks to his subordinates with a serious face.

"The three of you, Kojiro, Kudo, and Choji, will continue to lead the team. You must clean up the rear defense Urenin to ensure the stability of the rear. I don't want to clean up this mess for Tsunade again!"


"Master Orochimaru, don't worry, some of the scattered rain ninjas can't make any big waves!"

Kudo said indifferently.

"I don't want to promise. What I want is the result. The main enemy on the front line is Iwanin. I don't want to break Sasuke's plan at a critical time. Do you understand?"

Orochimaru said indifferently.


The three subordinates of Orochimaru replied immediately.

"We will never let Master Orochimaru down!"

"Well, that's not bad."

Having said that, Orochimaru glanced at Hyuga Lengtian behind him.

"Are you Tsunade's disciple?"

Leng Tiantian nods.

Orochimaru looked at the recommendation letter on the table, and said with a look of disdain:

"Here, I don't value Modi, a son of a big family, but only his ability. No matter what background he has, if he is of no value to me, even if it is a recommendation from a friend, I will definitely not take care of him at all."

Orochimaru's words made Leng Tian's heart tighten, as if the person in front of him didn't have a good impression of him.

Especially seeing the mocking smiles on the faces of the people around.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian fell silent.

These people came to the battlefield with Orochimaru. They didn't want Tsunade to be a disciple of a famous family, but more of an ordinary person. hostility.

Seeing that Leng Tian has been silent, Orochimaru said indifferently: "Boy, for Tsunade's sake, I will take care of you. It just so happens that another group of Konoha Shinobi came, so you go to guide them and patrol the surrounding area by the way." , if by any chance you encounter Yu Shinobu, call the police in time."

Hearing Dashewan's words, Leng Tian knew that he simply didn't believe in his ability.

He didn't even look at the content of the recommendation letter on the table, and he didn't even ask about his abilities.

It stands to reason that the children of the Hyuga clan, the ability to roll their eyes is the most suitable for observing the enemy's situation.

In addition, Mr. Tsunade has already stated in the letter that he has the ability to follow the wind, and he can even help Orochimaru.

But obviously Orochimaru doesn't intend to reuse him at all, and even feels that he is a trouble, and treats him disrespectfully.

"Master Orochimaru, in fact, I have the ability to help you solve the remaining forces of Urenin!"

Hear the words of the cold weather.

Orochimaru smiled.

Orochimaru's subordinates around him also laughed.

What kind of abilities can a little guy who has just graduated from the ninja class and was promoted to the ninja after passing the chunin exam?

Orochimaru waved his hand and said: "The battlefield is not a joke. I don't want Konoha to suffer unnecessary losses because of personal bravado. It has been decided. You can take Shinobu to patrol."

Leng Tian didn't expect that he came to the front line to lead the ninja class, and in this way, he would not be able to use the ability of Shunfenger at all.

Teacher Tsunade recommended himself to Orochimaru, hoping to use his ability to deal with the rear as soon as possible, so that Orochi can go to the front line as soon as possible.

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