Hearing Leng Tian's words, the third generation was silent for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

The reason why Leng Tian went to the Land of Water was to find information about Akatsuki. Another point was that Zhishu once gave Leng Tian a token to allow him time to go to the Land of Water.

The Land of Water is an island country with a unique culture floating in the open sea.

Although the country is surrounded by sea water on all sides, it still has a special terrain with many peaks.

In addition, the islands around the main island also have various customs and habits deeply rooted in them. Due to the distance from the mainland and the barrier of the ocean, the country of water seldom participates in ninja wars.

Moreover, the country of water is very xenophobic, just like the country of sand, it is difficult to infiltrate spies. If anyone has the ability to go in and check it out, there is only Leng Tian.

Leng Tian disguised himself as a businessman, sneaked into the country of water, and then disappeared on the boat when Wunin Village began to notice him.

After a period of investigation, Leng Tian found that the senior management of Wunin Village here also hated Akatsuki very much.

It seems that the Akatsuki organization was not established by the senior management of Wunin Village or Mizukage, which made Leng Tian doubtful.

Wu Ninja Village was also looking for the location and secrets of the Akatsuki organization, but found nothing. Just when Leng Tian also thought that the Akatsuki organization was very difficult to find, he found a familiar logo, which was the token that Naoki had left for Leng Tian. picture of.

Chapter 61 Information

Walking in the cold weather, it is easy to find what is hidden inside under the eyes of Bai Bai.

a location.

In a very dilapidated room, even in cold weather, you can feel that there is a person inside even if you don't use your eyes to observe.

The familiar breath is the rope tree.

"You are here, Teacher Leng Tian..."

Hearing a familiar voice, Leng Tian walked in.

For the current Nakoki, he is already Konoha's highest level of rebellious ninja. Even though the third Hokage did not want to issue this order, but the report and evaluation of Leng Tian's return shows that Naoki has surpassed the highest level of rebellious ninja in all previous generations, reaching the most dangerous level. level.

Even when Konoha issued this report, he issued an assessment of Anbu.

You can give up hunting when you encounter a rope tree.

From here, we can see that the third generation attaches great importance to Shengshu's current strength.

Because of this, Leng Tian wanted to ask where Shengshu got such a powerful strength.

If it was just from the tree between the pillars, Leng Tian would never believe it, and more importantly, the immortal mode of the rope tree was too strange.

"You are getting stronger and stronger..."

Leng Tian said, although the words were calm, but Leng Tian felt gratified and proud.

After all, the person in front of him is his student.

Zhishu smiled slightly. Although he hated Danzo, Konoha was the village he loved, especially his dream was to become Hokage.

It's a pity that this ideal can no longer be realized, even though he already has the power of a movie.

"Teacher, I can tell you a secret, that is, Kazekage is already a thing of the past..."

Hearing Naoki's words, Leng Tian was not surprised.

Seeing the calm expression on Leng Tian's face, Sheng Shu showed a slightly puzzled look and said, "Teacher doesn't seem surprised?"

"What's so surprising about this, Kazekage had already wasted a lot of chakra when he stopped Shukaku, and then used the Kazun Chakra mode when fighting Shinnosuke-senpai and Shirato-senpai, what you are facing is just a combo Kazekage, who can't exert [-]% of his power, if you can't even defeat Kazekage like this, I really can't imagine how weak your strength is, or how stupid your leader of Akatsuki must be..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Sheng Shu nodded, and said with admiration: "The teacher is still amazing. I remember that the first lesson the teacher gave us was to calm down, and then to analyze..."

"It seems that you still remember..."

A mouthful of turbid air protrudes in cold weather.

"That's right, it's because I remembered the teacher's teaching that I was able to avoid being absorbed by the tree of the pillars. Instead, it aroused the resonance of the tree of the pillars, and got the chakra and the power of the blood of the tree of the pillars." , helped me open the Wooden Dungeon..."

Hearing Shengshu's words, Leng Tian was slightly surprised.

Speaking of this, Naoki looked at Leng Tian and said with a smile on his face: "Even when I was being hunted down, I didn't panic, that's how I escaped... Now I finally have the power to be proud of the ninja world..."

"In this case, why didn't you go back to seek revenge on Danzang, but joined the Akatsuki organization because you were afraid?"

Said coldly.

"Absolutely not. With my current strength, I believe I can defeat Danzo, but Danzo can't get out of Ninja Village, and I can't do anything about it, so teacher, I hope I can cooperate with you..."

"Cooperate, with me?"

His face turned cold on a cold day.

"Yes, I would never believe it if it was someone else, but I still trust the teacher, just because the teacher is willing to understand the truth for me!"

"Ha ha!"

Leng Tian smiled, looked at Sheng Shu in front of him and said with a smile: "You know Sheng Shu, you are just a child pretending to grow up in my eyes, or do you think you can do everything according to your strength? To put it bluntly, I only used [-]% of my strength that day, do you really think that there are not many people in the ninja world who are stronger than you?"

Hearing that Leng Tian said that he only used [-]% of his strength that day, Sheng Shu was surprised.

"The eyes of the teacher are really special. Well, the teacher is worthy of being a teacher. Although I can't judge whether what you said is true or not, but in order to show my sincerity, I will tell you another piece of information..."

Speaking of this, Nawaki said slowly: "Although we captured Sand Ninja Kazekage, he hid the kid in the end, and we don't know where he is. I believe that if Konoha gets this information, , will definitely be very interesting..."

Hearing Naoki's words, Leng Tian really showed a surprised expression.

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