And Obito's eyes at this moment have a gleam of jade.

"Fire escape, Phoenix Immortal Art!"

This b ninjutsu was once out of reach for Obito, but now with Leng Tian's help, he can already perform it with the help of Sharingan.

When Leng Tian dodged, Kakashi caught up with Leng Tian instantly, and the ninjutsu he used was also...

"Blinking technique!"

I didn't expect Kakashi to have mastered this advanced ninjutsu.


There was a white light in both eyes, seeing this white light made Leng Tian feel dazed for a moment, as if seeing that familiar figure again.

Seeing that Leng Tian was about to be approached by Kakashi's sword, Leng Tian waved one hand, drew a circle, and directly bounced Kakashi's sword back.

It is Leng Tian's special secret skill, "Douzhuanxingshu".

This surprised Kakashi. He didn't expect that he had mastered the time and timing so well, but it still didn't work...


Seeing that Kakashi's sure-to-win blow was easily dealt with by Leng Tian, ​​Obito and Lin suddenly felt a sense of failure.


The three bells were suddenly thrown out by Leng Tian.

Lin, Obito, and Kakashi Sannin looked at the bell in their hands and didn't understand why.

"Okay, you are qualified!"

Leng Tian said with a smile.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Kakashi and the three of them all had happy expressions on their faces, which was Leng Tian's acknowledgment of them.

"Okay, don't be too happy, you will suffer in the future..."

Leng Tian smiled lightly.

From the beginning to the end, Leng Tian didn't use much strength, partly because Kakashi's strength was not enough, but more because Leng Tian felt that there was a chakra around him that didn't belong to the four of them.

Although there are no one around, this chakra does exist. Leng Tian only needs to think about it for a while, and he understands that this is the third generation using the crystal ball to monitor him.

Or to check your own strength.

"Three generations really don't spare themselves!"

Leng Tian muttered to himself.

"It seems that if we don't figure out the reason as soon as possible, we won't be able to think of a solution for a day..."

As soon as Leng Tian returned, he saw Minato waiting for him outside the residence of the Hyuga clan.

Seeing Leng Tian coming, Minato smiled, but then smiled awkwardly.

"Have something to say to me?"


"come in……"

When Minato entered Leng Tian's home, the first thing he said was...

"I saw Kushina!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hearing that Minato saw Kushina, Leng Tian said with some surprise: "Did you see her?"

Minato nodded.

"where is she?"

In the past two years, Leng Tian only saw Jiu Xinnai every few days, but there was no news from Jiu Xinnai half a year ago.

When Leng Tianzhi heard from Jiu Xinnai that she was going to practice somewhere, it seemed that she wanted to master the power of Nine Tails.

"I met Jiuxinna when I was practicing..."

When Minato said this, his face turned red.

This makes the cold day even more strange.

"I saw Jiuxinna at the training place, did Jiuxinna practice with you?"

Leng Tian asked solemnly.


Minato nodded embarrassingly. It seemed that he was very excited to practice with Kushina during this time.

Minato didn't notice that Leng Tian's face had turned gloomy.

"Then how is she?"

Leng Tian asked with a wry smile.

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