But even so, Kakashi's eyes are still looking at the field. Kakashi knows the strength of the two, but he still prefers Obito to be stronger.

At this time Lin asked in a low voice: "Kakashi, how did you know that person?"

Seeing Lin's curious look, Kakashi couldn't help but said: "Before he and his father often came to my house as guests, they kept pestering me to compete with me, but every time they lost to me very quickly, I forgot He is also this year..."

"Then who do you think will have a better chance of winning?"

Lin asked aloud.

"Of course with..."

Before Kakashi finished speaking, he heard a bang, and Obito was thrown from the air by Maitekai.

"Haha, have you seen it? This is my Biao Lianhua!"

"how is this possible?"

Kakashi looked at Maitekai in surprise, he knew Obito's ability, after opening Sharingan, even he had to be serious.

But Obito was actually defeated by Maitekai.

Recalling that his father Bai Fang once said that Leng Tian gave Maite Kai's father a very powerful physical skill, could it be that Kai used just now?

"Hmph, Kakashi, don't think of me as the original Maitkai, I have learned a very great ninjutsu from my father, and I will definitely defeat you this time!"

Speaking of this, Maitekai gave Kakashi a thumbs up, but when he saw Lin, his eyes immediately turned into red hearts.


Maitkai appeared in front of Lin and asked a little shyly, "Beauty, may I know your name?"

Hearing Maitekai's words, Lin quickly hid behind Kakashi.

"Asshole, watermelon head, you dare to ask Lin's name, I can't get around you!"

Seeing that Obito and Maitkai were about to fight again, a majestic voice sounded at this time.

"Okay, are you guys here to fight or to take an exam? The first exam is about to start, come in for me..."

The examiner from the first session happened to be there, and said angrily when he saw the chaos here.

Obito glared at the innocent Kai, and said viciously, "This is never over! Kakashi belongs to me!"

"Hmph, he belongs to me!"

Kakashi was speechless for these two people, and had no time to pay attention to these two live treasures, and entered the classroom pretending not to know each other.


Kakashi suddenly discovered that besides Konoha's ninja, there were also candidates from his ninja village among the teachers.

There are actually students from Sand Ninja and Rain Ninja Villages. It turns out that the third generation also invited students from the other two Ninja Villages to participate this time.

Although Sand Ninja and Konoha had fought before, but now Sand Ninja is forced to form an alliance with Konoha, and even the economy is stuck by Konoha and cannot yield.

As for Urenin Village, after World War II, there were many rebellious forces in the country, especially the threat of Iwanin, so this time the requests of the three generations were also invited.

In fact, these candidates who came to take the exam did not care about the high-level officials of the two major ninja villages. This was just a deception.

The real purpose is to discuss how to guard against Onoki's conspiracy.

The reason why the three generations have not moved troops is that apart from the fact that Iwanin Village and Konoha are separated by the Kingdom of Kawa and the Country of Rain, even if Iwanin wants to attack Konoha, he must first enter these two countries.

Because of this, Sandai believed in Leng Tian's judgment even more.

The attack in front of Onoki was just a cover, and the real killing move must be Wu Ninja and the surprise attack troops from Aminin Village or Kusunin Village.

So even though the ninja strength in Kusanagi Village is very low, Konoha also invited them this time.

The third generation wanted to lay a defensive chain around the Fire Country to prevent Onoki's plot from succeeding.

As for Wu Ninja Village, the third generation knew that if they really reached an alliance with Onogi, there would be a battle sooner or later.

After all the candidates sat down separately, the examiner of the first round said impatiently: "Sit down quietly, the first round of the Chunin exam begins now..."

After hearing what the examiner said, everyone sat down immediately, only to realize that they were all separated.

The test papers were handed out soon, and many exams were surprised when they saw them, not because it was too difficult, but because it was too simple, which was to test the basic knowledge of ninjutsu.

Kakashi was surprised, he didn't expect the first level to be so simple...

But Kakashi remembers Leng Tian, ​​if something is beyond your expectation, then there must be something strange.

Thinking of this, Kakashi continued to look down, and soon Kakashi found that the content of the following exam questions seemed to be beyond the knowledge of Konoha candidates, and most of them were questions about Aminin Village, Kusanagi Village and Sand Ninja Village.

And he doesn't know these topics at all!

At this time, a Xiaren of Sand Ninja Village couldn't help asking: "Why are there so many questions about Konoha, Urenin, and Kusanagi? We don't know how to pass the level at all..."

"That's your business, and you were eliminated!"

The examiner said something coldly.

This made Sand Ninja's Xiaren couldn't believe it.

"Rule [-], you are not allowed to speak from now on, once you find someone who speaks, you will be eliminated immediately!"

"why is it like this?"

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