"By the way, Leng Tianjun, there is a student from the Uchiha family among your students, do you want me to transfer him to another class?"

Hearing Dashewan's words, Leng Tian smiled slightly: "No need, I have my own arrangements..."

Here, I would like to thank Binghen v for the daily recommendation tickets, thank you for your support, and thank you for every book friend who subscribes.

Chapter 71 Onoki's Intentions

Regarding Leng Tian's decision, Orochimaru was stunned at first, and some didn't understand why Leng Tian would take over that one.

Orochimaru had explained to Leng Tian just now that the Uchiha clan deliberately put a child in his hands, in fact, to hit him.

And hitting Leng Tian is indirectly hitting Orochimaru in the face.

This Uchiha Obito is a bomb that the Uchiha clan dropped on Leng Tian and Orochimaru.

Once something happened to Obito, it was their responsibility, and they gave the Uchiha clan an excuse.

At this time, Orochimaru hoped that Leng Tian would not accept this student.

Of course Leng Tian understood what Orochimaru was thinking, but he had other thoughts in his mind.

"The war will start soon, this time is really exciting..."

Only Leng Tian knows that the third Ninja World War is coming soon.

This time, although it was said that the disappearance of Kazekage was the fuse, the real battle was the two major powers, Iwanin and Konoha, to decide who was the number one power.

In the Second World War, he had already seen Onogi's super high strategic skills.

The last time he was not strong enough, this time he must take advantage of this battle to stand at the forefront of the ninja world stage.

As long as I use this battle to resolve the curse mark on my forehead, this time I will meet Ohnoki again. If the plan is possible, he will stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world, just like Senju Hashirama back then...

Among them, Uchiha Obito is the key link, and he will not allow Orochimaru to disturb.

After talking with Orochimaru, Leng Tian returned to his residence. In the past two years, he has been practicing non-stop, using his micro-inner vision to get through all the release points all the time.

Now the cold weather can almost open all the release points on his body.

If there are a few more, it is the 61st article that does not exist in ordinary people, the third eye on the forehead.

Even so, Leng Tian found that his chakra was divided into two types. One was the chakra of his own Hyuga clan, and the other was the chakra of the demon core inner Dan, which should be the demon mode that the senior on the moon said.

"But do you have to take medicine every time you want to use Chakra?"

Leng Tian couldn't help but smile when he thought of his state in demon mode.

Every time he used the monster mode, he used the Bagua Soft Fist's 61 [-] palms to absorb the tail beast's chakra, and then he proudly used the monster mode.

He remembered that Sheren was not so troublesome, so what was the problem?

In addition, Leng Tian's development of the eight Dunjia has reached the last one.

How to explore the last door is Leng Tian's biggest problem. After all, once the eighth door is opened in the original book, it can't be closed at all. Even Mai Tekai is only able to hold his life in the Yang Dun mode.

In fact, Leng Tian already had a plan in his heart, a plan that could try to open the eighth door once.

Now, after so many developments of inner vision in cold weather, it is already able to inner vision to the extent of the cells under the condition of the seventh sense.

But the state of the seventh sense is too short, and since Bai Fang committed suicide, Leng Tian has lost someone who can continue to discuss this aspect.

He didn't know if the chakra method of using the seventh sense to cultivate had any side effects.

If he can use this method to continue to practice, Leng Tian is confident that he will not lose in the slightest even against the monster mode and the fairy mode.

After all, there has never been a ninja in anime who is precise enough to cultivate cellular energy, and they can only rely on spirit and hard practice to force out the potential in their bodies.

Now I can enter the seventh sense for five minutes every day. In this state, I can extract all the chakra in every cell. It's just a matter of time.

It's a pity that Senior Bai Fang can't help me, and I don't know if continuing to practice and absorb like this will harm the seventh sense and me.

Thinking of looking into the distance in Leng Tian here, it is really because I am not sure that Leng Tian will choose another plan.

"I hope that person won't disappoint me..."

As if thinking of something, Leng Tian looked at a certain place in the night sky and said softly, tomorrow is the day when the new teacher will meet the students, Leng Tian thought of his students closing their eyes proudly, as if looking forward to it.

As for his three students, Kakashi was still practicing in the yard so late, and he didn't mean to relax at all.

But Obito Uchiha had a look of excitement on his face. He actually passed the ninja test in one go and became a ninja.

"Haha, it's great, the best thing is being with Lin, in the same class!"

Thinking of Lin, Obito thought of another companion, Kakashi.

"Damn it, why did the teacher assign him to our class!"

And Lin is seriously preparing...well, preparing breakfast.

"Hee hee, tomorrow I can openly prepare breakfast for Kakashi..."

In the northeast of Konoha, Yannin Village.

Onoki looked at the maps of Konoha and Sand Shinobu and fell into a silence.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared in his line of sight.

"Father, people from the Akatsuki organization are here..."

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