You must know that Tsunade's slug is not the kind of aggressive spirit beast, but it has one advantage, that is, it is resistant to fighting.

Even if it is broken up, it can be reassembled into many small slugs.

And this also made Shouhe very interested. He was bullied miserably by a certain companion, and today he finally found the feeling that he can bully others.

After Leng Tian erupted the power of the six gates, he directly and overwhelmingly surrounded Chiyo's two puppets and attacked.

Every move made Chiyo's puppet shatter.

Chiyo was very surprised, he didn't expect Leng Tian to become so violent suddenly, his two purely defensive puppets were in danger of shattering.


Chiyo immediately called back the two ten soldier guards, and wanted to use other puppets to deal with Leng Tian who opened the power of the six gates.

But White Fang would not give him the chance.

White Fang snorted, and a lightning chakra appeared on the short knife. This was the first time that White Fang started to use Chakra with attributes.

"Thundercloud Knife!"

This is a sword technique of the Hatake family, which gives people an overwhelming offensive. However, this is not a move for individual combat, but a move that uses less to fight more. In addition, Bai Fang can use the thunder attribute, which increases the Lost the power of this move.

The Chidori and Raikiri used by Kakashi in the future were all developed based on the sword skills of the Hatake family.

"not good!"

Sensing the power of Bai Fang's move, Chiyo and Ebizo could not take care of Leng Tian's side for the time being, and concentrated on dealing with Bai Fang's move.

With Bai Fang's help and Tsunade attracting Tailed Beast's attention, Leng Tian finally came to Shukaku.

"I saw you!"

Leng Tian jumped directly and attacked the human pillar, at this moment a roll of wind and sand suddenly blocked Leng Tian.

Leng Tian smashed it up with a punch.

Then there are layers of sand walls enclosing Leng Tian in the middle.

"Hey kid, don't disturb the old man's interest, or I will eat you!"

A strange voice sounded in Leng Tian's heart, and Leng Tian immediately looked up when he heard this voice.

At this time, Shuzuru's huge eyes were also staring at Leng Tian.

Obviously it was the sound it made against the cold weather just now.

Under those huge eyes, if it was a slightly timid ninja, he would have fled away in fright.

But Leng Tian was only taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the surrounding sand walls with a look of disdain.

"Can these sand wall techniques stop me? Shouhe, you look down on me too much!"

"Eight disintegration techniques and six strange powers!"

"Boom! Boom!"

With one punch and two punches, Leng Tian directly smashed the sand wall in front of him with a 64 times stronger monster force.

You must know that this is not an ordinary sand wall, but it is condensed from a large amount of sand like the body sand of Gaara in the future.

Not to mention ordinary ninjutsu, even advanced ninjutsu may not be able to shatter.

In the original book, Xiao Li's power to open the five doors is nothing more than destroying Gaara's sand armor, but it is impossible to break it.

It can be seen from this that Leng Tian's punch, which combines the eight disintegration techniques and strange power ninjutsu, is terrible.


Shouhe was startled, he didn't expect the kid in front of him to be so unexpected.

At this time, Leng Tian had already rushed towards the manpower column that was caught in the sleepy technique at a faster speed.

"Boy looking for death!"

Shouhe flicked his tail and attacked Leng Tian.

The huge tail that covered the earth swept towards Leng Tian, ​​and if it was someone else, they had to retreat and avoid it.

But Leng Tian felt a fire in his heart.

"Back to the days!"

A large-scale Huitian appeared around Leng Tian, ​​directly colliding with Shuhe's tail.


Leng Tian and Shou He's tails bumped into each other, making a shocking sound.

However, the power of the tailed beast is still greater, and finally bounced Leng Tian's Huitian away.

"Ha ha……"

The tailed beast showed arrogance.

But the next moment, Leng Tian's voice appeared next to the manpower column.

"Big idiot, where are you looking?"

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