Orochimaru has never said so many words before. For this teammate, Tsunade naturally understands that although they bicker with each other, they are all people who can leave behind each other in battle.

Orochimaru said that something really happened to Konoha, and it was not only related to himself, but also very important.

"Is it broken?"

Thinking of his boyfriend, but Tsunade shook his head again, it was impossible for the teacher to issue such a secret order with just one decision.

Tsunade had no doubts at all that it was his younger brother Nawaki Senju.

"Okay, I believe you, I'm going now..."

After calming down, Tsunade immediately handed over all command rights.

When Tsunade and Orochimaru staggered, Orochimaru suddenly said softly: "Be careful Danzo, if you can't do it, leave Konoha..."

Orochimaru's last words shocked Tsunade's heart.

She could hear that Orochimaru was not optimistic about her trip, and even reminded her that it was dangerous to return to Konoha.

It's just that when Tsunade was looking at Orochimaru, hoping that Orochimaru would say something, Orochimaru turned his head, as if he didn't say anything, but quietly made a gesture that all three of them could understand.

Seeing this gesture, Tsunade immediately noticed that the four attendants beside Orochimaru had already stared at him.

He immediately understood in his heart that these four people were not under Dashewan at all, but were used to monitor him.

"I need to check the cold weather before going..."

Tsunade begged White Fang.

"No, the Naruto secret order requires Princess Tsunade to return to Konoha immediately!"

At this time, the four subordinates around Orochimaru suddenly surrounded Tsunade without the order of Orochimaru.

"We belong to Danzo-sama's root team, this time we were ordered to accompany Tsunade back to the village..."

The captain of the root team finally revealed the purpose of this trip, and also revealed their true identities, members of root.

Chapter 35 Kazekage

"Presumptuous, this is the front line, and now I, as the new commander, allow Tsunade's request!"

Bai Fang exuded an astonishing murderous aura all over his body, and locked on these four people firmly.

Sensing Bai Fang's murderous aura, the four of them didn't dare to move for a while.

Tsunade showed gratitude to Shirato, and walked towards Leng Tian's residence.

And these four root members were stared at by Bai Fang but did not dare to follow.

As for Orochimaru's face, there was a hint of joy, but there was a deep curiosity behind the joy.

"I don't know how Tsunade will make a decision after learning that his younger brother has become a traitor, and what Danzo is researching can make people so powerful in a short period of time..."

When Tsunade came to Lengtian's residence.

Leng Tian was still in a deep sleep, that's how Tsunade felt helpless, Leng Tian didn't show any signs of injury at all.

Before Tsunade suspected that Leng Tian was injured due to the forcible use of eight disintegration techniques, but after the inspection, there was no serious problem, or the injury caused was surrounded by a mysterious chakra in Leng Tian's body and was recovering...

In the end, he could only believe what Senior Bai Fang said, perhaps because he fell into a deep sleep due to excessive use of the seventh sense in the cold weather.

"Boy, the teacher is going back to Konoha. I really wish I didn't command this last battle. If you wake up, you must fight for the teacher, and..."

Looking at Leng Tian who fell into a deep sleep, Tsunade didn't say any more, and suddenly took off the necklace around his neck and put it beside Leng Tian.

This was originally what she was going to give to Shengshu, but she never had time to give it to Shengshu.

Now Tsunade is handed over to Leng Tian.

"If you can still see me when you return to Konoha, please return this necklace to me..."

Even Tsunade has already heard the meaning of danger and warning from the message Orochimaru gave him.

Even Tsunade saw a deeper meaning from the gesture that Orochimaru gave himself before leaving.

"Don't go back to Konoha, just run away!"

In the 35th year of Konoha, Tsunade was forced to hand over the front-line command and returned to Konoha with the four root members sent by Konoha.

No one knows what awaits her.

At the moment when the reinforcements arrived, Bai Fang had already decided to launch a general attack on the Sand Ninja, this time it was bound to attack the Sand Ninja's abdomen and end the battle completely.

While Bai Fang and Orochimaru were discussing the strategy for the decisive battle, on Sand Shinobi's side, Ebizo and Chiyo were also waiting for Kazekage's order.

"Sister, I just heard the news released by the traitor. Konoha temporarily replaced the commander, but the reinforcements have already arrived. Iwa Shinobi explained to us. We have already done it. They can't all retreat by themselves. Do you want to accompany Iwanin to fight this inexplicable battle?"

Hearing what his younger brother said, Chiyo hesitated too.

Right now, Lizhu didn't intend to wake up, and even Shouhe didn't know what to do. It was all because of such an inexplicable white-eyed boy.

As the commander of the front line, she is under a lot of pressure now. Sand ninja has a small force. Once she is besieged and wiped out by Konoha, then sand ninja may no longer have the strength to challenge Konoha.

Just when Chiyo was doubtful, the ninja who went to Sand Hidden Village finally came back.

"How? How did Kazekage-sama decide?"

Chiyo asked urgently.

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