Leng Tian said here, completely ignoring the other party, just took out a warrant, and said calmly: "You take this token to find the Konoha supervisory ninja here, and say that I suspect that his goods may have the possibility of colluding with the enemy country. Lost……"

Leng Tian's words made the businessman furious: "You, you are so hateful. I just wonder why you burned my goods. Even if you are Konoha's ninja, I want you to pay the price!"

For the merchant's words, Leng Tian showed a look of ridicule.

The law enforcement ninja beside him also stared at the businessman seriously and said, "Come with us now!"

"What? You want me to go, what about them?"

The businessman looked at the law enforcement ninja in front of him unreasonably.

"Didn't you hear him say that he suspected that you were suspected of collaborating with the enemy country? Take it away!"

"How can you do this, what about my goods?"

asked the businessman dumbfounded.

"If it burns, it will burn. You'd better clean up this matter first, otherwise you don't have to come out alive..."

Hearing the words of the law enforcement ninja, the ninja realized something, and now he is facing the disaster of killing himself.

At the same time, these law enforcement ninjas still seriously said to Leng Tian: "At the same time, we will also recruit the identity of one of your ninjas, and report this matter to Konoha, and Konoha will decide your results..."

Leng Tian nodded and asked Lin to tell them her ninja number.

At this moment, a bald businessman hurried over.

Seeing his appearance, all the businessmen stood up hastily.

He is one of the top ten merchants in the Land of Fire, and it can be said that even the big names treat him with courtesy.

"Master Leng Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to handle this matter yourself!"

The bald businessman had an anxious look on his face.

"It seems that the supervisory ninja has notified you?"

Leng Tian smiled lightly.

"Yes, yes, we guarantee that only those merchants participated, and absolutely no one else..."

The bald businessman quickly said that what he said was exactly the businessman's fornication with Iwa Ninja and Mist Ninja.

Once this matter is noticed by the daimyo, all their businessmen will be strictly investigated. At that time, not to mention their property, even their lives may not be guaranteed.

"How many people?"

"Master Leng Tian, ​​don't worry, only one will be left and sent to Konoha, and we will deal with all the others by ourselves, and all their businesses will also disappear in anger. We will never let these black sheep ruin the Kingdom of Fire. Safety……"

Hearing this, Leng Tian smiled: "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you to investigate for yourself, and I won't take any action, so as not to have to explain for a long time when I burned a suspicious businessman just now!"

Hearing Leng Tian's words, looking at the people standing around, the businessman stared at the businessman with a gloomy face and said, "Very well, you actually dare to block Lord Leng Tian's mission, it seems that you are going to fight with our country of fire." All the merchants are against each other, and you will never even think about selling an item before you know about it!"


The businessman's face was full of despair. He knew the identity of this person, and he knew that he could do it, but he didn't know who he had provoked, and even the elders of the Fire Nation's Agent Association had to be careful.

"It's over, it's over..."

The man was dragged out with a dead face.

After all these people left, Leng Tian said calmly: "I know what you want to ask, why the other party is so concerned about me, in fact, what he is concerned about is not me, but money. If the war is lost, then Konoha will It will immediately become the same as the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Clouds, and enter the rule of Konoha, but they will not have this status, because Konoha will strengthen resources at that time, and we will not be the same as the Kingdom of Sand.

The daimyo of the Land of Winds was able to suppress Sand Shinobi because the economy of our Land of Fire supported them, allowing the Land of Winds to control Sand Shinobi's economic life...

So they will not let go of the kind of enemies who collaborate with the enemy and make them lose money and status..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Kakashi suddenly realized.

"It's no wonder the teacher didn't rush back immediately. It turned out that he deliberately gave them a warning. The businessman just had bad luck and became the target of the teacher to kill others..."

Hearing Kakashi's words, Leng Tian nodded.

He didn't know how long Tsuchikage's plan had been implemented. Konoha's manpower alone would definitely not be enough, but it would be easier to use merchants.

Especially for these top businessmen in the Nation of Fire, once Konoha loses the war, they are likely to reduce most of their property, and even if the Nation of Fire wants to make compensation, they must first rank ,

Therefore, they will strictly investigate this matter whether it is to preserve their property or their lives.

This saves Konoha a lot of time, Leng Tian believes that Onoki's plan is not limited to this.

Leng Tian took Kakashi and the three back quickly, and told what happened.

The third generation did not expect that just a few years after the end of the war, Onogi set his sights on Konoha again.

"I'm afraid this time it will be even more tragic than World War II. What do you think of Leng Tian?"

"Since Tuying has been planning for so long, this move is definitely not the only one. We should replenish our strength so far..."

Cold weather suggested.

Hearing Leng Tian's suggestion, Sandai thought for a while, and finally said: "I decided to start the Chunin exam early..."

Chunin is the backbone of the village and the only lowest unit in the war.

After Leng Tian walked out from the third generation, he looked outside and murmured: "The Chunin exam has finally started, I hope it will be in time..."

In the training ground, Leng Tian found the three of Kakashi and said with a serious face: "The Chunin exam has been advanced, and I have already signed up for you. You must not embarrass me, do you understand?"

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