"It hurts! Captain hurts so much!"

Rope Tree suddenly yelled.

This made Konoha's doctor rush over.

"Hey, hey, the patient is still being treated, you will hurt him with such a random check..."

Leng Tian deliberately said that there is a different chakra in Naoshu's body, but at this time, the white eyes returned to normal.

Under ordinary white eyes, the cold weather can't see the Chakra just now.

"Let's wait until Tsunade-sensei comes back to solve it..."

As soon as Leng Tian returned to the ward, people from the Hyuga clan came to him again.

"Hyuga Lengtian, come with us, the patriarch is looking for you..."

Hearing the exact same words, Leng Tian laughed this time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you don't clean up in the cold weather, follow me to see the patriarch immediately?"

The disciples of the Zong family said with a look of hostility.

"Didn't you see that I am injured, wait until I heal my injury before going..."

Cold day lying comfortably on the bed on purpose, said angrily.


If it was cold, the son of the clan was so angry that he could not speak on the spot.

"How dare you ignore the patriarch's order, Hyuga Lengtian, do you know what a crime this is?"

Seeing that Leng Tian was still indifferent, the faces of several people were already ugly.

They are the children of the main family, and when to see the face of the children of the branch family.

If it wasn't for the fact that the patriarch had told them before, that no disturbances were allowed this time, they already wanted to use force.

It's just that they don't know that even if they use force, they are not Leng Tian's opponent.

"Hmph! It's just that you got some limelight on the battlefield, and you don't know your last name when you come back. Let me tell you Hinata Lengtian, even if you are excellent, you are still a tool of the clan. If you are disobedient, don't blame me for being rude! "

One of the clan disciples said coldly.

"Oh? I'd like to know how you are rude to me?"

Leng Tian glanced at him with disdain.

Apart from disdain, there was also a murderous look targeting him.

This is the murderous aura that can only be found on the battlefield, and it is the murderous aura cultivated after consecutive battles with two shadow-level powerhouses.

How could these disciples of the sect family who hid in the back and would only sit back and reap the benefits could withstand such murderous aura.

Under Leng Tian's gaze, it seemed that his whole body was covered with sharp knives, and he didn't even dare to move...


The son of the clan was sweating coldly on the spot, and was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

It wasn't until Leng Tian withdrew his murderous intent that he sat down on the ground.

Now the other disciples of the clan fell silent.

They never thought that Leng Tian could do this with just one look...

In the past few days, Leng Tian's famous name has spread throughout the ninja world, and it is a great danger to be ordered to kill by a double-kage-level powerhouse, but it is also a supreme honor.

Everyone was wondering who exactly Hinata Lengtian was, who actually got the attention of two Kage-level powerhouses.

And among the branch families of the Hyuga clan, he is even worshiped as an idol.

This made the Zong family very angry, but he was just a Chunin, so why did he get such great honor.

So this time, even though the patriarch told them to invite Leng Tian here politely, they were not convinced in their hearts, and they secretly decided to give Leng Tian a blow.


Leng Tian slowly stood up when he saw that the children of the clan were silent and showing fear.

Seeing Leng Tian standing up, these disciples of the sect stepped back a few steps, and said with fear in their eyes: "Hi Xiang Lengtian, what are you doing, don't forget that you are a child of the branch family..."

"Yes, if you dare to do something, the family rules will never let you go!"

Several people said in fear.


Leng Tian smiled: "I sneezed, you don't have to be scared like this..."

Seeing the increasingly ugly expressions on the faces of the disciples of the Zong family, Leng Tian chuckled lightly and said calmly: "Let's go..."


Hearing Leng Tian's words, several disciples of the Zong family obviously couldn't react.

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