"Magnetic escape! The waves of the sands!"

The golden sand around Fengying seemed to be continuously rolling towards the cold sky like ocean waves.

Not only that, as long as you are trapped by this ninjutsu, Kazekage can use the next ninjutsu magnetic escape!Broken glass!

Similar to a sandstorm burial, but denser and heavier than a sandstorm burial, a large amount of gold sand is used to wrap the enemy, and then pushed out by the pressure of the magnetic escape, the power is twenty times that of a sandstorm burial.

If it is said that the sandstorm burial used by Gaara was once blocked by Junma Lu's use of Xuejijian, but under this move, no matter how strong Junmalu's Xuejijian is, it will be squeezed into minced meat.

So after seeing Leng Tian being surrounded, Feng Ying showed a proud smile: "Hahahaha, let me see what you can do this time!"

Under this move, not to mention ninjas, even Shukaku will surrender obediently. Even if the third Kazekage suddenly disappears in the future, the fourth generation can use the only remaining gold sand of the third Kazekage to suppress Shukaku who was mad at that time.

Therefore, Fengkage has absolute confidence in this move, and even several other kage-level powerhouses dare not fall into it.

Facing this move, Leng Tian, ​​who was surrounded by it, couldn't see any change in his expression at all, but a green energy ball suddenly appeared in front of him...

This green ball of light is like a seeking jade, it can draw chakra from other people's body, there is no distance limit, it can be drawn remotely, or make it weak, or it can directly devour the enemy's ninjutsu and fight back at the enemy.

When Fengying's golden sand technique touched this green ball, it was absorbed directly like a tiger touching a cat, and then Leng Tian waved his hand lightly.

All the golden sands rushed towards the sand ninjas on the battlefield, and then there was a scream.

Feng Ying was stunned by this fright, this mysterious Konoha Qiangyu was simply terrifyingly strong...

Chapter 39 Konoha 36 Years

Konoha 36 years.

The battle between sand ninja and Konoha has undergone a major turning point.

The Konoha elite troops surrounded the sand ninja troops. If Kazekage hadn't appeared in time, the sand ninja would have completely lost their ability to protect themselves in this battle.

But just when Kazekage of the sand ninja led the sand ninja to regain the upper hand, a mysterious Konoha reinforcement appeared on the battlefield.

No one knows who he is, nor can he figure out his identity and intentions, but the strength he demonstrated, easily defeating Kazekage, caused a shock in the entire ninja world.

Before, everyone thought that the shadow-level powerhouse was already at the pinnacle, and there was no possibility of moving forward, but the appearance of this mysterious figure told them that the shadow-level powerhouse was not the ultimate goal.

There is also a terrifying existence above the shadow level.

Especially when thinking that this powerful figure is still Konoha's reinforcements, the other four major countries are very afraid of Konoha for a while.

With such a powerful expert, I am afraid that Konoha's strength has long surpassed that of other countries.

In fact, even Konoha Sandai Hokage also attached great importance to this matter, and made a detailed investigation on this strong man, but still looked puzzled.

Because there were no clues at all, although the third generation asked Bai Fang and Dashewan carefully, they still couldn't find any clues, and they couldn't find any clues.

This strong man is like a dragon that suddenly appeared without seeing its tail, and then disappeared suddenly...

On the contrary, in the place where Uchiha lived, the current patriarch of the Uchiha family had a slight fluctuation.

It seemed to be suspicious, but it quickly fell silent.

With the help of this mysterious strongman, Konoha finally defeated Sand Ninja, but with the cover of Kazekage, Sand Ninja still retained a lot of strength.

This also prevented Konoha from going further, and could only take the initiative at the negotiating table.

And there is another important thing happening on Konoha's side.

That is Tsunade took the newly recovered Duan and his niece Shizune, and the three left Konoha...

The reason is that Tsunade does not believe that his brother will rebel.

After getting into a stalemate with Danzo, Tsunade chose to leave the village and embark on the road to find the rope tree.

She wants to bring Shengshu back, tell everyone what happened, and find out the truth.

Originally, Danzo wanted to stop him, and wanted to use Tsunade as a bait to force Nasuki to come out, but he was stopped by Sandai.

Danzo used the Senju clan as an experiment, which is already too much. If Tsunade is sacrificed again, the three generations will not be able to do it, so the last three generations let their students leave the village, and they have no choice but to protect Tsunade.

This incident also completely broke the tacit understanding between Sandai and Danzo, and it was even close to freezing point.

And the battle on Konoha's side has not yet subsided. On another battlefield, the three generations of Raikage successively conquered the key points of Iwanin Village.

However, when he was about to reach the hinterland of Yan Ninja, he found that his side was surrounded by encirclement.

Tsuchikage was not injured at all, and was even stronger than before.

When Onogi showed a confident smile on his face and said to the third generation of Raikage: "I can finally draw you out..."

Hearing Sandai Tsuchikage's words, Sandai Raikage was startled and understood completely.

Especially the third generation of Raikage looked at the encirclement of thousands of Iwanin around him, and finally realized that he had been fooled by Onogi from the moment he participated in this fierce battle.

At this moment Onogi finally showed his fangs...

Before Iwanin kept swallowing his anger, he allowed Yunin to attack and shrink his troops, which caused Yuno and Raikage to be injured in Onogi in the Land of Rain. The illusion of losing both sides is finally unnecessary.

On the contrary, Yunin began to become agitated. They did not expect that all the false news and illusions of Iwanin were just to lure them into this canyon, and here they became catching turtles...

At this moment, Ohnoki is like Goujian, the king of Yue, bearing humiliation and bearing a heavy burden, and finally proud of himself in front of his opponent...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ohnoki has been throwing bait since the very beginning of his involvement in the war in the Land of Rain. He doesn't care about the war in the Land of Rain at all, let alone worry about Konoha getting involved.

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