Dust Dun is a powerful ninjutsu developed by his teacher on the elimination of blood successors. It can be said that in the teacher's era, no one can compare with him except the second generation of Hokage.

They are also known as the peerless pair of contemporaries.

It is precisely because of the existence of this ninjutsu that their Yannin Village can make Konoha and Yunnin afraid, especially the deterrent to Yunnin Village.

You must know that letting Yunnin Village know that the white eyes of the Hyuga clan can see the range of Chen Dun, that would be too much of a threat to their Yannin Village.

Especially thinking of the spies' report before, saying that there was a cloud ninja robbery incident in Konoha, did they also notice this?

"Master Tukage, you are careless!"

Bai Fang suddenly appeared beside Tu Ying, and a beam of saber light flashed across and sealed all of Tu Ying's positions.


Tu Xing left a clone to resist.

But Mami was behind him, releasing a ninjutsu again: "Earth Dungeon! Rock clone technique!"

Onoki spit out rocks from his mouth, and then performed a clone, which was imperceptible.

The clone quietly merged into the ground, and the direction he was heading was exactly where Leng Tian was.


Leng Tian suddenly saw a shadow rushing towards him from the ground in his right eye.

But the strange thing is that the other left eye did not find anything.

"Eight disintegration techniques, all five doors open, 32 times the strange power!"

Leng Tian doesn't doubt his right eye, after all, his previous white eyes were flawed.


Hit the ground with a punch.


A clone of Tuying emerged from the ground.

"Go to hell!"

Dogyo's avatar is different from other rock ninja avatars in that there is a small amount of Chakra in Dokage.

"Earth escape! The technique of rock fist!"

"Hmph, it's this trick again, I'll come to see if your Rock Fist is the best or my strange power is the best!"

Leng Tian and Ohnoki collided with each other.


Onoki's rock clone was smashed to pieces by Leng Tian's strange force.


Ohnoki was slightly startled, he didn't expect this humble kid to smash a rock clone of himself.

At this moment, Bai Fang finally grasped a slight opening of Onogi, and shouted to Shinnosuke behind him.

"New help begins!"

"Roger that!"

Shinnosuke's hands began to form seals, which made people dazzled, and finally Shinnosuke's palms hit the ground heavily.

"Earth escape! Super earth flow technique!"

"Boom! Boom! Red!"

The earth was shaking, and Tuying found that the surrounding land was in an extremely unstable state.

"Well, what's going on here?"

Ohnoki said badly in his heart, and immediately flew into the air.

This is the advantage of being a small number of flyers. Even if the opponent has a strong hole card, they still have the direction of the sky.

But at the next moment Onoki's eyes froze.

The entire land below him rolled, like a sea wave, suddenly rising tens of meters high.

Even the ninjas on both sides of the front line stopped to watch this incredible scene.

"What kind of ninjutsu is that?"

Some rock ninja said in surprise.

"It's Master Shinnosuke's S-class ninjutsu, which surpasses the earth flow wall and can control a larger area of ​​earth escape!"

Orochimaru said in shock.

"Actually use the earth escape to such an extent?"

Horror appeared in Onoki's eyes.

The current battle has accidents one after another, especially Shinnosuke's move, which can use the earth flow technique like Chaohai, requires not only the chakra of the body, but also the mastery of the crustal movement under the feet.

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