Only Kakashi showed a smile, because he knew how Leng Tian did it.

Seeing Obito and Lin's surprised expressions, Leng Tian smiled and said: "I will teach you this technique in the future, but one thing is that this technique cannot be passed on to the outside world, even if it is asked by the head of the family or even Hokage!"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Obito and Lin thought, could it be a secret technique?

Lin was even more excited and trembling all over.

You must know that a commoner child like her will not get any good ninjutsu, let alone secret techniques that are only hidden in big families.

You must know that even if ninjas are at the same level, the final comparison will be ninjutsu.

Few can rely on the seventh sense to win as White Fang and Cold Weather.

Just when Obito and Lin were still guessing that Mr. Leng Tian would teach them secret arts to be very powerful.

Kakashi interjected, "Sensei's technique is even wanted by the Hinata clan, but the teacher never handed it over..."

Hearing that it was a secret technique that would make the Hinata clan envious, even Obito, who didn't care at first, was taken aback for a moment.

After all, when Leng Tian taught them the secret technique just now, Obito still didn't care. After all, the Uchiha clan also has some secret technique, as long as they can evolve to Sangouyu, they can learn it.

But the secret technique that can make the Hinata family envious must be a great existence, no wonder the teacher ordered not to teach it privately.

Maybe even the family is interested in this thing, but he doesn't understand why he can't even tell Hokage to the village. Could it be that even the village is greedy for this kind of secret technique?

Kakashi seemed to have known their expressions, and said with a cold snort: "You must know that Master Leng Tian's secret technique Shunfeng Er once made great achievements, and it was the key to Konoha's defeat of Iwanin in World War II. A comparable secret technique!"


Obito and Lin were both stupefied now, what kind of existence with white eyes can match the secret technique of this existence.

Now even Obito panicked, shouldn't this kind of secret technique be passed on to his disciples?

They are just students with the teacher, this gift is too precious.

Seeing their faces, Leng Tian smiled slightly: "This is not the first time I have taught this secret technique. I also led a small team during World War II and passed it on to them as well. This secret technique varies from person to person. I must be able to display my power..."

The cold weather can pass on their ears because they can at most reach the level of Teacher Duan.

However, when he met Shengshu in the country of water last time, Leng Tian could feel that his mastery of Shunfenger had surpassed Teacher Duan. Although he could not reach his own level, it should be a level that could reach the level of secret arts. .

Thinking of Naoki, Leng Tian bowed his head and sighed. In the original book, everyone thought that Naoki was an untalented grandson of the first Hokage.

This is probably because he didn't grow up, even if he didn't enter Danzo's Hashirama Tree, he would grow up sooner or later with his talent.

Thinking of this matter, Leng Tian suddenly thought of something, it seems that Orochimaru has always wanted to get this secret technique, but he never asked himself.

Thinking of Orochimaru's recent whereabouts, he and Jiraiya went to the country of water to protect Tsunade.

Leng Tian sneered, it seemed that Orochimaru wanted to get it from Tsunade or Duan.

Next, while on the road, Leng Tian passed on the secret art of Shunfenger to them.

Kakashi already knew the essentials of the wind ear secret technique. After all, Leng Tian discussed it with Bai Fang in front of him, but he told Kakashi not to practice it.

The reason for this is that when Kakashi was too young to withstand the impact of the eardrum, if it was not good, it would cause deafness.

Now that Kakashi finally got Leng Tian's permission, he was naturally overjoyed.

But it was Lin who learned and mastered it first.

"Ah, I hear so many voices, I can hear them from far away!"

Lin said with a look of surprise.

Hearing Lin's words, Obito and Kakashi looked at each other with dissatisfied expressions.

Just like what Leng Tian said, this secret technique really varies from person to person.

Everyone's ears were a little surprised. Under the white eyes, Lin Tian could observe that Lin's eardrums belonged to the larger one.

So it's quick to pick up distant sounds.


Suddenly Lin screamed, which startled Kakashi and Obito who had made some progress.

Both of them complained to her at the same time, and finally made some progress.

"No, I heard someone else's voice..."

Lin said weakly.

Hearing Lin's words, Obito and Kakashi were both surprised and happy. They were surprised that this secret technique was really powerful, and it was an excellent ninjutsu for searching for targets.

The joy is that I finally found the bandit's location, no wonder Hokage-sama still has sufficient confidence in them being able to complete this task even though there is only such a short time, it is because of the teacher's ability.

Several people started running towards the sound, and they found the bandit's hiding place.

"The luck of these businessmen is so small, but we have spent so much effort!"

Seeing that the task was about to be completed, Obito was somewhat unwilling.

Hearing Obito's words, Kakashi and Rin also showed angry expressions, and both looked at Leng Tian.

"There is indeed some truth to what Obito said, but no matter what, you must do your homework when accepting tasks. Some task issuers do do some small tricks to hide some plots in order to save money. For example, this businessman obviously The money you have to pay for what happened two weeks ago is different. If you use sufficient judgment, you can bargain, and you can even make the other party pay double the price. Now let's complete the task..."

"Then is that the teacher?"

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