After all, there is not only a country of rain between Konoha and the country of rocks, but also the country of rocks is surrounded by mountains, no matter how powerful Konoha is, he cannot attack the country of rocks.

But the Kingdom of Thunder is different.

Especially since the second generation of Raikage was killed by Jinjiao and Yinkaku in the Kingdom of Thunder, the third generation of Raikage has embarked on the path of militarization.

Under his leadership, the ninjas in Yunin Village grew like mushrooms after a spring rain, and their national strength also continued to grow.

The most important thing is that the country of rock and the country of thunder are adjacent to each other, and the country of thunder already has the intention of taking the country of rock.

This can be seen in the constant competition between the two sides for tasks.

Moreover, Iwanin Village has always been at a disadvantage. This entrustment to the teacher during his lifetime made Onogi's oath to lead Iwanin to fight for hegemony even more hopeless.

So when Ohnoki saw the civil war broke out between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Sichuan, his eyes lit up, and a shocking bait plan appeared in his heart.

He knew that Lei Ying was extremely cautious, but also extremely adventurous.

If he starts a war against Iwanin without authorization, he is not sure. Raikage prefers to constantly use his own strength to crush Iwanin.

To put it bluntly, Iwanin's supplies are not as good as Raikage's. If this goes on, Iwanin will be swallowed up by Yunin sooner or later.

So Tsuchikage Onoki used Iwanin's defeat in the Land of Rain as a bait, giving Raikage a chance to take advantage of.

And Tuying went to the Land of Rain alone, just to add another bargaining chip...

Originally, in Ohnoki's plan, he had to pretend that the injury was due to a fight with Hanzo, but the rise of Shirato and Shinnosuke made him change his plan again.

Sure enough, when the news of Tu Ying's injury came back to the Land of Thunder, Lei Ying couldn't hold back anymore.

But at this time, Konoha came to form an alliance again, hoping that Raikage would attack Iwanin Village.

At this time, the only thing Raikage was worried about was Konoha.

Once the country of thunder and the country of rocks go to war, will Konoha, who has already been sorted out in the country of rain, take the opportunity to attack the country of thunder.

Or will Yan Shinobi start negotiations with Konoha, in exchange for a truce agreement with a lot of compensation.

Even if this is not the case, will Konoha's strength become the last profitable party after the Thunder Country and the Rock Country fight?

These are all in Raikage's consideration. Because of this, when Uchiha mirror continued to urge Raikage to attack the country of rocks, Raikage never agreed.

But at this time, the Kingdom of Sand didn't know what kind of madness it was, and it actually had sex with Konoha, and Konoha suffered from the two fronts.

This allowed Raikage to finally see an opportunity, so he didn't have to worry about Konoha taking advantage of it later.

In fact, Sand Ninja's attack was also the result of Onogi's promise of countless supplies in exchange.

One is to give Sand Ninja the opportunity to temporarily get rid of the Konoha economy, and Sand Ninja will of course agree.

Another Ohnoki is also worried that Konoha will become bigger after this battle, or that Konoha will join forces with Yuno Ninja to attack Iwakuni without being involved in the Battle of the Land of Rain, so this bait plan will fail too much.

But in the end, Sand Ninja held Konoha back, so that Konoha could only stay out of the war between the country of rock and the country of thunder.

In this way, the second ninja war set up around Raikage was finally completed.

Each ninja village has its own characteristics, just like the sand in the country of sand, Kazekage can exert the most powerful power in such a place, and the same is true for Tukage, in order to allow Raikage to go deep into the country of rocks, Dokage sacrificed a large number of rock ninja, and all of this is for today.

From the moment Onogi appeared, Sandai Raikage's heart sank continuously. He never thought that Onoki would have such courage.

In this battle, the ninjas of Yunin Village began to retreat, and Raikage saw that there were fewer and fewer Yunin elites around him, and the self-blame and regret in his heart had reached the extreme.

"You retreat, I will end alone!"

Finally, Raikage looked at the thousands of Iwanin army in the distance with pride and said.

Several Raikage's guards firmly disagreed, but Raikage forced him to die.

"You are all the backing of Yunin Village. I, Yunin, need seeds. You should teach my son well. When he grows up, you must avenge me and let the name of Yunin stand on the pinnacle of the ninja world again!"

Having said this, Lei Ying rushed up alone.

Chapter 41 The end of World War II

This battle lasted for three days and three nights. Facing thousands of Iwanin, Raikage fought hard and died in the end.

And this incident also made the Kingdom of Thunder, whose military power was slowly rising among the five major countries, never recover...

Even the position of Raikage has been hanging, discussed by several elders and leaders in the village.

Raikage, who threatened the border of Iwakuni, died in battle, and the incident was finally resolved. At this moment, Konoha realized that the entire World War II was planned by Ohnoki.

Including Sand Ninja's raid plan on Konoha, the purpose is to hold Konoha, so that Konoha has no time to take care of himself. After defeating Iwa Ninja in the Land of Rain, he cannot participate in the decisive battle between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Rocks.


After Hokage received the news of Raikage's death in battle, he remained silent for a long time, not even Danzo next to him, and finally said convincingly: "Onoki really deserves to be an old fox in the ninja world!"

Hokage put down the report in his hand, his eyes showed worry. He was not worried because Raikage died in battle and Iwanin became the biggest winner of this battle.

In fact, Iwanin's victory in this battle has little impact on Konoha, on the contrary it is more beneficial to Konoha.

After all, the national power of Thunder Country and the strength of Yunnin Village have already threatened Konoha.

Without Iwa Shinobi's participation, Konoha might have a war with the Kingdom of Clouds in the future.

This can be seen from the fact that Yunin Village sent Jinkaku and Yinkaku to try to capture Kyuubi during the First World War, and from the Chunin exam just now, it can be seen that Yunin sent someone to hold Kushina hostage, and Yunin's hostility towards Konoha .

But before that, the first thing Raikage has to deal with is Iwanin, who is comparable in strength in neighboring countries.

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