These detonators continue to burn after detonating.

"Back to the sky! The battle turns and the stars move!"

At this time, Leng Tian suddenly appeared in front of Tsunade with a teleportation technique, and also slapped the ground with both palms. The detonating charm on the ground was suddenly surrounded by Huitian, and then threw it to Hanzo.


Hanzo was taken aback.

"Tudun, the wall of earth flow!"

The two sides collided, exposing people on both sides, and neither hurt anyone.

Hanzo squinted his eyes at Leng Tian and said, "Boy, how do you know that I have a detonating talisman hidden under her feet?"

Once the detonating talisman exploded, there was no other way but to resist it, but just now Leng Tian clearly wanted to know while he was forming a seal, so he rushed over and threw the detonating talisman in front of him.

If it's one second slower, they'll be blown up.

Only then did Tsunade come to his senses, and looked gratefully at Leng Tian.

"Hmph, as far as I know, Hanzo doesn't talk so much to his opponents. If you do, it means you have a purpose. Just now, when you deliberately drew Tsunade-sensei to speak, I guessed that there is a ghost in it!"

Leng Tian said coldly.

In fact, although Leng Tian has always been in Hanzo's place, what he really knows is that Hanzo used this ninjutsu against Tsunade in the original book.

If Jiraiya hadn't noticed it at the time, I'm afraid Tsunade would have been blown to death, even if Jiraiya had resorted to Ninjutsu!Needle Jizo to protect, but was still injured!

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Hanzo suddenly showed appreciation.

"As expected of a person cultivated by Konoha, but do you think this can stop me?"

Hanzo said that he suddenly took off the respirator...

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Hanzo take off the respirator, Leng Tian reminded: "Be careful that the air he exhales is poisonous!"

In the village where Hanzo was born, there was a very poisonous black salamander.

After the salamander died, the poison sac was implanted in the juvenile Hanzo, so Hanzo also became resistant to the poison.

Every time he breathes, the people around him inhale poisonous gas, and as a result, everyone around him is afraid of Hanzo as a child.

In order not to affect others, Hanzo was forced to wear a mask and switched to mouth breathing.

Hanzo couldn't easily take off his mask, and while that would give him an advantage in battle, not even Hanzo would be immune to the salamander's poison if the poison sac in his abdomen ruptured during a fight.

But once he took off the mask, it meant that Hanzo started to get serious.

"The kid knows a lot, it seems that Konoha has really worked hard on me!"

Hanzo said lightly.

Then Hanzo picked up his weapon, and came to the middle of the Sannin with a blink of an eye.

"Did Konoha ever say that the moment I take off the mask is when I get close..."

"not good!"

Orochimaru and the others immediately waved Kun Wuresist.

However, Hanzo's teleportation technique was so fast that they didn't even react, and at this moment, he was still standing in front of them alone.

"Back to the days!"

A Huitian collided with Hanzo's sickle within a short time.

Hanzo was bounced away by Huitian.

At this time, Leng Tian had already opened four doors.


Although Hanzo's attack was blocked, most of the chakra in Leng Tian's body was consumed.


The three of Orochimaru got this slight respite and immediately attacked.

Sannin immediately besieged up.

"Wind escape! Big breakthrough"

In order to prevent Hanzo's poison from spreading to them, Orochimaru first chose this ninjutsu.

This is a kind of ninjutsu that creates a gust of wind.

It sounds simple, but the scale varies according to the ability of the caster. When an excellent ninja uses it, the wind has the destructive power to blow down a big tree.

The purpose of Dashewan is to dispel Hanzo's poison.

"Let's go up together!"

At this time, apart from Sannin, there were other Konoha ninjas following behind.

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