Hearing what his partner said, Shinnosuke's eyes sharpened.

He knew that White Fang was right.


Although Ohnoki didn't know what Bai Fang and Shinnosuke were talking about, but as Tsuchikage he instinctively felt a sense of danger.

"Earth escape! The art of stripping the original world!"

Onoki blatantly threw the earth escape technique at Bai Ya and the others again.

"not good!"

Shinnosuke used the earth escape technique to resist again.

It is said to be resisting, but it is actually discovering the range of Ono Muchen Dun.

Any ninjutsu can't pose any threat in front of this dust escape.


Shinnosuke continuously launched various earth escape techniques, and the chakra in his body was already a bit too consumed.

And Leng Tian knows that the other party still has a stronger dust escape that he has not used.

"Damn it! At least I need to know the range of the opponent's dust escape, so that I can use that move..."

White Fang clenched the scabbard tightly, showing a look of helplessness on his face.

At this time, Leng Tian's eyes suddenly emitted a faint blue light.

Looking inside, Leng Tian found that his eyes caught a shadow of Onoki launching the dust escape.

"Master Bai Fang, I can see the scope of his dust escape..."

Leng Tian said suddenly.

Characters on stage: Onoki.

Onogi looks very happy, the most typical is a big nose in the middle of the face, because of his age, his hair, beard and even his eyebrows are all white. (image during the Fourth World War)

He is very short in stature, and he is good at ninjutsu, which makes him very similar to the Tu Xingsun in ancient Chinese mythology.

Wearing casual clothes with the characteristics of Yanyin Village, the upper part is a red cloth, and the lower part is an independent green strip decoration. When flying, it will flutter with the wind, which has a typical Japanese traditional clothing atmosphere.

Usually, he likes to rely on his unique ninjutsu to fly instead of walking, and rarely walks.

In terms of character, because of the indelible psychology caused by fighting with Madara before, he was a typical image of a stubborn and stubborn old man in the early stage of his debut. From other people's descriptions, it can be seen that at least the previous Onoki was a A typical extremist, trying his best to protect the interests of the village, old-fashioned, even unreasonable.But during the Five Kage talks, a turning point occurred because of Gaara's sentence "When did you abandon yourself", and the character of this stubborn old man changed.

Therefore, the neck feels that Ohnoki's image performance in this battle should be relatively close.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What, can you see the scope of his dust escape?"

White Fang was taken aback.

Only then did he realize that one of Leng Tian's eyes was different.

There was a hint of blue light, which was completely different from the white eyes he knew.

Leng Tian didn't know why he could see the range of Chen Dun.

He also found that his eyes were different from the others, just like the eyes of Bo Ren in the biography of Bo Ren, but now is not the time to talk about these, Leng Tian immediately mentioned the range and shape of Ono Mu Chen Dun.

This made Shinnosuke, who had been using a large area to fumble and resist, immediately relaxed a lot.

Not only that, Bai Fang also began to approach Onoki tentatively.

Although Ohnoki has the strength of Kage-level, but Bai Fang's strength is not weak, he has already surpassed the level of Jonin and entered the Kage-level.


Onoki resisted Bai Fang's sudden attack again, and immediately escaped from the battlefield with a teleportation technique.

This is the first time Ohnoki backed down.

After he used Chen Dun just now, he had already forced Konoha Gemini into a mess, why did the two of them suddenly take the initiative now?

His own Dust Dun was also discovered many times in advance by the sons of the third generation, and he used Dust Dun to give Bai Fang a reminder.

The most important thing is that he consumes less and less chakra, and does not need to use such a wide range of ninjutsu.

"what happened?"

Onogi looked in the direction of Shinnosuke, and suddenly found something unusual. The kid from the Hyuga clan appeared next to Shinnosuke at some point, and kept making gestures.

What surprised Ohnoki was that one of his eyes made him feel very uncomfortable in the cold weather.

"Could it be that the kid can see the range of my dust escape?"

Ohnoki used the dust escape again to deliberately test it, and sure enough, he saw Leng Tian making quick gestures beside Shinnosuke, and the range and shape were exactly the same as his own dust escape range.

"Boy can't stay!"

Ohnoki didn't know if it was the change in the white eyes of the cold weather, or if the Hyuga clan could see it.

But he must not let Hyuga Lengtian go today.

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