Unexpectedly, Orochimaru didn't put himself in the eyes from the beginning to the end.

This was definitely not Tsunade's original intention. Thinking of this, Leng Tian suddenly closed his eyes, wanting to show off his ability on the spot.

Let Orochimaru know that he is definitely not the so-called trouble.

But Orochimaru misunderstood Leng Tian's meaning, thinking that he was dissatisfied with himself.

"Don't you understand what I just said? Go down for me, this is an order, don't waste my time!"

Orochimaru's words at the moment were a little cold.

Orochimaru's subordinates even mocked: "You actually dare to question Master Orochimaru's order, you really deserve the style of a big family..."

"That's right, it's just such a self-righteous brat who always sabotages the deployment of Orochimaru, and often causes Master Orochimaru to be accused by the village..."

"Go away, kid, don't stand here and block your eyes. Letting people like you go to the front line is to give the other party data!"

Hearing these ridicules, Leng Tian knew that it was pointless to go on.

Orochimaru didn't specifically target Leng Tian, ​​and he didn't have such a leisurely heart.

Rather, the subordinates around him have a very clear division of labor.

He didn't want the cold weather to disrupt his already planned plans.

Even though Leng Tian had some abilities, Orochimaru couldn't imagine how much it would help him.

That's why I didn't even read Tsunade's letter of recommendation that Leng Tian gave out.

Leng Tian also found that it was boring to go on like this, so he told Dashewan his ability with practical actions.

When the time comes, he will ask Orochimaru to invite him in person.

Leng Tian took the mission scroll issued by Orochimaru and came to the gathering place of Xia Ninja Village.

He learned that the members of the ninth class under his guidance had already arrived at the reporting place and waited for him.

Before arriving at the destination, Leng Tian saw three teenagers who were about his age waiting for him.

One man and two women.

The boy sat on the ground and said something to the girl next to him with a look of excitement.

The entangled girl wore clothes unique to the Uchiha clan, with an impatient look on her face.

As for the other, he opened a red umbrella and was waving it gently.

When Leng Tian saw the face of the red umbrella girl, she was a little surprised.

Wearing a green dress, holding a red umbrella.

It makes people feel a strong sense of contrast.

"Hello, my name is Hyuga Lengtian, the captain of Class Nine, and also your instructor!"

"Why are you our instructor, are you kidding me, you are at most as old as us?"

The boy looked at the introduction letter in Leng Tian's hand in surprise.

"I just won the title of Chunin in the Chunin Exam, so you don't have to question it, kid!"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, the boy looked blank.

It seems that I can't believe that someone who is about my age has already been promoted to Chunin.

Seeing that the new captain is from the Hyuga family, the girl from the Uchiha family next to him looked embarrassed.

On the contrary, the girl with the red umbrella has a flat look from the beginning to the end, as if she doesn't care about the identity of the instructor at all.

Leng Tian shook his head, this is different from when Uchiha Xuanhuo was fighting, first of all he has to unite the ninth class.

Just looking at the three people in front of me, no matter how I look at it, I feel a little dissatisfied with myself.

This is a bit difficult!

Chapter 82 Problem Youth Group

Leng Tian and the three members of the ninth class have always maintained a feeling of distance.

All three of them held a certain hostility towards Leng Tian.

What made Leng Tian even more troublesome was the identities of the three.

The boy turned out to be Senju Nawaki, the younger brother of Tsunade-sensei.

And that Uchiha girl is not an ordinary person, she is actually Uchiha Mikoto, the mother of Sasuke in the future.

As for the last girl, she is also of great status, the daughter of the Minghu family, one of the three wealthy merchants in Muye Village.

Minghu Saori!

In the war between Konoha and the Kingdom of Rain, the three major merchants of Konoha played a key role.

It can be said that each of these three people can't have an accident.

Presumably it was because of this that they were transferred to the rear.

The above is simply throwing myself three troubles.

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