Kakashi suddenly yelled in shock, called the two teammates together and pointed to the traces on the ground.

There was a very shallow car mark on the ground. Fortunately, it was covered by leaves, so the heavy rain did not wash it away, but made it more obvious.

"That's right, there are still car marks, but how do you know that these are the ones intercepted by bandits?"

Lin and Obito both showed questioning eyes.

"Hehe, if I say yes, it must be!"

"Bragging, where did you know that?"

Obito rolled his eyes, but he was very upset that Kakashi always had this expression.

"What Kakashi said makes sense..."

At this time, Leng Tian came from behind and said.


Both Obito and Lin looked at Leng Tian, ​​hoping to get an answer from Mr. Leng Tian.

"Look at the car marks, the direction is towards the mountain. If you think about it, if it is a businessman or other civilians, the car marks should be in the downtown area. There is no reason to go deep into the mountains, and only those bandits to do so..."

Hearing what the teacher said, both Obito and Rin suddenly realized.

Lin even looked at Kakashi with admiration and said, "Kakashi, you are amazing!"

Obito quietly kicked the stone, a little disappointed.

At this moment, a grain of rice was exposed where the stone was kicked away.

"This is?"

Obito picked it up and said with a little surprise on his face.

"It seems that we really found it, maybe there are still some dropped along the way..."

Then Leng Tian led Kakashi and the three to continue searching, but after searching for a day, they didn't get any information.

Obito and Lin both lay on the ground and said, and Obito said exaggeratedly: "Let me rest for a while, I am too tired, where are these bandits hiding?"

Leng Tian and Kakashi also looked thoughtful, after all, the goods had disappeared for two weeks.

"Mr. Leng Tian, ​​I think the businessman must have searched for it, and after returning in vain, he will report to Konoha and ask us to help..."

Regarding Kakashi's guess, Leng Tian nodded, thinking the same way in his heart.

It's just that according to normal thinking, once the goods are lost, they should immediately ask Konoha for help, but it took two weeks to find Konoha.

Something must have happened to this.

But what is the reason that the businessman was late to find Konoha for two weeks, and lied about what happened in the last week?

Continue to search in this direction, but there is no gain. After all, the mountain is too big. If you want to search, even a small team is not enough.

This put Kakashi and others in a difficult situation.

Leng Tian groaned for a moment, it was impossible to go on like this, and quietly opened the ears of Shunfeng.

As long as there is a trace of human voice, he can determine the bandit's position. Obviously, this task has surpassed the difficulty of Kakashi and others.

The whistling wind, the sounds of various animals in the mountains and forests, and the sound of mountain springs are all hindering the reception of the cold weather.

But Leng Tian came from World War II, and he helped Konoha win the war with his wind ear.

For these situations, he already had his own countermeasures. When Obito and Lin stared at the teacher with wide-eyed eyes, Leng Tian sat down and calmed down to reject all other noises.

"What is Kakashi-sensei doing now?"

Said in a low voice.

Seeing Leng Tian's appearance, Kakashi suddenly thought of Leng Tian's special ability, which was even called by his father as a skill comparable to Blood Successor Limit.

"Could it be?"

Thinking of this, Kakashi hissed, keeping Obito and Rin absolutely silent.

"The teacher is looking for the bandit's location, don't disturb him..."

Obito and Rin were a little unbelievable, they couldn't even believe Kakashi's words, did they just sit and search like this?

Only Kakashi knows what Leng Tian is using. According to his father's inference, Leng Tian learned the technique from Teacher Duan, because he has super high control skills for chakra in the body, so he can go beyond the limit to achieve this effect.

Thinking of his father's amazed expression, he said: "Those from the Hyuga clan still want to acquire this skill, it's just a dream, even if it's handed over to them in cold weather, they won't be able to learn it..."

Seeing Obito and Lin's disbelieving expressions, Kakashi didn't say any more, but said in a low voice: "Whether you believe it or not, I will go to find the bandits with Mr. Leng Tian later..."

This situation continued for a whole day, until the cold weather did not show any sign of opening his eyes until night.

This made both Obito and Lin very sleepy, but the wind at night was very strong, making them very cold.

Only Kakashi stood there like a stone, like the cold weather.

Just when Obito and Lin didn't know what was the head, Leng Tian opened his eyes and said with a smile: "We found the bandit's location..."

Chapter 85 Mist Ninja

Hearing Leng Tian's words, both Obito and Rin looked stunned. How did the teacher know that he had been sitting just now?

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