If the Kingdom of Thunder and the Nation of Fire go to war, there is no guarantee that the Country of Rocks will not join hands with Konoha, so even if the country of Thunder has the most powerful military division, it will not be able to match the combination of the two great powers.

But he never expected Raikage's intentions to be understood by Onoki long ago, and he used the Battle of the Land of Rain to defeat Raikage's Tyranny and let him die in the Land of Rocks.

The one who is worried about Hokage is the elder Uchiha mirror who was sent to the country of thunder before.

Because of Raikage's death in battle, Raikage suspected that it was the double reeds sung by Iwanin and Konoha that killed Raikage.

At this moment, Yunin has turned against Konoha, and has even begun to retaliate.

And the head in front of him said it all.

"Elder Uchiha Mirror..."

Danzo asked in a deep voice.

Yun Ninja now has a posture of seeing whoever bites whomever. This head is one of the Konoha ninjas who followed Elder Uchiha Kagami to the Land of Thunder.

"We can only give up on him..."

Finally Hokage said with difficulty.

When Hiruzaru Sarutobi said this, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, which he could see, because of his decision, the Uchiha clan in the village might be even more dissatisfied with Konoha's senior management.

In the 36th year of Konoha, Konoha's war finally began to stabilize. On the eastern front, the sand ninjas were no longer able to fight Konoha, so they could only stick to it.

On the other side of the Land of Rain, there are only a few rock ninjas left to join the army, and they can't make any big waves.

It's just that Konoha also suffered huge losses because of this battle, and could no longer open up a new front to retaliate against the Kingdom of Sand.

But because of Sand Country's intervention, Konoha suffered such a big loss, and even lost an elder, Hokage was full of anger.

"Sooner or later, I will make Sand Ninja pay the price!"

Although it is impossible to retaliate against Sand Ninja militarily, Konoha also took advantage of the clarity of the current situation to ask Sand Country to make compensation at the negotiating table.

Facing Konoha who no longer has any worries, Sand Shinobu did not dare to push too much, especially considering Konoha still has that mysterious strong support.

Although Konoha does not know the identity of this strong man, it does not prevent Konoha from using this strong man to make a big fuss when negotiating with Sand Ninja.

In the end, Sand Shinobu was forced to double the compensation, and got several financial controls.

World War II has finally begun to end, and many rookies have emerged in this war.

In the early stage of the war, there was the cloud ninja sannin group, Konoha's second-generation twin stars, and of course the most dazzling one was Konoha sannin, and the sannin teamed up could be comparable to Hanzo.

But other than that, Bai Fang and Shinnosuke were praised by Tsuchikage, Hinata Lengtian was ordered to kill by two Kage-level powerhouses, these are all ninja legends.

In the late period of World War II, there was only one rookie that attracted the attention of the ninja world the most, and that was Senju Nawaki, who was listed as an S-rank rebellious ninja by Konoha.

In addition, there is Konoha's mysterious reinforcements in the battle in the country of sand, which made the entire ninja world speculate.

Who is that mysterious figure who easily defeated Kazekage with a single move, and what a powerful existence he is, and he is the object of investigation by all the major forces in the ninja world...

In addition, when everyone talks about Onoki, there is only one word in their minds, and that is the old fox.

Everyone is wary of Iwa Shinobi for fear of being shot by Ohnoki, even Hanzo of the Land of Rain hastily formed an alliance with Konoha...

Chapter 42 On Merit Rewards

Konoha 37 years.

The Konoha army in the Land of Rain began to withdraw, and the great battle finally came to an end.

Those who returned received a warm welcome.

As the commander of this battle, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's reputation has also improved, and he even faintly has the posture of becoming the fourth generation of Hokage.

This makes the Uchiha clan even more uncomfortable...

Especially the sacrifice of Elder Uchiha Kagami, their only high-level senior in Konoha, which made them even wonder if the death of Elder Uchiha Kagami was a deal between Konoha and Yun Shinobi.

Although Uchiha Mirror has some differences with the patriarch of the Uchiha clan on some issues.

But this incident still became a spark for the Uchiha clan chief to transfer his hatred to the upper layer of Konoha, and in the near future the third war finally became a raging fire...

The third generation first ordered all the ninjas to start resting, and rewards for meritorious deeds will be carried out later.

As for Leng Tian, ​​he is also one of the people who attracted the most attention, but he has been lying in Konoha Hospital because of his injuries.

In fact, Leng Tian's injuries have already healed, but after using Tenseigan's chakra demon mode, his body has entered a weak state, and he looks even weaker than before.

Through internal inspection, Leng Tian was surprised to find that there was an unknown object in his body, which seemed to be growing in his body.

Leng Tian didn't understand that until one day, when Namikaze Minato and Kushina came to see Leng Tian, ​​Leng Tian talked to Kyuubi again.

"You actually have a demon core in your body? Are you going to turn into a tailed beast alone?"

Ever since Leng Tian took care of him last time, Nine-Tails has been very afraid of Leng Tian, ​​and it has a deep impression of Leng Tian's original eyes vaguely in its mind.

"Demon core? You say this unknown thing in my body is a demon core?"

asked Leng Tian suddenly.

This made Jian Kushina and Minato very puzzled. They didn't understand what Leng Tian was talking about. Leng Tian smiled awkwardly. He said it to Kyuubi in Kushina's body.

But when Jiuxinna saw that Leng Tian was always staring at her body, she felt angry.

"You dead pervert, when did you become the same as the third generation!"

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