Some Konoha ninjas didn't even think about these hidden weapons flying behind them, and they were in a hurry, which also made the sand ninja on the opposite side seize the opportunity.

"It rains when iron sand!"

Kazekage's attacks continued, and a new round of ninjutsu was launched again. This kind of sand iron needle shape that uses magnetism to increase lethality and speed made Bai Fang and Orochimaru even have to hide for a while.

In the environment of the country of sand, Sandai Kazekage has countless sand as his weapon, and here each of his ninjutsu can exert the strongest power.

For a while, Shiratoo Orochimaru and the two were unable to do anything to Kazekage, and while Kazekage dealt with them, he also released ninjutsu on the battlefield.

For a while, Konoha suffered even more damage.

"If you don't have any other tricks, then our sand ninja won this battle, let's take it! Magnetic escape! Sand and iron scatter!"

Kazekage controls the wind and sand in the country of sand without any change, and hits the enemy like fog. This ninjutsu of Kazekage is the same as Hanzo of the country of rain. It is poisonous. Once contaminated, it becomes paralyzed and loses combat effectiveness.

For a while, all the ninjas in Konoha complained.

Orochimaru even thought of Hanzo when he saw this move.

This person in front of him is as powerful an opponent as Hanzo. At first, Hanzo stopped because of an agreement with Danzo.

And the Fengying they are facing now is full of killing intent.

Seeing that Konoha was at a disadvantage, and even this ambush was likely to end in failure, Bai Fang finally made up his mind to use the strongest blow.

Just when Bai Fang was about to make the strongest blow, Feng Ying suddenly stopped, and looked up to the sky with a solemn expression...

Soon Bai Fang and Orochimaru also felt a huge pressure, a pressure from the soul, and raised their heads at the same time.

In the sky stood a man with blue-green light all over his body.

This man's aura was so powerful that it scared all the ninjas on the battlefield.

Even though that person was standing in the air, they had never seen that powerful chakra from any strong person.

Just standing there created a crushing pressure and made everyone feel panic.

"Who is this man?"

"Is he a man, or a monster?"

"Could it be God?"

"How can someone in the world have such a great momentum?"

They can't see Leng Tian's appearance, because at this moment Leng Tian is completely in demon mode, just like the chakra sage mode of Six Realms of Samsara, Leng Tian is also in Tenseigan's demon mode at this moment.

Three generations of Kazekage suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Although he didn't know whether the person who came was an enemy or a friend, he felt that this person's target was him.

In the next moment, Kazekage immediately used all the chakras in his body, and gathered all the iron tools on the battlefield to form a siege.

In a cold weather of [-] degrees, all surrounded by ninjas...

Then Fengying yelled: "I don't care if you are a human or a ghost, show me your original form under this move!"

Seeing Fengying make such a move, there is only one thought in all Zealots' minds, that is to escape under this move.

At this moment, the green glow on Leng Tian's body became even worse, a circle of light appeared, and it seemed that this green glow was about to envelop Leng Tian.

At this time, all the ninja tools were blocked from the green light, and then I saw Leng Tian open a hand, and all the ninja tools were bounced back.


How could the opponent not be surprised by how easily the other party dispelled his powerful ninjutsu? Not only Kazekage, but also Chiyo and Ebizo rushed over.

They were also worried that Fengying alone would not be able to deal with the man in the sky.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Kazekage finally showed a look of panic.

The hand that Leng Tian showed just now not only hit Kazekage's confidence, but also the powerful chakra on Leng Tian's body, which Kazekage could not achieve.

It's almost like a god.

Leng Tian's strength was beyond his imagination, and more importantly, he never knew who else in Konoha had such a powerful ability.

In fact, not only Kazekage, but also Konoha Shirato and Orochimaru looked at each other face to face.

"Who is this person? Do they know each other?"

The mysterious reinforcements that suddenly appeared in front of them were unknown to them.

Besides, with Leng Tian's current appearance, they couldn't see Leng Tian's true face.

"Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost, I don't believe that you are really like a god, accept my trick!"

"Magnetic escape! Gold dust!"

A wave of golden sand that had never been seen before appeared beside Kazekage. This is because Kazekage used magnetic escape to control the denser gold placer, which increased the power of sand ninjutsu by several levels.

Later, the fourth generation of Kazekage used this trick to suppress the runaway Ichio Shukaku.

"Lord Fengying?"

Both Chiyo and Ebino were taken aback, they didn't expect Kazekage to use this trick.

Seeing the golden sand appearing beside him, Kazekage seemed to be a little more confident, and then made a seal with both hands, using the golden sand to release ninjutsu, and no matter what kind of ninjutsu it was, its power was ten times that of before.

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