Hearing Tsunade's words, Bai Fang asked worriedly: "Is the cold weather a serious problem?"

"His condition is hard to say, there seems to be a mysterious force appearing in his body, and helping him to slowly repair the hidden injuries in his body.

It’s like giving him a new life, but what exactly is this energy, I don’t have a clue where it comes from, and I don’t know if it’s good or bad for him..."

Hearing Tsunade's words, Bai Fang also showed a thoughtful expression.

Tsunade looked at Bai Fang, after all, she wanted to get Bai Fang's help when she mentioned Leng Tian's situation.

"Senior Bai Fang, I heard that your strength increased greatly overnight, which is why you got the title Konoha White Fang. I wonder if your situation was similar to Leng Tian's at that time?"

Tsunade asked softly.

White Fang's sudden increase in strength has always been a secret. No one knows what happened inside. Although many people want to know the secret of White Fang's sudden increase in strength, Bai Fang has never revealed it. Ya is even more mysterious in the village.

One of the most interesting is Orochimaru.

Originally, Tsunade thought that Bai Fang would not answer, but unexpectedly, Bai Fang smiled and said:

"Actually, the reason why I don't want to reveal this secret is because I don't want to lead young people on the wrong path!"

Hearing what Bai Fang said, Tsunade showed interest.

"It's because after comprehending the seventh sense, I opened up the life potential of my body. During that period, the speed of my cultivation can be said to be rapid, and the speed of my cultivation in one day is comparable to my speed of ten years!"

"The speed of ten years?"

Hearing Bai Fang's cultivation speed, Tsunade was taken aback, it was simply too terrifying.

It's no wonder that Bai Fang is so young, but everyone in the village has positioned him as the person who is most likely to reach the shadow-level strength in the village.

Seeing Tsunade's envious eyes, Bai Fang shook his head and continued to say to Tsunade:

"But the price is very high, which is equivalent to the price of burning life, so my hair turned gray overnight..."

Hearing this, Tsunade asked anxiously: "Senior Bai Fang, do you mean that this is also the case in cold weather?"

Bai Fang stared at Leng Tian for a while, and said in an uncertain tone: "I can't say what's going on with Leng Tian, ​​after all, we have different seventh senses, and I can't say what his situation is... ..."

"Is it?"

Tsunade showed disappointment, and at this moment someone outside reported that Orochimaru led the reinforcements.

Tsunade and Bai Fang glanced at each other, with expressions of excitement on their faces...

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Chapter 34 Handover

"Oshemaru, you're here, so the war in the Land of Rain is almost over!"

Shirato and Tsunade went out to meet Orochimaru at the same time.

Seeing Orochimaru, Tsunade first asked with a smile.

Orochimaru's eyes stayed on Tsunade for a while before he said in a low voice:

"That's right, the third generation of Raikage finally launched a surprise attack on the Land of Rocks. Now Iwanoshi is too busy to take care of himself and has no time to take care of the battlefield of the Land of Rain, so Lord Hokage ordered me to lead the elite to the Land of Sands to support you..."

"Great, we have driven the sand ninja back to the country of sand, and now we need reinforcements to give the sand ninja a heavy blow!"

Tsunade almost jumped up excitedly. As the commander of the Sand Country Front, being able to lead Konoha to win this battle can be said to be another legend in the history of Konoha.

And she is also the first female commander, which is even more significant.

But at the next moment Orochimaru said in a calm and hoarse voice: "In addition, there is another Hokage order to be handed over to Tsunade..."

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Tsunade showed a suspicious expression.

"And the Hokage Secret Order?"

Tsunade reached out to take it, and when he saw the contents of the secret order, his eyes widened immediately.

"Revoke all my duties and return to Konoha immediately!"

Tsunade read it in disbelief.

Not only Tsunade, but also Bai Fang narrowed their eyes after hearing the secret order, staring at Orochimaru coldly.

If it wasn't for his seventh sense that told him that the person standing in front of him was indeed Orochimaru, White Fang might have checked to see if Orochimaru was a counterfeit enemy personnel.

Temporary replacement of commanders before a battle is a taboo on the battlefield!

He didn't believe that Hokage didn't know this truth, so there must be something more serious than this.

For the third generation to issue this order, it must be something important happened to Konoha.

White Fang could think of it, so Tsunade could think of it too.

"Oshemaru, can you tell me honestly what happened to Konoha?"

Tsunade asked with a frosty face.

Orochimaru shook his head and said apologetically:

"Tsunade, I can't say, but you will know when you go back to Konoha, and I also suggest that you leave now, immediately, immediately...I guarantee that you will never regret this decision!"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Tsunade was taken aback.

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