Just when Orochimaru was about to get serious, Leng Tian appeared in front of Kakashi. With a wave of his hands, a Tai Chi diagram appeared in front of Kakashi.

The whole person fell out with Kakashi, and when Kakashi's lightning hand pressed the ground, it was directly smashed, bringing up bursts of smoke.

"It seems that you still haven't fully grasped..."

Leng Tian came to Kakashi, took out the silver needle that had been prepared, and quickly inserted the needle on Kakashi's arm.

After seeing Leng Tian healed Kakashi's paralyzed right hand, Orochimaru said with surprise: "Mr. Leng Tian, ​​you really surprised me, I didn't expect you to hide this hand, yes Did Tsunade teach you?"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Leng Tian said indifferently: "This is the treatment method I developed based on Rouquan..."

In fact, it was acupuncture in the previous life, but Leng Tian would not tell Dashewan.

"It's amazing?"

Originally, Orochimaru felt that Kakashi's Thunderbird was shocked, but seeing the hand that Leng Tian showed just now made Orochimaru more interested.

He faintly felt that acupuncture in cold weather had a greater development.

"Master Orochimaru, are you here?"

asked coldly.

"Oh, I'm sending Hokage's order to let you go over..."

Orochimaru said sternly, but then changed his tone and said: "Leng Tian, ​​​​you did a good job this time, tell me honestly, did you find something wrong a long time ago, so you asked me to keep it for you?" This mission?"

Seeing Dashewan's smiling face, Leng Tian knew that he had misunderstood, and must have felt that he was helping him fight Jiraiya.

But Leng Tian didn't say anything, just smiled lightly.This made Orochimaru feel better.

"Okay, Leng Tian, ​​I will never treat you badly!"

Hearing Dashewan's words, Leng Tian rolled his eyes and said suddenly: "Master Dashewan, why don't you do me a favor?"

Chapter 96 Three Generations' Concerns

What Leng Tian asked Orochimaru was very simple, to help him perfect Kakashi's Chidori together.

For Kakashi's talent, Orochimaru also values ​​it very much. Besides, Leng Tian is on his side, and Kakashi will also be his strong support once.

"I will naturally agree to this, but Kakashi may have just developed it. Regarding this Chidori's changing ninjutsu, I am afraid it will take a longer time to explore. I am afraid it will not be completed in a while, and Kakashi uses it. This kind of ninjutsu will put a heavy burden on the body, I think even if I am willing, it is not something he will be able to bear for a while..."

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Leng Tian waved his hand and said: "Your Majesty Orochimaru, don't worry, when I came up with this ninjutsu ninjutsu, I already thought of several modes after it..."

Hearing Leng Tian's words, Orochimaru was surprised, and said in disbelief, "Why did you think of this ninjutsu?"

"Is there anything wrong with this?"

Seeing Orochimaru's surprised expression, Leng Tian added later: "I have seen Leili's Chakra mode and the operation mode of getting Hell Spike before, thinking that this kind of ninjutsu should not be too difficult, right?"

It's good that Leng Tian didn't accept it, but when he explained it, Orochimaru was even more surprised.

Not only Orochimaru, but even Kakashi blurted out: "Sensei, can you see through the operation mode of Chaklaren?"

"What's so hard about this?"

Leng Tian asked strangely, if it wasn't for his inability to use advanced ninjutsu, he might not be inferior to Kakashi's future title.

Copying ninjutsu is too simple for Leng Tian.

If it is not a ninjutsu that is still under development, as long as it is formed, as long as you experience it once in cold weather, you can point out its secrets.

These things, which seemed so simple to Leng Tianka, unexpectedly became a shocking secret in the eyes of Orochimaru and Kakashi.

This especially made Leng Tian feel unbelievable. You must know that he remembered a plot in the comics. When Neci was facing Guidouzi, didn't he also observe the movement of chakra in his body with his white eyes?

Then there should be nothing surprising about what he observed with his white eyes.

But Leng Tian didn't know that when the ninjutsu began to be released, the chakras in the body would move at the same time, and even Baiyan couldn't observe these sequences and directions.

Even Neji could observe it because Onidouzi's ninjutsu had been prepared, and the spider silk chakra protruding from his mouth was too obvious.

At best, the Hyuga Clan could only predict the timing of the opponent's attack before other ordinary ninjas.

But even this is very remarkable, but now that Leng Tian said that he can see all the routes of ninjutsu used by the opponent, it is almost equivalent to that except for some blood succession limits, Leng Tian can see through all other secret techniques.

This kind of supercilious look, I'm afraid it has made the entire ninja world terrified.

"Leng Tianjun, fortunately you only mentioned it in front of the two of us today, otherwise many people would want to kill you?"

Orochimaru laughed heartily.

With the support of a strong man like Leng Tian, ​​he believes that even in the next big battle, he can achieve even more dazzling results. I am afraid that his Hokage position will have a better chance of winning.

"Can you also talk about your development of this ninjutsu in this cold weather?"

Although Leng Tian is not the releaser of this ninjutsu, it is already remarkable to be able to come up with such a powerful ninjutsu. As for a character like the Second Hokage, Orochimaru can't think of anyone else in the ninja world who can be compared.

In fact, Leng Tian knows that there are only a few types. The first one is Chidori Sharp Spear: it changes Chidori into the shape of a spear, and the limit distance is about 5 meters. It is not as powerful as Chidori but has a larger attack range.

The second is the chidori blade that appeared in the original book: Infuse the chakra of the thunder attribute into the blade, greatly increasing the sharpness of the blade, cutting iron like mud, and the body will be paralyzed and lose the ability to fight back.

This is something that Leng Tian appreciates more, and it is also what he wants Kakashi to learn, after all, Senior White Fang's sword skills cannot just be buried like this.

There is also Chidori Chimoto: change Chidori's form into an extremely thin thunderous Chiben to attack the opponent and Chidori Flow: let the whole body be covered with Chidori, and release Chidori through the whole body instead of hands, lacking the destructive power of Chidori , can paralyze people, integrating offense and defense.

Hearing Leng Tian utter several conjectures at once, Orochimaru and Kakashi couldn't keep their mouths shut again.

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