
The murderous aura rushing towards their faces made Lin and Obito short of breath, and Lin even knelt on the ground.

Even Obito's legs were trembling, it was just a little bit of self-esteem not letting himself kneel down.

Only Kakashi is still holding on, and it can be seen that he is resisting, but the Sannin are already unable to fight back under this situation. It can be said that if Leng Tian really does something at this time, the three of them will not be able to resist at all.

Seeing the situation of the three of them, Leng Tian shook his head and said: "Is that the level? This is just a battlefield level. Next, I will show you the murderous aura of a shadow-level powerhouse..."

Although Leng Tian spoke lightly, the murderous aura on his body suddenly increased by more than a hundred times.

Now everyone felt like a powerful illusion, seemed to be trapped in an endless vortex, and all five senses in their bodies fell into an unreal illusion.

This was just an effect caused by the murderous aura. The murderous aura coming from Leng Feng's body was not only on the training ground, but directly covered the entire training ground.

It can be said that the entire training ground at this moment belongs to the domain of Leng Tian, ​​just like when Onogi faced Bai Fang, Shinnosuke, and Leng Tianminato by himself.

And the murderous aura emitted by Leng Tian directly alarmed Anbu, it was too terrifying.

This murderous aura even made them terrified, the murderous aura seemed tangible.

"Brush! Brush!"

The Anbu and the Police Department all came, and there were not a few of them.

Even in Hokage's office, a group of Anbu came to protect Hokage.

Sandai waved his hand with a wry smile, signaling these people to go down.

At the same time, he opened the window, looked in Leng Tian's direction, and murmured, "Has he grown so fast? It seems that I am really old..."

Speaking of this, the third generation had a smile on his face.

At the same time, at Gen's place, Danzo woke up suddenly, and when he heard Gen's report, a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes.


While Orochimaru was pleasantly surprised, there was also a hint of worry at the same time. Leng Tian's strength was already strong enough to threaten him, no, he had even seen Bai Fang's shadow.

Such a helper is his great weapon, but at the same time, it may also be a threat to him in the future.

"Leng Tianjun, what exactly is your attitude showing today?"

As for the three students in front of Leng Tian, ​​Lin had already fainted. In fact, Leng Tian did it on purpose.

So when Lin was about to be unable to hold on anymore, Leng Tian flicked his fingers and stunned Lin.

But for Kakashi and Obito, Leng Tian didn't let go.

However, the Anbu and the Police Department around Leng Tian didn't dare to approach, but there was a trace of murderous and triumphant smiles on the faces of the Police Department.

Leng Tian did this, in the eyes of the police department, he was obviously contemptuous of them, especially since there was one of their Uchiha's children below.

It's just that they all retreated under the cold stare, and they couldn't even make a move. It was simply an illusion created by using murderous aura, so that these Uchiha jounin had to open Sharingan.

At this time, Leng Tian snorted and stopped talking to them, but looked directly at Kakashi and Obito.

Under the constant pressure of the cold weather, Obito was almost on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Leng Tian tapped Obito a few more times, and Obito felt a burst of relief, but Leng Tian didn't let him go.

The murderous intent became more intense, and Leng Tian said leisurely: "Don't try to avoid it, either go back to the ninja school, or hold it against me..."

While Leng Tian was talking, he also touched Kakashi's body by the way.

Kakashi, who was already on the verge of falling, suddenly felt a lightness in his body, and the barrier that he had been unable to break through before continued to break through like a rocket, and the chakra in his body was constantly being squeezed out.

But after a while, Obito's eyes suddenly changed, and a streak of jade appeared in both eyes...

Chapter 74 Washing the Meridians

How can the changes in Obito escape Leng Tian's eyes.

Leng Tian showed a satisfied smile, and flicked his finger again, the strong wind of the flick of the finger hit Obito's fainting point, directly making him faint.

Now one purpose of the cold weather has been achieved.

For Leng Tian's murderous aura, he has the ability to create hallucinations, which is like the murderous aura of a master of martial arts novels.

Murderous intent itself cannot create hallucinations, but it can affect everyone's five senses. If a person is mentally unstable, he will definitely fall into the scene created by himself.

And if it is a determined person, this kind of murderous aura can only cause pressure at most. Of course, if there is too much difference in strength, they may even be directly damaged by Leng Tian's murderous aura.

But if you resist, you will naturally break through the previous limit...

Leng Tian wanted to use this method to let the three of them grow up in the shortest possible time.

For Lin, Leng Tian must first let her know the cruelty of the battlefield.

As for Obito, Leng Tian wanted to see if he could help him open Sharingan in such an environment.

After all, in the original book, Naoshu opened his eyes in the midst of life and death.

As for the Kaka family, Leng Tian has already been familiar with him, and knows that his strength is nothing more than the huge chakra energy that seems to have been suppressed in his body, unable to exert a stronger strength.

All it takes is a little pressure to…

It is precisely because Leng Tian's micro-perspective ability is so strong that he can grasp every point, even if they are stimulated every time they tap acupuncture points, it will give them greater help.

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