"If there is anyone in Konoha who is most unwilling to lose the position of Hokage again, it is probably that family. Hehe, you can make good use of it..."

Speaking of this, Danzo has a confident look on his face.

When Leng Tian returned to the village, he found rumors everywhere.

They were all saying that White Fang was seeking personal gain, and that he gave up his mission to save his companion, and this companion happened to be the son of the third generation.

Is it possible to give up the mission just because of Hokage's son?

If the sand ninja's manpower pillar had been hijacked back then, Konoha would have won the war with the sand ninja without any effort, and forced the sand ninja to submit at the least cost.

But now none of this is possible.

Just because of Bai Fang's selfish decision, what qualifications does such a person have to stay in Anbu and become the captain of Anbu.

"not good!"

This was Leng Tian's reaction when he heard the message, because after reading the original book, he could easily connect this incident with Bai Fang's suicide in the future.

In these few days of cold weather, he noticed that Bai Fang's complexion was becoming more and more ugly.

This made Leng Tian's heart sink continuously. Could it be that in the original book, Bai Fang was called a coward and committed suicide because of this incident?

Is this the time?

Thinking about the third war that will break out soon, Leng Tian thinks that all this is possible.

In fact, Leng Tian already understood after thinking about it. In the anime, many people said that this was a conspiracy to make Bai Fang commit suicide. How much pressure would Bai Fang have to bear?

What kind of mission is it that can force Bai Fang to commit suicide? Naruto also gave up missions to save his companions before, even Shi Sannin and him Leng Tian had to face such things several times.

If it was just an ordinary task and gave up, Leng Tian believed that it would be absolutely impossible for Bai Fang to go online like this.

Only when there is a turning point in such a major war related to the two countries, can White Fang be highlighted and not be forgiven by the whole village.

After all, in World War II, although Konoha won the war, too many ninjas died. If there is a way to avoid the war and win the war now, why give up.

It was a pity that this opportunity was passed up in White Fang's hands.

In fact, as long as a discerning person can see this matter, there must be someone behind to fuel the flames.

Otherwise, Bai Fang's affairs would never have developed so quickly.

You must know that this mission is carried out in secret, and Bai Fang, as the captain of Anbu, will not announce his mission to other people in the village, so that the whole village will know.

Someone must be looking down on Shinnosuke and Senior Bai Fang.

Leng Tian soon knew that besides Danzo and Ah's subordinates, the people who initiated these rumors were actually members of the Uchiha clan.

Since the sacrifice of Uchiha mirror, the people of the Uchiha clan have extremely distrusted the high-level Konoha.

In particular, they originally thought that their own family was the most powerful contender for the position of the Fourth Hokage.

But the achievements of Shinnosuke and Bai Fang are too scary.

However, after Uchiha became hostile to Konoha's high-level officials, he was shelved by three generations. This made the Uchiha family feel that Konoha feared them and did not want them to threaten Shinnosuke's succession to Hokage.

Thinking that Hokage's position will fall into the new assistant after three generations, these Uchiha people are not reconciled.

So when Danzo found the Uchiha clan and used this incident to unite and kick these two people out of the high-level, the Uchiha clan was very willing.

But at this moment, as Shinnosuke's father, Sandai Hokage couldn't say much anyway.

He even had to give an explanation to the group of elders and the daimyo of the country of fire.

There was no other way, Sandai temporarily dismissed Bai Fang as the commander of the dark army.

As for his son Shinnosuke, although he was rescued by Bai Fang this time, he suffered a huge blow both mentally and physically, and he couldn't recover for a while.

Especially thinking of his good friend White Fang, because he is still under such great pressure.

Leng Tian was called to the office again by the third generation. He wanted to know what happened that day, why Sand Ninja's human pillar was sealed by Kazekage in a child.

"Cold weather, what happened that day?"

Now, except for Bai Fang and Shinnosuke, who really understand what happened that day, maybe it's cold.

Leng Tian did not hide anything, and directly told the truth to the third generation.

Hearing that Roki's strength was comparable to Kage-level strength, the third Hokage was taken aback.

For the first time, I began to pay attention to this Xiao organization.

"You mean to say that in the Akatsuki organization, there are still people as strong as Naoshu? Have you met them?"

"Besides Shengshu, there is also a red sand scorpion and a member of the pommel horse tribe, but the strength of these two people has not yet reached the shadow level, but the one who appeared last, I can be sure that he definitely has the strength of the shadow level , I even think he is Mizukage..."

"Mizukage himself, are you sure?"

The third generation is even more incredible, why did Mizukage go there?This matter did him no good at all.

Regarding the doubts of the third generation, Leng Tian also doesn't understand, but there is one thing, he knows that Mizukage has been controlled by Madara in the future or this is not Mizukage's meaning.

The Third Hokage attached great importance to Leng Tian's intelligence, but they couldn't find any reasonable results.

"Maybe I can go to the country of water..."

Leng Tian said.

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