"This, how did you do it, you only took a look at it?"

Kakashi and Obito were equally surprised.

From this moment on, both Kakashi and Obito had the same idea in their hearts, that is to copy ninjutsu.

In the future, Kakashi's copy ninja title will be named from here.

After a few days of taijutsu guidance, Sannin is no worse than Chunin in taijutsu, and from this we can see how powerful Leng Tian is.

But what is even more surprising is Leng Tian's understanding of their bodies.

Almost all of their ninjutsu has obstacles and problems, they haven't thought of what the problem is, Leng Tian has already discovered and pointed it out.

The speed of this growth surprised even them.

"Okay, now I can guide you to the next step. If you tread water and climb trees well, I will let you master the teleportation technique!"

"Blinking technique?"

Both Lin and Obito were inexplicably surprised that it was an advanced ninjutsu.

Even Kakashi was surprised, only he knew how long it took him to master this ninjutsu, which is not something a ninjutsu can master at all.

However, in the face of Leng Tian's guidance, Kakashi has grown a lot these days, and he feels that he can already carry out a step of cultivation, which is the development of ninjutsu or learning more powerful ninjutsu.

But for this point, Kakashi felt that Leng Tian was of little help to him. After all, everyone knew that the Hyuga clan could not use advanced ninjutsu.

Of course, Leng Tian knew about this, but it wasn't because the outside world thought that the Hyuga clan couldn't use advanced ninjutsu.

The Hyuga clan itself has various attributes, just like the future Hinata will have the attribute of thunder.

It's just that the chakras in their bodies reject the chakras that don't belong to them.

Therefore, learning advanced ninjutsu cannot achieve the same power as others.

Therefore, some advanced ninjutsu are not learned by the Hyuga clan at all.

But that doesn't mean that Leng Tian doesn't understand, especially since he already knows Kakashi's later famous stunt Raikiri.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian said to Kakashi: "Boy, don't be lazy, I will increase the amount for you alone compared to their cultivation..."

When Kakashi saw the huge taijutsu training project, he lay down and sweated all over. This, this is too difficult...

Seeming to see Kakashi's hesitation, Leng Tian quietly said to Kakashi: "Don't say I'm biased, as long as you complete these taijutsu items, I will also give you a new ninjutsu..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Kakashi curled his lips, it must be physical ninjutsu again.

From the expression on Kakashi's face, Leng Tian knew what he was thinking.

"During World War II, I once got a cheat book of the third generation of Raikage from a cloud ninja jonin, called Raikage Chakra Mode. Although it requires a special physique to learn, I modified it and combined them. Hell Spike came up with a new kind of thunder escape ninjutsu, it depends on whether you dare to try it..."

Of course Leng Tian was talking about Lei Qie.

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Kakashi's eyes widened. He really didn't expect Leng Tian to have such a great talent, even being involved in the development of ninjutsu.

Regarding the development of ninjutsu, apart from his own research, Leng Tian also received enthusiastic guidance from Orochimaru.

After all, Orochimaru is most obsessed with ninjutsu development.

In Leng Tian, ​​Lei Qie had tried with Orochimaru.

It was also because of this that Sasuke received further development from Rachel from Orochimaru.

The days passed day by day like this, and some ordinary tasks were not picked up in the cold weather.

This also made other ninja classes talk about Leng Tian's class, but Leng Tian didn't care about it at all.

Soon both Lin and Obito completed the task of Leng Tian, ​​and Leng Tian also began to help them open the release point of the instant body technique.

This time Kakashi finally saw the horror of Leng Tian, ​​and seemed to have no difficulties at all, so he helped Obito and Lin complete the seal, and released the instant body technique directly.

In fact, Leng Tian's unconventionalism has long attracted Hokage's attention. For this reason, Hokage has arranged for secret surveillance, even though he should know that these things cannot be hidden from Leng Tian.

Anbu, who was observing in secret, was surprised to see Leng Tian's student perform the teleportation technique. Could it be that, as Hokage-sama said, this Leng Tian has been in secret contact with Orochimaru?

After all, in their view, Leng Tian was able to let his students master such advanced ninjutsu so quickly, it must have something to do with Orochimaru.

Only Oshemaru-sama is the most fond of studying and developing ninjutsu.

For these Anbu ninjas, Leng Tian didn't care at all, anyway, he had been assigned to the wrong team in the third generation.

"Hmph, Sandai is indeed worthy of saying that even his own disciples will use and sacrifice!"

Thinking of this, Leng Tian felt tense, no wonder the third generation had the strength to stop Orochimaru, but let him go in the end.

When reading the original book, Leng Tian always thought that the third generation was thinking about the relationship between the master and the apprentice, and Orochimaru even planned to assassinate the third generation in the end.

After playing for a long time, Orochimaru is just a pawn being used, and Orochimaru's Konoha sabotage plan is just for revenge against the teacher.

Naruto really hides too many secrets...

Since I am on the wrong team, I need to gain more strength to protect myself and those who are important to me...

Chapter 82 C-level task

"You have performed well during this time, and you are already qualified to perform C-level missions..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Obito, Rin, and Kakashi looked at each other with excited expressions on their faces.

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