It seemed that something happened to her and she was hit.

At the same time, Leng Tian also felt a strange aura from Jiu Xinnai.

Ordinary people can't observe this kind of breath at all, but Leng Tian has a seventh sense, and this kind of breath is particularly strong for Leng Tian.

Leng Tianbai suddenly opened his eyes, and in Kushina's body, he found a huge chakra.

Tailed beast!

Is this Nine Tails?

Leng Tian understood that Jiu Xinnai had become a new container.

Seeing Leng Tian's plain face, Kushina knew in his heart that Leng Tian might already know his situation, so he forced a smile.

"Grandma passed away..."

Kushina said in a low voice.

Leng Tian knew that the mother-in-law Jiu Xinnai was talking about was the wife of the first generation.

"I'm so scared in the cold weather. It was so painful when Grandma Mito sent Kyuubi into my body. I'm really scared..."

Jiu Xinnai suddenly threw herself into Leng Tian's arms.

Feeling the shivering Jiu Xinnai, Leng Tian felt a pain in his heart.

Leng Tian hesitated for a while, then suddenly hugged Jiuxinna tightly in his arms, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, don't worry, I will never let this kind of thing happen to you again, I will definitely find a solution Method……"

Looking at Leng Tian's firm expression, Kushina suddenly found her heart calmed down.

At this moment, there was a very warm atmosphere between Leng Tian and Jiu Xinnai.

The two seemed to have the same mind, and seemed to have something to say.

But at the next moment, Nine-Tails' Chakra suddenly erupted from Kushina's body...

Thank you, Hanyao, I am your monthly ticket for your big book and book friend 151224081531999. Forgive me for the late thanks. I have been in a hurry to write a book recently, and I have not saved the manuscript... At the same time, I also thank all the readers who have been voting for recommendation and subscribing to the neck... …

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This burst of breath was very sudden...

For a moment, even Kushina was at a loss.

She just became a Nine-Tails container and couldn't control Nine-Tails at all.

"Hehe, the little girl has such a cute face, she still wants to lock up my uncle, and tell you to let me out quickly, otherwise, I will eat you!"

Kyuubi roared in Kushina's body.

And at this time, Kushina's eyes seemed to have lost consciousness.

When Kushina woke up again, she found herself standing in front of a huge cage.


A large, sharp claw suddenly sprang out from behind the cage.


Kushina was taken aback.

But at this moment she can't go out again.

At this time, the figure behind the cage finally appeared in her eyes.

It was a pair of red eyes looking at her coldly.

Not only that, but also a big mouth full of blood.

"This, is this the monster in my body?"

Seeing the monster in the cage at this moment, Kushina felt frightened in her heart.

This was the first time she had seen the legendary Nine-Tails. Thinking that such a monster was actually in her body, Kushina couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in her heart.

"I, I don't want this monster in my body!"

Kushina wanted to leave out of control, but she found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get out of this scene.

"Hey, I've already given him a lot of face for that kid Hashirama, and my agreement with him is only for him to save me from those damn eyes, but I didn't promise to continue to serve as a weapon for you Konoha.

Little girl, do you also feel that Konoha hates you for using you as a weapon, come to me, I will lend you my strength, we will destroy it together, please release me..."

It was rare for Kyuubi to leave Mito's body, and said to Kushina with a seductive expression.


At this moment, Jiu Xinnai was full of fear and regret, and really wanted this monster to leave his body as soon as possible.

At the same time, there has long been a resentment against Konoha's actions in his heart. After hearing the temptation of Kyuubi, he slowly began to approach Kyuubi's cage.

Leng Tian immediately discovered that something was wrong with Kushina.

Not only did Kushina's eyes begin to lose consciousness, but even the Chakra on his body began to change.

A bewitching red chakra slowly appeared and erupted from Kushina's body.

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