The reason why Madara thinks that he should change his eyes is because Madara had eyes when he met Obito in the Third World War, but Madara also said that he handed over the reincarnation eyes to Nagato during World War II, which is contradictory here. Then it is very likely that I changed my eyes during the period, but why did I persist until the third battle?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just when the ninja world thought that this war was about to end...

In the country of rocks.

In Tuying's office, Ohnoki sat on a chair and tapped the seat lightly.

His arm was wrapped in a thick layer of bandages, and there was even a little blood on it.

If Minato saw this scene here, he would definitely open his mouth in surprise.

Does his Kunai have such great power that it can hurt a dignified soil shadow so badly?

Looking at the battle report from the front line, Onoki cursed: "You idiot, you are asking to retreat again. Didn't I say you have to hold on no matter what..."

Hearing Master Dokage's words, the people around looked at each other, not understanding why Master Dokage was so persistent.

Now that Konoha and Urenin have teamed up, and with the previous defeat, Iwanin's strength is already at an absolute disadvantage in the Land of Rain, and there is no hope at all. At this time, retreating is the best solution.

Why does Dokage-sama repeatedly reject the frontline's request?

At this time, an Anbe soil ninja suddenly appeared in the field.

Seeing this ninja appear, Onogi showed a hint of excitement.

Then, Ohnoki said lightly to the people around him: "You all step back first..."

"The ninjas from the Kingdom of Sand have come secretly, and they brought conditions..."

"So did they agree to my request?"

Tu Ying suddenly asked nervously.

"Agreed, it's just Lord Tukage, their request is beyond our previous expectations, is it worth it for us to send so many supplies?"

The earth shadow asked softly.

"Hehe, son, Dad is telling you once that if you want a fish to take the bait, you must first cast the bait. Now that Konoha is in full swing, I believe that person will not do it suddenly, even if the news of my injury spreads, he will not Take action.

So at this time, someone must push him and let him see all the conditions that are beneficial to him, only in this way can this plan be perfected..."

Onogi looked at Sand Shinobi's side and said softly: "Young fourth generation, don't let me down, hold Konoha, and hook up the big fish I really want!"

A Second Ninja World War that seems to be coming to an end, but in the eyes of these big shots, a new round is going on...

Neither Konoha nor Uchiha Madara thought that the Second Ninja World War was not over yet.


I have been lying on the hospital bed these days in the cold weather.

Because of the words of Tukage and Ukage before, Leng Tian was forced to stay in Konoha, and the protection of Leng Tian reached an unprecedented level.

This is because Leng Tian's role in the Second Ninja World War was too high.

Even Danzo, who has always hated the Konoha family, has personally seen Leng Tian and invited Leng Tian to enter the root.

Fortunately, Bai Fang was in the next ward at this time, and he refused to help Leng Tian, ​​and directly told Danzo that Leng Tian was already a member of Anbu.

When Danzo left angrily, Leng Tian asked Bai Fang with a puzzled expression.

"Senior Hatake, when did I enter Anbu?"

"Haha, when you recover, I will recommend you to enter, to ensure that you are qualified..."

Hatake said indifferently.

Seeing Leng Tian's puzzled look, he asked, "Why don't you want to?"

Leng Tian shook his head, he didn't have much resistance to entering Anbu, he just asked suspiciously: "Isn't Anbu the minimum requirement to be a Jnin?"

"That's the assassination squad, and there are other combat troops. In fact, Anbu is divided into several types, but after you recover, I will personally recommend you to become a Jonin. In my opinion, your strength has reached..."


Leng Tian said in surprise.

The title of Jonin has a special meaning for Leng Tian or for all ninjas.

Only Jōnin is the standard in the ninja world.

But for Leng Tian, ​​this title also means that he can temporarily escape from the control of the clan.

A few days later, Leng Tian was almost healed, his injuries were no longer superficially mental, the rest was the most important.

But he was more worried about Naoki's injury. Although Naoki was treated by Tsunade out of danger, the injury was also very serious.

This made Leng Tian blame himself very much. If he had left a shadow clone there, maybe these things would not have happened.

While checking Naoki's injury with his white eyes, Leng Tian once again felt something abnormal in his eyes.

There was a blue-white light in his eyes again, and in this light, Leng Tian suddenly found a trace of different Chakra in Naoki's body.

"do not move……"

Leng Tian stared at Naoshu seriously, and then touched the wound on Naoshu's back.

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