The sky quickly became dark, and a storm was about to descend.

All the people on the street have started to run home, only the cold weather is walking on the path of Konoha.



A majestic heavy rain fell, and everyone was soaked instantly, only Leng Tian's surroundings seemed to be isolated, and they were bounced off before reaching Leng Tian.

From a distance, it looks like something is covering Leng Tian.

Leng Tian actually broke through at this time, and the chakra was sent out instantly due to his thoughts.

Leng Tian already has as many release points as Ying.

These release points are released from all over the body in cold weather, and automatically block the rain outside.

This is exactly one of the hallmarks of a shadow-level powerhouse, that is, even unconsciously, a layer of chakra protection will form outside the body.

If you use martial arts terms, it is Gang Qi, or innate Gang Qi.

Of course, there is no such statement on Hokage, it is just a kind of protection formed after a certain number of release points are opened up.

Everyone's protection is different, and cold weather is offset, and everything will offset when it encounters cold weather.

Leng Tian raised his head proudly and looked at the sky.

Even Tian couldn't make him bend over, let alone Hokage, Leng Tian's back straightened up proudly.

"I want strength, even stronger strength. I must find a way to overcome that weakness in the eighth door and the eighth door. I hope I can find that place. Don't let me down, Obito..."

Speaking of the cold weather here, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes.

In the world of Naruto, even a strong man at the Kage level must succumb to reality, but he is not...

Because I am very interested in the role of Orochimaru, I am very concerned about the plot with him. Why does Orochimaru have so much hatred for Konoha and Sandai? I think it can only be for this reason, which is the truth of World War Three. Of course, many Kishimoto themselves did not think so much about this plot, no, this guess is the one I am most satisfied with.

Only in this way can Danzo understand how terrible the third generation's scheming is, how cruel it is for Konoha and for stability, even his own disciples can become pawns.

Orochimaru is actually a tragedy.

Chapter 81 The Guidance of Cold Weather

"Caught you!"

Obito and Rin were holding a cat in their hands.

Looking at the devastated cat, Leng Tian really sympathized with it, as if this was the first cat that Mrs. Daming started trying to escape.

And this matter continued until Naruto's time. It is conceivable that almost all cats do not want to be kept by Mrs. Daimyo.

Seeing the three of Obito standing together, they looked at themselves proudly.

Leng Tian shook his head.

Not bad these are some novice tasks.

"Hehe, it seems that I want to find some decent tasks for you..."

"Really, Teacher Lengtian?"

Obito and Kakashi exclaimed at the same time.

Hearing the same words spoken by the other party and himself, the two turned their heads at the same time.

Leng Tian and Lin looked at each other and smiled, as if they had nothing to do with this pair of living treasures.

But Leng Tian felt a lot of relief in his heart, at least Kakashi had changed a lot during these days, at least he had changed a lot.

"That's right! It's a waste for you to do these tasks now, I need to increase the difficulty for you..."

Leng Tian showed a smile, but this smile was somewhat forced.

After all, such time will pass soon, and he must strengthen the teaching of the three.

If you don't want what happened to Naoki back then, no, how could he let such a thing happen in the cold weather.

Absolutely not allowed!

But before asking Hokage for a more difficult task, Leng Tian first gave them some guidance on how to use shuriken.

These are the techniques used by Minato, and it is easy for moves that can control the body and imitate Minato's physical skills.

Now Kakashi and Rin had already opened their mouths wide.

Because Leng Tian didn't teach them any taijutsu at first, but let them follow behind him, and then let them experience the taijutsu taught by other teachers or kunai and shuriken skills.

You must know that although there are many civilian ninjas in Konoha, everyone who becomes a ninja has more or less his own unique skills.

They are very serious about teaching their students, and of course they are not afraid of others learning, because only they know the secret of this technique,

But in Leng Tian's eyes, there is no secret at all.

"You can watch it at will, if you think it suits you, or if you want to learn when you are hungry, just let me know. After I write it down, I will teach you when I go back..."

Hearing Leng Tian's calm words, Kakashi, Obito, and Lin all showed expressions of disbelief.

But when Leng Tian used them one by one, Sannin opened his mouth wide.

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