But White Fang was poisoned in this battle.

I don't know if I am alive or dead in Konoha's residence, so everyone in Konoha is extremely vigilant.

Fortunately, this news was blocked by Konoha immediately, and at the same time, because of the sacrifice of the commander, Sand Ninja immediately reported it to the higher-ups.

So when the cold weather came, it was rare for both sides to keep quiet.

But this is just the calm before the storm...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As soon as Leng Tian entered the camp, he was searched back and forth by Konoha's Anbe, and he was not allowed to approach Bai Fang's camp.

"Right now, Lord Guardian is doing his best to treat him. Unauthorized activities are not allowed in the camp. Otherwise, he will be dealt with as a traitor!"

"I want to meet Lord Bai Fang. I know a little about persecution, maybe I can be of some help..."

Leng Tian said anxiously.

The Konoha ninja glanced at Leng Tian with suspicion.

"You? Let's forget it. There are guards inside, so you should stay in the camp obediently..."

The Konoha ninja didn't believe that the little guy in front of him could heal Bai Fang.

At the same time, his body distanced himself from Leng Tian, ​​and he even wondered if Leng Tian was Sand Ninja's mole, specially sent to inquire about Bai Fang's injury.

Seeing the movements of the ninja in front of him, Leng Tian smiled.

Although Leng Tian didn't want to cause trouble, he was really worried about Bai Fang's poisoning, and no matter what, he had to check it himself before he could rest assured.

"Sorry, you'd better sleep for a while..."

As soon as Leng Tian finished speaking, a Wujieyin instant body technique came behind the ninja in front of him, and pointed his fingers on the opponent's sleeping acupuncture points.

This is also a new discovery made by Leng Tian during his hospitalization. In fact, Leng Tian has always wanted to test whether he can do acupuncture points like a martial artist under his eyes.

Tried it a few times, but to no avail.

Leng Tian thought that Chakra could not do this, but until he fought with Bai Fang and endured the mental knife, Leng Tian discovered that he had been ignoring one point, that is, the acupuncture method actually acts on the nerves.

If I want to achieve the kind of point acupuncture in martial arts, Chakra must touch the opponent's nerves.

After making this discovery, when Leng Tian taps the acupuncture points again, a stream of chakra will rush into the opponent's body and hit the opponent's nerves.

Sure enough, this time directly caused the Konoha ninja to pass out before reacting.

Cold weather went straight to White Fang's tent.

At this moment, Bai Fang was lying quietly on the bed, and the Konoha ninjas around him were helpless.

At this time, Tsunade was still in the Land of Rain, and Konoha's medical ninjas did not rush over. There was only one medical practitioner, but he was not a medical ninja, but a pure doctor.

Regarding medical ninjas, in this time and space, neither Duan nor Nawaki had any accidents. Although Leng Tian had already talked with Tsunade about the medical field, it just seems that the upper management has not paid attention to this matter until now. .

"What's going on? Why is Senior White Fang so serious?"

Leng Tian asked anxiously.

Leng Tian's words shocked everyone present, they were all concerned about Bai Fang's injury and did not expect that there were outsiders here.

On the spot, one person pointed at Leng Tian and shouted: "Who are you, why did you appear here, get out of here, and don't delay Lord Bai Ya's treatment."

He saw Bai Fang who had been deeply poisoned, and a doctor next to him was using bloodletting to prevent the poison from spreading.

Leng Tian knew that going on like this was not an option. Although Bai Fang was finally saved in the original book, he never appeared again in the latter part of the Second Ninja War.

Maybe it's because of poisoning.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian didn't talk nonsense to these people in front of him, and performed both the multiple shadow clone technique and the instant body technique, and appeared directly behind the ninjas present.


Everyone felt a numbness in their waist, and then they couldn't move.

These ninjas are all ninjas who know some ninjutsu, but their strength is not very high, and at the same time, they did not expect Leng Tian to have such super strength.

"Could it be that the other party is really Sand Ninja's spy? It's over, Master Bai Fang's life is dying!"

Just when these people were secretly annoyed, Leng Tian had already ordered several acupuncture points on Bai Fang's body.

Others were still in shock and anger, only the doctor who had been treating Bai Fang was surprised to find that Bai Fang's blood had been stopped unknowingly, and the toxin was also surrounded in a certain range.

"This, what a magical method..."

At the same time, he looked at the young man in front of him in shock. Others didn't know, but he knew in his heart that this man was here to save Bai Fang, and his methods were far superior to his own...

Chapter 21 The Attitude of the Country of Sand

"How did Master Bai Fang get poisoned, and how did it develop so quickly?"

asked after the cold weather inspection.

Seeing that Leng Tian quickly hit the acupuncture points on Bai Fang's body, the Konoha ninjas around who were hit by Leng Tian's acupuncture points knew that Leng Tian also wanted to treat Bai Fang.

And Leng Tian's medical skills seemed to be superior to all of them.

"I only know that Master Bai Fang was poisoned when he attacked the sand ninjas and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill them. I have been working hard to detoxify Master Bai Fang, but the ingredients of this poison are too complicated..."

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