Unexpectedly, Lin turned her head and snorted at the doctor coldly and said, "I didn't talk to you..."

Seeing that Lin was angry, Obito said inexplicably, "How did I make you angry, Lin?"

"Huh, you still have the nerve to say that you Uchiha disciples are obviously not as good as Kakashi, and you end up bullying the few with more. What kind of geniuses are you? You just can't afford to lose this person..."

Lin's words made Obito hurriedly explain: "Lin is here! I didn't participate yesterday, and I helped this kid..."

Having said that, Obito anxiously said to Kakashi: "Hey, you are talking!"

Hearing Obito's words, Kakashi just turned his head and ignored him, which made Obito even more anxious and said: "You are too disrespectful, are you afraid that Lin will have a good impression of me when she finds out?"

Obito's words made Lin very shy, and at the same time secretly glanced at Kakashi.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi didn't have any expression at all, which made Lin very disappointed. When Obito and Kakashi were entangled, the teacher walked in.

Looking at the students below, the ninja school teacher said seriously: "Today is the graduation class, but those who can graduate are eligible to be divided into classes and receive the guidance of the ninja. As for those who do not have a graduation certificate, they will stay here and start from now on." take an exam."

As the number one in this session, Kakashi naturally did his part to take the lead.

Since World War II, the ninja school has abolished the classification system, so the polarization has become more polarized. Just like the low-level three-body art in this assessment, Kakashi has already mastered it.

But some people haven't mastered even one of them until now, such a handicap is destined to be eliminated.

Seeing Kakashi's performance, the teacher nodded with a smile.

Then several other Uchiha clan students also began to participate in the assessment, all of which passed.

At this time, Obito stepped forward. For the low-level three-body technique, Obito's avatar technique has not been mastered well. Thinking of meeting that strange person this morning, Obito shook his head vigorously.

Obito has a hobby. He always likes to help the elderly. This morning, when he was helping an old woman cross the road, he happened to meet a ninja from the Hyuga clan.

The ninja just stared at him without saying a word, which made Obito feel a little underestimated, not knowing what he meant.

Then I heard the man whisper: "The aptitude is not that bad, it's just that the distribution of Chakra is a bit uneven..."

While Obito was still thinking about what was going on, the man suddenly clicked on him a few times.

Then Obito felt a numbness in his body, and when Obito was about to scream, his body recovered, and then when Obito raised his head, the person had disappeared.

It was for this reason that Obito was late, and now he doesn't even know what that person did to him.

In this exam, he had the avatar technique that he was least good at, and he didn't know if what that person did to him would affect his grades.

Just when Obito was feeling uneasy, he suddenly felt that he was performing ninjutsu more smoothly this time.

It is very comfortable to perform ninjutsu, and the chakra in the body is easily activated...

"Bang! Bang!"

Obito easily used the avatar technique, which surprised the invigilator. In his impression, the kid in front of him should be the one who repeats this year.

"Did he hide his strength before?"

Obito's achievements surprised even the Uchiha clan.

In a tea room, Leng Tian and Dashewan sat opposite each other.

"What does Mr. Leng Tian think of your new student?"

Orochimaru gave Leng Tian the list of students given by Danzo yesterday. Although they had some unhappiness with Leng Tian before, the two of them can be said to be standing together now.

If Leng Tian's help can be obtained, then Orochimaru will have greater confidence in the position of Hokage.

But because of this, many people have now focused their attention on Orochimaru.

In particular, the Uchiha clan has already begun to exert their strength first.

Even though Danzo was telling Dashemaru that he supported Dashemaru, Dashemaru still didn't believe Danzo's words, on the contrary, he was trying his best to fight for Leng Tian.

First of all, Leng Tian is Tsunade's disciple, and has a very close relationship with their Sannin. Now that Tsunade has left the village, and Leng Tian has a very close relationship with Bai Fang, thinking of this, Orochimaru suddenly said: "If I become Hokage, I can promise you Lord Leng Tian, ​​I will restore the honor of Senior Bai Fang, and I will never let him leave with this reputation..."

Orochimaru said this because he knew the importance of Bai Fang in Leng Tian's heart.

With this temptation, he is sure that Leng Tian will agree to stand with him.

It's just that Leng Tian knows the follow-up development, and he won't bet lightly, especially because Orochimaru defected.

But there is one thing, that is, if you temporarily form an alliance with Orochimaru, then it will be easier to get a lot of news from Danzo.

Although Danzo is also a person who loves the village very much in the comics, although it is in his own way, Leng Tian does not agree with this way.

Moreover, Danzo is hostile to Bai Fang, Tsunade, Nakoki, and himself, and has been framed more than once, so if possible, Leng Tian really wants to find a chance to get rid of Danzo.

"Okay, I promise you..."

Thinking of this, Leng Tian tentatively agrees, as long as the relationship between them is cleared up before Dashewan defected.

Leng Tian thought about it.

Seeing Leng Tian agreeing, Orochimaru showed a happy expression.

Getting Leng Tian's help is too important to Dashewan, after all, in Dashewan's heart, besides him, the teacher can only choose Zilai.

Orochimaru knew from Danzo that it was impossible for the teacher to choose the Uchiha family anyway.

"This is not the meaning of the third generation, but it was decided during the second generation of our teacher. At the beginning of the second generation of Hokage, our teacher had long wanted to weaken the influence of the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan, and assigned them autonomy. And letting them have an independent department is actually to prevent them from entering the high-level and weaken their influence in the village, so the third generation will not choose the Uchiha clan anyway..."

Thinking of this, Orochimaru seemed to have seen Hokage beckoning to him.

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