She wasn't worried about Obito, but she was afraid that Kakashi would go his own way.

"Our most important thing now is to complete Teacher Leng Tian's test. I believe you all want to train under Teacher Leng Tian. I have done some research on Teacher Leng Tian these days. As far as I know, Teacher Leng Tian's strength is very powerful..."

"Of course, Brother Lengtian is known as one of the new Konoha Geminis..."

Kakashi agreed and said that Kakashi was willing to be his teacher for Leng Tian.

Because he has long known how powerful Leng Tian is, even his father once said that if it was an assassination, even he would have no way to escape Leng Tian's ambush.

Even if the two sides are one-on-one, father can't guarantee that he will be able to defeat Leng Tian.

Kakashi was so impressed by his father's proud look back then, so Leng Tian became the target of Kakashi's pursuit from then on.

"Well, we should listen to Obito's suggestion now and complete this test together. I believe that what Teacher Leng Tian wants to see is not our strength, but how powerful we can be after we cooperate!"

Obito said excitedly on the side: "I agree!"

This is the first time Lin agrees with him, how can Obito not be excited.

Kakashi hesitated for a while, then nodded.

After discussing the countermeasures, Obito immediately shouted: "Go!"

Seeing that the three of them stood up in the form of finished products, and they cooperated in the same way as against a strong enemy, Leng Tian nodded.

However, although the three of them were aware of the teamwork, this tactic really disappointed him.

"It seems that they still have a lot to learn. This is completely reckless..."

Thinking of this, Leng Tian calmly said: "It is correct to cooperate with a strong enemy, but we must also analyze the enemy's strength. Do you think that if you attack directly, you can get my bell?"

"If you don't try, who knows!"

Kakashi and Obito looked at each other, and Obito suddenly dropped a smoke bomb, hoping to disturb Leng Tian's sight.

"That's right, I thought of so much at once, but I'm still not calm enough. Don't you forget that under my white eyes, nothing can hide it?"

The cold voice came slowly.

But after the smoke dissipated, only Kakashi was left standing there, smiling coldly, looking to both sides.

Lin and Obito attacked from both sides of the cold sky.

Seeing that Leng Tian was motionless, Obito said with great joy: "If the teacher does not move, I will not be polite!"

"Ha ha!"

Leng Tian just smiled faintly, and when Lin and Obito were about to approach, he muttered in his heart: "Ninjutsu without knots! Instant Jutsu!"

It disappeared from Obito and Lin's eyes in an instant, which made them stunned.

But then the two bumped into each other, even (mouth) to mouth (kiss) together.


"how come?"

Lin suddenly panicked, and Obito fell into great happiness.

"I actually kissed Lin!"

When Obito and Lin were still in a daze, Kakashi's eyes were already looking at the other side. Kakashi often saw his father and Leng Tian competing, and he already knew that Leng Tian's use of the instant body technique had reached the point where there was no need to seal the point.

Without the slightest hesitation, it has already appeared in the predicted position in my heart.

"Bet right!"

Seeing that Leng Tian really appeared beside him, Kakashi instantly slid Kunai towards the bell on Leng Tian's waist.


The cold weather in front of him suddenly disappeared.

It is a shadow clone technique.

This is the skill of stealing Minato in cold weather.

Before the water gate, a shadow clone appeared to deceive Leng Tian, ​​and the real body appeared behind Leng Tian.

This tactic has a very high speed for seal formation, and Minato can only use one kind of ninjutsu after contacting for so long.

But Leng Tian doesn't need it, he has already been able to use both skills.

Fortunately, Kakashika reacted quickly, and immediately dodged with a substitute technique.

And Leng Tian has no intention of pursuing.

At this time, Kunai's voice suddenly sounded from behind Leng Tian.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Three finished shurikens were shot.

It's Lin.

At this moment Obito and Lin finally reacted.

Behind Lin is the movement of Obito's hands making seals.

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