Thinking of this, Danzo's whole body showed anger.

Soon Sand Ninja and Konoha had a negotiation, this time Sand Ninja and Konoha formed an alliance.

It's just that the content of the alliance is Sand Ninja's nightmare.

In exchange for Sand Ninja's human pillars and those children, Sand Ninja paid a very high price. Almost [-]% of the purchase plan was only through Konoha and refused other channels.

And this is almost equivalent to letting Konoha control everything in the Kingdom of Wind.

Especially for those children, Konoha did not return all of them. Many children who were qualified or confirmed to be the descendants of Sand Ninja stayed in Konoha. Of course, they would not be given combat ninjutsu, at most medical ninjutsu, or It is to let them do some work.

In short, this is to make sand ninja lose the fighting power of the next generation.

In the country of earth.

Onoki looked indifferently into the distance.

"Xiao did a good job. It seems that the next step can be taken. Sensei, the entire ninja world will soon belong to our Yannin..."

Speaking of this, Onogi looked in the direction of Konoha, as if thinking of something, his whole face became more and more hideous.

Chapter 68: Be a Teacher

Konoha Kikyo Mountain captured a large number of orphans of Sand Ninja in the First World War, and got Sand Ninja's manpower pillar, which severely injured Sand Ninja's vitality, and finally solved the threat of Sand Ninja to Konoha.

At the same time, this also solved the crisis of the third Hokage.

However, there was a quarrel between Leng Tian and Dashewan at the end of the mission, which disappointed the third generation.

"Leng Tian, ​​you have retired from Anbu now, I am going to let you take over a class, what do you think?"

Hearing that he was leading a class again, Leng Tian was taken aback.

This time is different from the rope tree before. It was in a war, and it was more like a team.

And the meaning of the three generations this time is obviously the same as accepting disciples.

Just like it was broken.

Leng Tian originally wanted to refuse, after all he didn't want to lead the class anymore, but seeing the eyes of the third generation, Leng Tian knew that such a decisive decision, the third generation would definitely not allow it.

Since it is clear that rejection is not allowed, then look for opportunities.

Just like Kakashi, who failed the exam and returned it.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian said with a relaxed face: "Yes, but if they can't meet my requirements, I will refuse..."

"Ha ha……"

Three generations smiled.

"Don't worry, you won't refuse..."

Konoha Ninja School.

"That kid is here..."

"Qianqi, you still have the face to ask for me, so just drop out of school, it's a disgrace to our Uchiha clan!"

Uchiha Obito was walking on the road, and he was annoyed when he heard the discussions of the children of the surrounding families.

Obito Uchiha's ninja school students this year, since the Second World War, the ninja school canceled the division of classes, and everyone is in the same class. Because of this, some people's grades are polarized.

And as a child of the Uchiha clan's genius family, he is actually the tail of the crane.

Thinking that Ninja School will have a graduation examination in a few days, and my grades are very poor, if I fail to pass the exam, I don't know how to be laughed at by the Uchiha children in the class.

"It's not that I want to become the Uchiha clan!"

Obito really wanted to yell, to vent his depression.

Just when Obito was about to enter the ninja school, he found several children of the Uchiha clan guarding the school gate.

This startled Obito.

"These people are not looking for my business, are they?"


Obito had a headache for a while, these days he heard that some pretentious family children planned to injure himself, lie in bed for a week, so as to miss the graduation exam, in order not to let himself lag behind their Uchiha clan grades.

"It won't be today, will it?"

Just when Obito was in doubt, a burst of ridicule sounded.

"Hmph, Hatake Kakashi, you coward finally dare to come out..."

Several Uchiha disciples surrounded a cruel boy in the middle.

Obito was relieved to see that the children of the family were not looking for trouble for him, but then he was stunned again.

What they surrounded was actually Kakashi who had always been number one in the class.

Speaking of which, this Kakashi is also a character that Obito hates. He doesn't speak to anyone in the class, and his cold appearance makes all the girls in the class crazy.

What's even more annoying is that Lin actually likes this brat.

"Hmph! You better clean him up!"

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