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Chapter 84 The whereabouts of the bandits

"Do you see this withered vine?"

Just when Leng Tian wanted to remind his students, Kakashi was the first to discover the withered vines on the ground.

"What does this mean?"

Obito still looked puzzled, including Lin.

"This withered vine must have been damaged when the bandits fought with the merchant's guards. It's just that it has been raining heavily in the past few days. Even if the withered vine is trampled off, it won't look the same..."

Kakashi explained lightly, seeing that Obito still had a face of understanding, he simply ignored him.

"Brainless guy!"

Obito blushed when he heard Kakashi's words, and said unconvinced: "Kakashi, who do you think is a brainless guy?"

At this time, Lin suddenly realized: "Kakashi means that this definitely didn't happen within a week?"

"This is impossible, right?"

Obito said with some surprise.

"Kakashi is right. He observed carefully. This is indeed not what the withered vine should look like in a week. It seems that the price paid by the merchant is not right!"

Leng Tian came over at this time to affirm their discovery.

"Then teacher, should we ask the merchant again?"

Obito asked angrily.

How dare you deceive Konoha.

"I'll talk about this later. We've been out for half a day, and it's a waste of time to go back. Everyone should look for new clues..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, the three of Kakashi nodded at the same time.

At this time, Leng Tianbai's eyes have been fully opened, searching for a further distance.

At the same time, some other expressions appeared on Leng Tian's face, which seemed a little dignified.

"Brother Leng Tian, ​​do you think there are other difficulties in this mission?"

Seeing Leng Tian's appearance, Kakashi asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but I always feel that this mission is not that simple. Maybe those bandits can give us more surprises!"

After finishing speaking, Leng Tian pointed to one of the directions and said, "Go over there and have a look..."

Soon Kakashi and the three searched in the direction Leng Tian pointed.

"It's blood!"

"It seems that there has been a battle here, and it was very intense!"

Leng Tian muttered to himself.

"How should we search for the whereabouts of those bandits now, the businessman gave us false news again!"

Obito sat down on the ground with a look of complete disappointment on his face.

Hearing Obito's words, Kakashi and Rin both showed thoughtful expressions.

"Is there really no other way?"

After seeing that everyone was silent for a while, Obito shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, think about how the bandits transported so many goods. After all, this is a lot of goods that cannot be carried by manpower?"

Leng Tian reminded.

Hearing what the teacher said, Kakashi suddenly had a flash of light in his mind.

"Perhaps we can still know the location of these people..."

Kakashi said suddenly.

Hearing Kakashi's words, both Obito and Rin looked at him.

"Brother Leng Tian means that these people will definitely leave other traces. As long as we know which direction they disappeared from, we will eventually discover something along the way?"

Kakashi said tentatively, and when he found Leng Tian nodded, he was overjoyed, knowing that his thoughts were correct.

"Kakashi is right. There are so many goods that should be transported by a car. Take a good look at the car marks on the ground and remember its characteristics. This is an important piece of information for us to find the bandit!"

"But it rained before, can we really find car marks or other traces?"

Lin said with some concern.

"So try your luck!"

Leng Tian smiled and explained to the three of Kakashi: "Sometimes luck is also a kind..."

Soon the three of Kakashi began to search.

"Here, here!"

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