In other words, no one else can do it.

When Kakashi finally erupted with a Chunin Chakra power, Leng Tian nodded in satisfaction.

Finally tapped Kakashi's fainting point.

Although each of the three had breakthroughs, among them, Leng Tian paid the most attention to Kakashi, after all, he was the child of Senior White Fang.

Immediately, both hands began to massage Kakashi's body. At this time, Kakashi's body actually gave off a stench. This is Leng Tian's method of using martial arts to wash his meridians after he broke through.

However, the difference from the effect in martial arts is that Leng Tian only helps Kakashi get rid of some impurities in his body. The advantage is that Kakashi's physical fitness is improved to a higher level.

Then check Lin and Obito, the two were also visited by the cold weather, but the effect was not as good as Kakashi.

After all, none of them had much breakthrough.

Only then did the Anbu and the Police Department come over.

The people from the police department first began to question: "Leng Tian knows that your Hyuga clan has opinions on our Uchiha clan, but I didn't expect you to do such a murderous move..."

When he saw Obito Uchiha fainted on the ground, he thought that Leng Tian was teaching Obito just now, and showed them to the Uchiha clan.


Leng Tian didn't pay attention to him at all, but told Anbu: "Send these three people to Konoha Hospital, tell the doctor that they are all fine, wait for them to wake up and rest for three days, and I will take care of you after three days." Give them a test..."

After speaking, Leng Tian disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Hi Xiang Leng Tian, ​​don't leave, this matter is not over!"

The captain of the police department roared loudly.

At this time, one of the team members said to the captain in surprise: "Captain, you see that Obito's situation is wrong!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, the captain of the police department thought that Obito was injured by Leng Tian, ​​so he hurried over.

"This... is this a sign that Sharingan is open?"

When he walked in front of Obito, he was surprised to find that Obito's breath was a bit different, and he opened Obito's eyes, and Obito's Sharingan hadn't dissipated yet.

"You really opened your eyes?"

Just when he was astonished in his heart, a powerful chakra suddenly erupted from Kakashi's body, and this chakra even surpassed Chunin.

This is the natural protection of Kakashi's body when others touch Kakashi.

"This this……"

Now the police department and the Anbu are all messed up.

Only then did they understand in their hearts that Leng Tian was helping them improve their strength just now, but this was too outrageous.

Raise so high all of a sudden.

A lower ninja who has just graduated has been promoted directly to the middle ninja, even close to the chakra of the upper ninja.

And as the most difficult Uchiha clan to open their eyes, let him open their eyes directly?

Is this guy still human?

Thinking of this, the captain of the police department gave his subordinates a look, and immediately left with Obito in his arms. This matter must be reported to the patriarch immediately.

Hyuga Lengtian actually mastered the method to open the eyes of the Uchiha clan, and there is also a special method that allows people to quickly improve their strength. This matter is too important.

Not to mention the police department, even the Anbu is also thinking.

Now the Anbu and the Police Department are somewhat at odds. Although Anbu wants to stop the people from the Police Department from taking Obito back, there is no reason.

Had to take Kakashi and Lin back.

Soon the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, and Konoha's high-level officials were in chaos...

And they are all because of one person, that is Hinata Lengtian.

It can actually help the Uchiha clan to open their eyes. This kind of thing is related to the strength of their Uchiha clan, so even the Uchiha patriarch and elders have personally found Hokage.

Not to mention the Hyuga Clan, with this method, this boy from the branch family was not used on the Hyuga Clan.

And Hokage smiled wryly, this day Hyuga Lengtian really added difficulties to himself, but what surprised Hokage even more was Lengtian's ability...

Chapter 75 Tsunade's Whereabouts

When the whole Konoha was arguing about Leng Tian, ​​Leng Tian was eating hot ramen in Yile Ramen.

"The boss also gave me a bowl..."

Hearing the familiar voice, Leng Tian smiled slightly.

"Long time no see, Master Jiraiya!"


Jiraiya is also followed by Namikaze Minato.

"How about after coming back from Kusanagi Village, is there any latest news?"

asked Leng Tian.

"Grass Ninja Village has already agreed to all our conditions, but they also asked us to train the ninjas of Kusura Ninja Village..."

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