
Kakashi and the three of them showed excited expressions on their faces...

Chapter 95 Chidori

Naruto Office.

The third generation put down the report called by Anbu with a heavy face. Although he had already expected it in his heart, it was still extremely serious when Anbu investigated the recent bribery of Konoha direct sellers.

"I really didn't expect Onogi to start from here. It's really daunting..."

The three generations looked ugly for a while.

"Teacher, fortunately, Leng Tian discovered something was wrong in time, and made an example to let the merchants know about our Konoha's attitude. In addition, it has been handed over to those merchants who are related to Konoha, which has already made many merchants fearful. For the time being, I think They dare not be tempted by Yan Ren..."

When Orochimaru said this, he had a complacent look on his face.

Because the intelligence has always been self-sourced and supervised, it turned out that he didn't have a salary problem at all, but let his own people find out.

Orochimaru already regards Leng Tian as one of his side.

At this time, Jiraiya smiled helplessly. He had to admit that it was his negligence, because he only wanted to persuade Tsunade to return, but he ignored the recent actions of Iwanin.

The third generation saw the faces of the two of them in their eyes, and asked lightly: "By the way, what about Leng Tian? What is he doing now?"

Hearing the third generation's question, Orochimaru blurted out: "Leng Tian has been teaching the three of Kakashi, and this Leng Tian's ability to teach his disciples is also very good. I observed it, except for the little girl, the other two are all It has surpassed Genin, reached the level of Chunin, and even Kakashi has surpassed the level of Chunin, compared with you back then, Sensei!"

When Dashewan said this, his face was full of complacency, as if Leng Tian was his disciple.

This made Jiraiya curl his lips and said: "Of course it's good to be cold, but that kid seems to be Tsunade's disciple. It seems that your female student didn't become a Jonin, right?"

Hearing Jiraiya's ridicule, Orochimaru licked his tongue, seeming very dissatisfied.

"Okay, Orochimaru, go and call Leng Tian here, I want to ask his opinion on this Tsuchikage plan?"

"I see!"

Orochimaru disappeared with a blink of an eye, but he was very excited. The decision of the third generation was obviously on his side.

In the office of the third generation, Jiraiya looked at the teacher and always felt that there was something wrong in his heart.

If he had made this mistake before, the old man would have scolded him long ago.

"By the way, how is Minato's practice recently?"

The third generation also asked.

"He's still pretty good. It's really hard for me to imagine how strong the old ninja who taught him was, he could have mastered the basics so well, especially Minato's skills in using Kunai, which made me Do you think it looks like a teacher?"

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Sandai said calmly: "Aren't you talking nonsense, you are my student and his teacher, and the skills I taught him have my shadow..."

Hearing what the old man said, Zilai nodded without thinking too much.

At this moment, when Sandai and Jirai are also waiting for the cold weather.

Leng Tian was looking expectantly at the opposite disciple Kakashi.

"Yes, it's good to concentrate the lightning attributes of the whole body in the hands to control, and use the principle of Hell Spike to attack the enemy with the help of the ground..."

After Leng Tian came back this time, Kakashi trained alone, teaching him to develop a new ninjutsu, Chidori.

Chidori: A-level ultra-high-level ninjutsu. When used, due to the high current, it looks like a thousand birds singing.

Although Leng Tian couldn't use Thunder Dungeon, he was already familiar with this kind of ninjutsu in the original book.

Using the chakra concentrated in the palm of the hand, it is like a sharp blade to achieve the effect of killing the enemy with one blow, and the attack power is strong enough to penetrate the human body.

This is the same as Raikage's Hell Spike, but its characteristic is to focus on a single point of the thrust.

Although the power may not be as powerful as the single point of Hell Spike, the speed of movement will make the user unable to see the opponent's counterattack clearly and may bring danger to himself, but Kakashi's move must be combined with sufficient observation skills.

In the future, the power of Kakashi's move will be improved to a higher level because Kakashi has obtained Sharingan, so that he can effectively attack the enemy.

As for whether Chidori Kakashi can be created, Leng Tian has no doubts, after all, Kakashi was about the same age when he developed it.

However, Leng Tian still has some hesitation in his heart. If Kakashi uses Thunder Dungeon as his main attack target in the future, will he develop Chidori into Raikiri, and evolve this technique to S level?

After all, with his own intervention, Kakashi may not necessarily get Sharingan.

And Chidori's biggest weakness is that the attack route is long and single, and Chuck is highly concentrated. In the original book, Akai once explained that straight-line attacks are easy to be attacked by the opponent, so you must write sharing eyes to see the opponent's next move. However, if the opponent also knows the pupil technique, or predicts the attack route of your chidori, it is very likely to pass more.


Just as Leng Tian was thinking, Kakashi finally condensed a large amount of lightning power in his hand.

At this time, Orochimaru had just appeared, and it happened to appear on the route of Kakashi's attack.

At this moment, Kakashi couldn't control the Thunderbird, and had already rushed directly to Orochimaru.


Orochimaru was startled, he didn't expect Kakashi to release such powerful ninjutsu at such a young age. Although it seemed that he hadn't mastered it yet, the power had already made Orochimaru terrified.

"Ninjutsu! Earth Dungeon! Earth Flow Wall!"

Tudun is one of the best ninjutsu to resist, but just when Orochimaru felt that it was safe, the wall of Tudun in front of him shattered directly, and the Chidori in Kakashi's hand was undiminished, and rushed faster To Orochimaru.


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