Hearing this, the cold weather seemed to be poured with cold water.

Isn't this nonsense!

Tailed beast, to absorb the chakra of the tailed beast, wouldn't it be no different from courting death.

However, Leng Tian wondered if the black energy that Tao and Jin absorbed in the eight tails in the theater version was the chakra essence that the old man said.

But because they have the eyes of reincarnation, they need to use three hundred and sixty-one palms of Rouquan to get them.

May I ask if there is a tailed beast that will stand there obediently and let it be beaten by itself.

Compared with this eye, what the cold state is more curious about is the physique of becoming a monster in the old man's mouth.

"What does the Six Paths Demon mode mean? Is it different from the Immortal mode?"

Ask the old man for advice in cold weather.

Hear the words of the cold day.

The old man smiled again: "Actually, this is another reason why the Hyuuga clan came to the earth. On the moon, we have limited absorption of ten-tailed chakras, because the ten-tailed chakras are sealed, but those tailed beasts on the earth are easy to absorb. Within a certain range, we can also absorb..."

Hearing this, Leng Tian thought of Sand Burst in Sand Ninja again.

During that battle, the chakra in the bodies of many surviving Konoha ninjas increased greatly. At this time, because they absorbed the chakra that was floating in the air after the war, he could not absorb it into his body.

At that time, he felt very surprised, but at the same time, he could absorb the chakra of the sand blast.

Maybe absorbing the Chakra path by yourself doesn't have to be like the two Taos in the theatrical version, absorbing the eight tails by force.

The old man also said that as long as it is within the range of the tailed beast, it can be absorbed slowly.

Like absorbing a sand blast.

From the human column!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Six Paths Demon?"

Leng Tian seemed to see the passage leading to the peak, no, it should be the passage to stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world.

And Leng Tian thinks about the state of Sheren, the blue chakra, which is comparable to the Naruto Sage mode, may be the six demon mode.

And the Six Paths Demon mode is also the key to the evolution of Rolling Eyes.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian nodded and said: "Thank you senior, you have brought me too many things, how should I rescue you now?"

Unexpectedly, the old man shook his head and said: "No need, the chakra in my body is almost exhausted by these chains, and I was seriously injured when I escaped from the moon. To know more secrets about Baiyan, hmph, how can I make them happy..."

Speaking of this, the old man looked at Leng Tian with empty eyes, as if he wanted to see Leng Tian's appearance, and finally said, "Come here, child, and tap the center of my eyebrows."

Leng Tian didn't understand, but he believed that the old man would not harm him.

When the cold weather touched the old man's eyebrows, suddenly the old man let out a loud shout, and a burst of chakra suddenly concentrated in the curse seal, rushing out of the body one by one.

Throw it into the cold spell seal.

In an instant, a huge amount of information appeared in Leng Tian's mind.

"Although I can't help you advance to Baiyan, my chakra can help you to go further with the curse seal on your forehead, and I will pass on the three hundred and sixty-one palms of the eight trigrams to your mind. You must learn it. This is you. The only key to unlock the curse seal..."

Hearing the old man's words, Leng Tian solemnly nodded.

"I will definitely come back to save you, I will definitely get you out..."

Regardless of whether it was in the previous life or in this life, Leng Tian always had a thought, to receive the kindness of dripping water and spring up to repay it.

But before Leng Tian had time to say it, he found that the old man had lost his breath.

"This, this is..."

Leng Tian was surprised for a moment, and some information suddenly flashed in his mind.

It turned out that after the old man gave all the chakra essence to Leng Tian, ​​his life had come to an end.


Leng Tian took a deep look at the old man in front of him, turned around and left.

He knew what the old man meant, that he wanted him to fulfill Hamura's wish, and he would definitely live up to the old man's last expectation.

This time, Leng Tian gained a lot, not only knowing the secret of Tenseigan, but also gaining insight into the secrets of his ancestors.

Hamura's Eye of Will.

The curse in the cage, after I undo it, there will be no distinction between the main family and the branch family in the Hyuga clan...

As for Tenseigan, in the original book, Hamura was unable to do things, but his descendants Toneri did, and since Toneri can do it, so can Hinata Lengtian.

And Leng Tian can predict that if he gathers Tenseigan and Samsaragan, will he become an existence beyond Otsutsuki Kaguya?

At that time, I am afraid that even the tailed beast can create it by itself.

Ever since he came out of the Secret Pavilion, Leng Tian's spirit has undergone tremendous changes. The threat suppressed by the bird's curse mark before can no longer be seen. On the contrary, the curse mark on his forehead has become Leng Tian's motivation.

Just when Leng Tian was about to go to the front line with Bai Fang, he saw Kushina again...

This time to Jiuxinna, Leng Tian obviously felt that Jiuxinna's mood was not high at all.

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