I just know that he is very good at using poison and tricks.

But it doesn't mean that his strength is not good. On the contrary, the Kingdom of Rain can still maintain an independent position even though it is surrounded by big powers, which just shows his strength.

And being able to be called a demigod can also show that his strength is very powerful.

In the original book, the title of Sannin came from his recognition, and the ninja world also accepted the status of the three Dashemaru, which shows the authority of the demigod.

As for being killed by Nagato in the future, Leng Tian felt that Hanzo had already lost to time at that time, just like the third generation of Hokage, who had already passed his peak period.

Hanzo at this time should be the peak moment, otherwise he would not have launched a war against the country of Sichuan.

Behind Konoha, a pair of cold eyes kept staring at the battlefield.

The man was wearing a gas-resistant helmet, stroking the scythe beside him.

"Tuying pulled me into an alliance, and Danzo also brought Konoha's request, hum! It's nothing more than wanting to reduce losses, how can I make you happy!"

The person who came was Yuying!Hanzo!

"Master Amekage, are we going to attack Konoha now..."

A rain ninja next to this person said.

"Don't worry, we will start attacking when Iwanin is almost exhausted, and I will make them all pay the price!"

A smile appeared in Hanzo's eyes.

From the moment Ameno was ordered to withdraw from the battlefield, Hanzo's goal was to make Konoha and Iwanin suffer both defeats. Only in this way can the status of the Kingdom of Rain be preserved.

As for who will be the winner of the war in the future, who will he ally with.

But now it seems that Yan Ninja was defeated too quickly.

Thinking of this, Hanzo waved his hand, and Yuren joined the battlefield to kill Konoha's ninja.

How could a character like Ukage allow the Land of Rain to be given the right to speak by other countries? The reason why he showed weakness several times before was to drive Konoha and Iwanobu out of the Land of Rain in one fell swoop this time.

Just as Orochimaru, Zarayiya, and Tsunade pushed forward layer by layer, pushing Iwanin back continuously, a group of ninjas from Urenin Village suddenly came out behind them.

The three parties suddenly formed a pie shape, and Konoha was surrounded in the middle.

Moreover, Urenin moved very fast, and quickly rushed past the first line of defense behind Konoha.

Those who keep their hands behind Konoha are just ninja, so they have no power to fight back against the elite composed of Hanzo.

They were overwhelming, and Konoha Ninja soon began to retreat steadily.

At this time, Leng Tian finally came to the front line and informed Orochimaru of Hanzo's information.

Hearing that Hanzo had formed an alliance with Iwanin Village, Orochimaru was shocked.

At this time, the commotion behind Konoha finally caught Orochimaru's attention.

"Damn it, it was definitely calculated!"

Thinking of this, Orochimaru quickly ordered: "Tomiga Uchiha, you are the commander of the front line, continue to lead Konoha's ninjas to kill Iwanin Village, let's deal with Hanzo!"


Uchiha Fuqiu finally took command in the hands of Orochimaru.

Leng Tian also followed, Dashewan took a look and didn't care.

Sansho Hanzo's most distinctive beauty is his gas protective gear.

When Orochimaru led the troops to see Hanzo in this outfit, there was no doubt.

"I didn't expect the famous Yuren to appear on the battlefield..."

Orochimaru licked his tongue and said coldly.

"Hehe, even Tu Ying appeared on the battlefield, why can't I come?"

Hanzo said playfully.

"It's a pity that Tuying has retreated!"

Leng Tian said beside him.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Hanzo was taken aback.

He didn't expect that Iwanin would be defeated with Tsuchikage.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hanzo suddenly laughed.

"Senior Hanzo, what are you laughing at? In fact, the result of the battle is now very clear. The Kingdom of the Rain is the one that won in the end, Konoha. Maybe we can sit down and talk..."

Tsunade stood up and said calmly.

"Talk about?"

Hearing Tsunade's words, Hanzo smiled, and at this moment Hanzo suddenly formed a seal.

"Fire escape! Detonate the flame array!"

Hanzo slapped the ground with his palm, and the ground under Tsunade's feet suddenly sank, revealing a number of detonating symbols that had been arranged earlier.

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