It turned out that Leng Tian used both techniques to attack just now, and deliberately used Hui Tian as a cover, but the real goal was to run towards the human pillar.


Shouhe showed a look of panic.

Leng Tian doesn't care about these things, he just uses gossip and empty palms against the manpower column!

However, this move was stopped by a layer of sand armor before it hit the human pillar.

Seeing this, Shuzuru smiled again.

"Boy, if the Manpower Pillar is so easy to get hurt, how can I play? He is protected by my Lord Tsuru's Yarn Armor all over him, and your little ninjutsu can't wake him up at all!"

Hearing Shuhe's words, Leng Tian didn't show any disappointment, instead a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This made Shouhe startled.

The next moment, Leng Tian pressed his hands down, posing in a soft fist posture.

"Soft fist and gossip! Three hundred and sixty-one palms!"

Seeing Leng Tian's fist move, Shuhe was suddenly startled, as if recalling a long-ago memory that he didn't want to recall.

The same move, the same eyes, it was the man who used this move around him at the beginning, and then his strength began to decline, and he was weak for a while...

Thinking of this memory, Shouhe suddenly roared, pointing his whole mouth at Leng Tian: "Feng Dun! Practice empty bombs!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wind escape! Practice empty bullets!"

Seeing Shouhe protruding such a powerful move toward his body, everyone who paid attention around him was surprised.

"not good!"

Now it's not just Bai Fang and Tsunade who are worried about the cold weather, even Chiyo and Ebizo are also worried about the safety of Renzhu.

Among the Nine Tailed Beasts, Shouhe has the most incomprehensible and most manic brain. It has always been the most difficult to control and the one that other ninja villages are unwilling to hunt down.

That is to say, it was Sand Shinobi who went back to hunt because of Shukaku's attributes and his own geographical environment.

"The battle of returning to the sky and turning the stars! Turn!"

At this moment, Leng Tian waved his palms rapidly, and a huge Huitian stood in front of him.


Shouhe's empty ammunition was blocked from the outside this time, but it was not bounced away, but began to sink into it little by little.

Huitian, who was about to break through the cold sky, pressed on him.


Leng Tian felt that all the bones in his body were being squeezed.

"Dou... turn around and move around!"

The corners of Leng Tian's mouth were covered with blood, and Hui Tian in front of him suddenly began to operate, and an autobiographical force slowly began to drive the training empty bullets outside, and swiped past Leng Tian.


The empty ammunition fell to the ground and made a huge hole.


This time, not only the Tailed Beast, but also everyone else was shocked. Although some of the Tailed Beast's ninjutsu were only at the level of A-level ninjutsu, some of them could reach the power of S-level ninjutsu.

Even the s-level ninjutsu or forbidden techniques developed by many ninjas actually want to achieve the destructive power of tailed beasts.

But such a ninjutsu was abruptly transferred out by Leng Tian.

"Is this the return of the Hinata family?"

There was a gleam in White Fang's eyes.

"This kid's talent is too terrifying, he must be killed!"

Even Chiyo had a look of horror in his heart.

She has seen many geniuses, but Leng Tian's talent is not only in cultivation, but also in his comprehension and understanding of ninjutsu.

Chiyo could tell that the special Huitian should have been developed by this little guy alone, which reminded her of a person, a character who once amazed the entire ninja world.

Hyuga Tenshin!

That person's talent is a legend in the entire ninja world. Before the rise of Uchiha Madara and Senjuzhu, this person was a high wall in the ninja world.

He has the opportunity to become the second Hyuga Tennin, and he must not be given a chance to grow.

Chiyo has already made up his mind that even if this battle fails, he will kill Leng Tian first, and even put him before Bai Fang.

At this time, Leng Tian was looking at the manpower column beside him. At this moment, he had endured three hundred and sixty palms of his own, and he had awakened. Not only that, his whole body was hit by his soft fist, and he couldn't even move. The chakra in his body It is even unusable.

If it weren't for this, Shouhe would have disappeared when Lizhu woke up.

"Three hundred and sixty-one palms!"

Leng Tian tapped his last palm on the forehead of Li Lizhu.

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