Speaking of which, he regards them as a trouble, so why doesn't the higher-ups also regard him as a trouble?

After thinking this through, Leng Tian shook his head with a wry smile.

The meeting yesterday was not very pleasant. I hope that when I lead them to perform human tasks today, I can feel more familiar, at least not to have such a big gap with myself.

Suddenly Leng Tian thought of Mr. Kato Duan's method.

Grab the bell!

Perhaps, Konoha came up with this method of testing the strength of students, which is not only a test, but also has a deeper meaning, building a bridge between the two parties.

Just when Leng Tian was excited about his thoughts, the voices of Qianshou Shusheng and others came from his ears.

"Miqin, don't worry, if Captain Hinata dares to bully you, I will be the first to attack!"

"Enough! Shengshu, don't bother me anymore, I told you already have a marriage contract!"

"Bah, marrying someone who is at the level of an uncle, your parents are really out of their minds..."

"That's enough, Master Uchiha Fuqiu is a famous figure before the Land of Rain, I don't allow you to insult him!"

"Hmph! If he can do it, I can do it too. When I go to the front line, I will definitely not be inferior to him!"

Hearing these words from Shunfeng's ear, Leng Tian was stunned.

Are kids so precocious now?

"Stop making trouble, I think it's better to take this opportunity to deal with the new captain and let him understand our strength..."

At this time, another girl Minghu Saori suggested.



Nakoki and Mikoto immediately agreed.


Leng Tian has a black line on his forehead, these three people are not troublesome, I think they are three problem teenagers.

Leng Tian couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Leng Tian pretended not to hear their words and continued walking forward.

"Bang bang bang!"

Saori in front suddenly opened the red umbrella, and a dozen shurikens flew out in an instant.

Leng Tian was covered with shurikens all over his body.



The three little guys were frightened for a while.

"We killed the instructor?"

"Why is he so useless?"

Minghu Shazhi even dropped the red umbrella in his hand.

And Naoki and Mikoto looked at a loss for clothes.

At this time, the cold weather in front of me suddenly turned into wood.

And the voice of Leng Tian also sounded behind them.

"At any time, a ninja must not give up his vigilance..."


The three of Shengshu immediately backed away, looking at the elusive Leng Tian with horror on their faces.

"When did you appear behind us?"

Mikoto and Saori were even more horrified, they didn't even notice Leng Tian's seal movement at all, could this be the gap between Chunin and Genin.

Leng Tian smiled, seeing them restrained, he smiled inwardly.

"What a clever way to snatch the bell!"

"Yes, snatching the bell is our Konoha tradition..."

Leng Tian said deliberately emphatically.

Seeing their suspicious looks, Leng Tian had no choice but to come up with this excuse.

"Hmph, we are just three zhongnin, you are a zhongnin, of course we can't take you away..."

Saori doesn't think this game is very good.

"Yes, it's just an opportunity to show us how powerful you are..."

Mikoto also said sarcastically.

"Don't worry...listen to me slowly."

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