The doctor said with a serious face.

In his opinion, it was too complicated and difficult to get in contact with the poison on Bai Fang's body, and it would take a lot of time. If Bai Fang hadn't been fighting against the poison in his body with his great strength, an ordinary person would have died long ago.

At this time, a ninja next to him said with difficulty: "Actually, Master Bai Fang still found the commander of the opponent, but we exposed it. Master Bai Fang told us to retreat and he went alone..."

Hearing this person's words, Leng Tian was slightly startled, as if he had guessed something.

Sure enough, the ninja continued: "This time the frontline commander of the country of sand is Chisha, Lord Bai Fang found us and passed out after killing him, if the ninjas of the country of sand know that our commander is also unconscious I will miss this good opportunity..."


Leng Tian murmured, that is a very powerful ninja, and the most important thing is that he is extremely cunning, no one knows which puppet his real body is hidden in.

But Leng Tian then wondered if Bai Fang had seen another legendary figure...


"Don't make a sound, I'm going to force Mr. Bai Fang to poison..."

Although the toxins in Bai Fang's body are very violent, even mixed ingredients, many detoxification doctors have to test slowly, but Leng Tian directly used his own chakra to force the poison.

However, this is also based on the fact that he can use his white eyes to see the toxins in Bai Fang's body in cold weather, and he can control his own chakra freely.

At this moment, all the Konoha ninjas around widened their eyes, as if they couldn't believe that there were such forceful ones.

At the same time, in the country of sand.

Sandai Kazekage silently looked at the report in front of him, and fell into a rage in his heart.

"Go and invite Elder Chidai to come..."

Chiyo didn't expect that Kazekage would get the news of the loss of his son and daughter-in-law when he asked him to come.

"I want revenge!"

Chiyo immediately packed his luggage and asked his younger brother to go to the front line with him.

With the dispatch of Chiyo, it means that the country of sand is about to start a full-scale war with Konoha...

At the same time, a day had passed, and the cold weather had been pressing Bai Fang to death.

Leng Tian found that the toxin in Bai Fang's body seemed to be similar to the poison that Kushina was exposed to last time, only more frantic than last time.

No wonder not even a man as powerful as White Fang could control the poison.

For three days in a row, Leng Tian was forcing poison on Bai Fang, this process was very slow, the toxins in Bai Fang's body were not stable, Leng Tian had to ensure that every drop of these toxins was forced out of Bai Fang's body.

Others had already seen the effect, White Fang opened his eyes once during this period, and closed his eyes reassuringly when he saw that it was a cold day.

White Fang's attitude made people around him no longer bother Leng Tian.

The ninja who had been hit by Leng Tian before almost broke into it, but was kicked out by the ninja next to Bai Fang.

And warned him not to tell anyone about the cold weather.

After all, there are also spies of sand ninja hidden in Konoha, and before Lord Bai Fang wakes up, Konoha cannot be seized by sand ninja.

Konoha was shocked by the news of Bai Fang's poisoning and the attitude of the Kingdom of Sand to assemble its troops.

Konoha, who had already gained the upper hand in the Land of Rain, began to become less absolute.

"Recall Tsunade back immediately!"

Sandai in Hokage's office said with a serious face.

At the same time, on his desk is the cold-weather Chunin exam advice.

"A medical class?"

The third generation lit up a cigarette. After so many things happened, the third generation suddenly felt that the medical ninja seemed to be a good suggestion, and he needed to study it with the elders.

At the same time, the name of the reporter flashed into Sandai's mind again.

"Is it cold in the sun..."

Chapter 22 Take Over

Tsunade Xingya felt Konoha, and after discussing with the third generation overnight, he immediately led a group of medical ninjas and more Konoha's backup force to the front line of the sand country.

This time Tsunade had a smile on his face.

She didn't expect that the disciple's previous suggestion would pass through the three generations and the elders' group.

Watching a group of non-combatants step onto the battlefield, Sandai's eyes showed a hint of worry.

No one knows whether they can change the outcome of the battlefield, but it is a fact that the number of ninjas in Konoha has decreased rapidly due to the consideration of both sides of the battlefield.

"I hope this move can change the war..."

The third generation held a pipe, slowly thinking about everything in front of him.

Since Konoha was fighting on two fronts, he, Hokage, was even more unable to go to the front line.

He can only hand over the war in the Land of Rain to Shinnosuke, and the war in the Land of Sand, considering Bai Fang’s injury, he can only hand it over to Tsunade now, hoping that she can hold on. Maru Jilai also went to support.

"Damn it, why hasn't Lei Ying acted yet..."

The third generation said anxiously.

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