"Go away, I'm not interested in you!"

Kakashi said with a cold face.


Kakashi's words made the Uchihas angry.

It was this guy who always occupied the number one position, and even made them scolded by the family.

For this graduation exam, these people were all called by the family, and they practiced hard for a while, thinking of the ninjutsu they learned, they all became arrogant.

"Hmph, I'll clean you up today, and then I'll clean up a trash!"

Hearing the words in the distance, Obito was taken aback, he still wants to clean me up.

"Go away!"

But Kakashi is not interested in the few people in front of him.

Seeing that Kakashi was unwilling to compete with them, he underestimated them even more. One of them said arrogantly: "Kakashi, you are a coward, you are a coward just like your father haha!"

Father White Fang was a forbidden sentence in Kakashi's heart. Hearing such insulting words from the Uchiha clan, Kakashi's face turned cold on the spot...

Chapter 69 Kakashi and Obito

For Kakalai, his father is the greatest pride in his heart, but since his father gave up the mission, he has been insulted by the people in the village, and he even committed suicide the least.

This is a taboo for Kakashi.

Even though he is already the number one in ninja school, people still often pick up this topic, but every time he dares to talk about this topic, he will not end well.

I only heard Kakashi say coldly: "What are you, you dare to scold my father!"

Hearing Kakashi's words, the other Uchiha disciples were taken aback!

But then they smiled smugly.

Isn't this result exactly what they need?

A child of the Uchiha clan pretended to change color: "Hmph, so what if I, Uchiha Retora, just said it, what about White Fang, what about Konoha Gemini, I bah, it's just a soft bastard who committed suicide, if you have the ability Come hit me!"

The children of the Uchiha clan on both sides also had a gloating smile, and they were waiting for Kakashi to make a move.

"Bastard, you are too bullying to say that!"

Obito's voice came from behind. Although he is also a child of the Uchiha clan, he can't bear to insult others like this.

"Oh, who am I? It turns out that it's you, a trash. We didn't look for you, but you sent me to your door. How dare you meddle in your own business!"

Two of the Uchiha disciples came over with a smile.

Seeing the malicious gazes of these two people, Obito screamed inwardly!

Why can't I just meddle in my own business?

Just when Obito was about to escape, Kakashi made a sudden move.


The Uchiha teenagers didn't think that Kakashi said to shoot, so they shot, there was no sign at all.

"Hmph! In front of everyone today, I will defeat you kid and tell everyone that our Uchiha clan is the strongest."

Uchiha Orion also returned the past.

"I'll show you what it means to compete among ninjas!"


Uchiha Orion realized something was wrong when he hit Kakashi, and the person in front of him turned into a puff of smoke.


"It's too late..."

Just when Uchiha Retora reacted, Kakashi had already appeared behind him.

Kicked him away with one kick, Kakashi kicked with hatred and used chakra, so Uchiha Retora was kicked out before he could use the ninjutsu he learned from his family, and fell to the ground unable to get up Come.


Kakashi rushed to Obito at high speed again, swept his legs, and directly swept down the two Uchiha disciples surrounding Obito.

Hear a crisp "creak" sound on the spot!


Obito saw several companions of the family fell to the ground in pain, pointed at Kakashi and said, "You must have acted too viciously..."

"Hmph, they asked for it themselves, and I don't need your help in the first place, the tail of the crane!"



When Obito heard Kakashi's words, he was furious, what kind of attitude is this guy.

"Obito Uchiha, you actually united with outsiders to deal with the people at home, you wait for me, this matter will not be finished today!"

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