"This is what you said..."

Coming out of the hotel, before Obito finished speaking, Lin first said: "He must be hiding something..."

Kakashi nodded, agreeing with Lin.

"It's just that we have already accepted his task, so we have to complete it. Otherwise, Teacher Leng Tian will not let us take the Chunin exam, and even Konoha's reputation will be damaged!"

Hearing Kakashi's words, Obito showed anger and said, "Hmph, I will never let him look down on Konoha. This mission must be completed!"


Rin and Kakashi looked at each other with determination.

At this moment, Leng Tian's voice came from behind them: "It's a good thing to have confidence, and it's even better to be able to see that the businessman is hiding something, but you can't ignore the difficulty of this task just because the other party deliberately provokes you, don't you I never thought that the bandits have been robbing goods for a long time, and there are very few traces left, so how did you find any clues?"

Hearing what the teacher said, Kakashi and Obito were shocked at the same time.

Only then did he discover the difficulty of this task. Just as Obito was about to ask Mr. Leng Tian what he could do, Lin and Kakashi immediately covered his mouth.

Seeing the performance of Kakashi and Lin, Leng Tian smiled slightly: "You are not stupid, you know that if you ask me, it means that your mission has failed, come on, this mission is only for you to perform, I just follow, once I make a move to go Finding bandits means that your mission has failed..."

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and we will meet at the entrance of Muye Village in an hour. Go and prepare your luggage, Lin, take this letter from me to Minghu's house. There are gifts I prepared for you..."

"Teacher, what gift did you prepare for us?"

Obito asked curiously.

"You will know when Lin gets it..."

Because they wanted to know what gift Leng Tian had prepared for them, the three of Obito couldn't wait to come.

In normal times, ninjas without missions are forbidden to leave the village.

Once you go out by force, you will be regarded as a traitor, and you will be hunted down by Konoha ninjas.

After the assembly, Obito couldn't wait to ask Leng Tian.

"Teacher, what did you give us?"

"Lin, take it out..."

Lin opened the things brought from the Minghu merchant, and Sannin was surprised after opening it.

"Is this the detonator?"

"Wow, so much?"

"This is for you, there must be a lot of bandits who can rob so much goods, you have ignored this.

In addition, the merchants carry so many goods, so there must be a lot of guards who can take them down. Presumably there must be a lot of people and they may be very strong at the same time.

You just go like this, even if you find it, you can't get it back, so these detonating symbols are your hole cards to get back the goods.

And bandits are all mobile, they don't know where they went, it may take a long time for us to track them down, but you are going to bring such a little luggage, be careful and get hungry on the road! "

Hearing Leng Tian's lesson, the three of Kakashi lowered their heads in shame.

Their analysis of the task is still not at home.

"Kakashi where are we going now?"

As expected, Leng Tian just followed them on the road and didn't give out any suggestions.

"Go directly to the place where the accident happened and look for traces!"

Kushina couldn't help asking.

"But I learned that it rained in that place, and many traces have been washed away, otherwise that person would not have paid a lot of money to hire Konoha Ninja!"

"Go there and talk about it. Since Teacher Leng Tian has given me this task, I will definitely be able to complete it!"

Kakashi said firmly.

Soon they rushed to the accident site mentioned by the businessman.

"Where do you plan to start?"

Lynn also asked curiously.

Kakashi thought for a long time and said: "I remember that Brother Leng Tian and his father once communicated. Generally, in this case, it is best to check some clues left. If you can know the living habits of the bandits, you can judge where they escaped... ..."

Leng Tian, ​​who was always on the side, smiled slightly when he heard Kakashi's words.

"Good boy, I've thought of a piece with me, but I'm afraid you will be disappointed soon..."

In fact, at a scene, Leng Tian opened his eyes to investigate the traces of the scene, and soon found something wrong.

"Bastard, this liar dared to give false information. It seems that this task will be more difficult for them..."

Leng Tianyi found some broken vines here. These broken vines have already dried up, and they are believed to have been broken when the bandits robbed and killed the goods.

But what is frowning in the cold weather is that if it was broken a week ago, and it has rained again in the past few days, it will not dry up so quickly, only if it happened earlier.

Therefore, the merchant who sent out the mission gave them false information from Konoha, and the time to lose the goods must have been earlier.

Thinking of this, Leng Tian looked at his students again, wondering if they need to remind themselves?

Thank you for the monthly tickets cast by Qiushu Ruojianqi and Disha Soul Chaser, and thanks to Shaohua who is still giving rewards with book friends 20170828194130539. It is you who made the monthly tickets and rewards available at the beginning of the neck. Thank you again! !

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