
"C-level mission, I need money to spend!"

Obito yelled.

The D-level mission is an internship mission, and the ninja can only get very little money, most of which are taken away by the village, and the money in their hands is very little.

On the contrary, after the c-level task, there will be a very high share.

"Teacher, let's go to Hokage's office quickly, if we go late, maybe the good job will be snatched away!"

Obito said anxiously.

In Konoha, some big families can get good tasks first, or some good tasks will be reserved for the children of big families, unless Hokage personally releases them...

This is why Obito, Lin and others are anxious, even Kakashi is the same.

"Don't worry, I have already left you a mission!"

Leng Tian showed a smile.

He had already greeted Orochimaru and left them a C-level task. He didn't plan to make a move in this cold weather, and he would monitor their performance throughout the process.

Obito didn't slow down as if he didn't hear it, and ran directly to Hokage, while Kakashi and Rin also looked at each other and smiled, and the speed under their feet was not slow at all.

If other ninjas saw it, they would definitely show shock. This speed is no less than the strength of Chunin's feet.

Especially the speed of acceleration has surpassed that of ordinary ninja.


The three generations who had been watching in the crystal ball were taken aback.

Because the speed of these three people came too fast, Kakashi had already known it in his heart, and his strength had reached the level of Zhongnin.

But Obito and Lin's performance was not so good after he directly checked the test scores of Ninja School.

To teach his students so well in such a short period of time is even better than him, a ninja doctor.

"Perhaps I should let Leng Tian lead a few more classes. Is there something wrong with my previous decision?"

Faced with such an outstanding talent, the third generation is really unwilling to give up casually.

"I just hope that Orochimaru can understand my difficulties and finally accept my plan, then I guarantee that you and Leng Tian will be able to join the elders group in the future..."

It’s just that the third generation also understands, based on his understanding of his disciples, once Orochimaru finds out that he is just a pawn used by the teacher to cut off Danzo’s strength, he might leave the village again like Tsunade...


The three generations only thought that Orochimaru would leave the village like Tsunade, but Leng Tian knew that Orochimaru would eventually go another way, because unlike Tsunade, he didn't have so much involvement in the village.

"Three generations of adults..."

"Lord Hokage!"

"Three generations of grandfathers!"

Obito and others carefully entered Sandai's office.

The faces of the three generations have changed, and they said to Leng Tian with a look of relief: "You still said that you are not good at teaching students, but you see that they have already mastered ninja skills, and even surpassed them by a lot. I heard that some Some teachers have already evaluated their strength to the level of Chunin, how cold should we recommend them to take the Chunin exam next month?"

Hearing that the three generations recognized their achievements, Obito, Kakashi, and Lin all showed excited expressions.

At the same time, they also looked at Leng Tian, ​​hoping that he would agree with the three generations and let them take the Chunin Exam.

You must know that the ninja in the village in the past two years has never been recommended to join the ninja teacher just after graduation.

"Look at the situation of this mission, if they complete well, I will recommend them to take the Chunin exam..."

Said coldly.

"Hehe, you and White Fang are becoming more and more alike..."

Three generations said softly.

Kakashi suddenly lowered his head when he heard Sandai's words.

When the third generation was feeling emotional, Leng Tian didn't feel any disturbance in his heart, not because he had no feelings for Bai Ya in his heart, but because he had already seen through the third generation's plan.

Naturally, he didn't want the third generation to see his thoughts.

Noticing the change in Leng Tian, ​​Sandai was slightly taken aback, but thought that Leng Tian just didn't want to talk about White Fang in front of Kakashi.

Thinking of this, Sandai avoided the topic and asked, "Why are you here today in Leng Tian?"

Hearing Sandai's words, Obito said schemingly: "Grandpa Sandai, shouldn't you know that the teacher left us a C-level task..."

Hearing Obito's words, Sandai looked at the task on the table, and asked hesitantly: "Leng Tian, ​​are you really relieved to let them accept this task now?"

After hearing Sandai's words, Kakashi and Rin looked at each other, and they both felt that the task chosen by the teacher might be difficult.

Only Obito said excitedly: "The more difficult the task, the more interesting it is..."

Hearing what Obito said, Sandai smiled and said: "Every task arranged in the village will evaluate its difficulty and find ninjas with suitable abilities to perform it. Originally, this task was to be given to others, but Orochimaru If you deliberately stay here, I will leave it to you..."

Speaking of this, the third generation handed over the task to Leng Tian, ​​and continued: "However, this task has a time limit, because the goods lost by the other party are about to be traded, so I can only give you five days. I can't find the goods, so I have to send Jonin to carry it out..."

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama, I believe in my students, they can complete this task, even if it is really too late, then I will take action!"

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