Even Kakashi was surprised. Looking at the test questions, not to mention that even Lin, who has the best academic performance, might not be able to guarantee that they will get all the answers right. How does this make them pass? Is Konoha planning to let them all be eliminated.

At this moment, Kakashi's mind suddenly flashed. The examiner just said rule one. Could it be that this exam copied other people's answers sequentially?

At this moment, another Konoha candidate was taken out of the examination room.

The examiner in the first round said with a serious face: "Rule [-], it is forbidden to get such a poor answer!"

Hearing the examiner's words, Kakashi finally revealed a smile...

He finally knew how to pass the first exam...

The first character, Mai Tekai, the son of Mai Tedai, Xiao Li's teacher, is one of my favorite characters.

Chapter 98 Intelligence Investigation

Kakashi got a lot of information from the examiner's words.

First of all, although the test questions are a mixture of Konoha and other ninja villages, it is certain that Konoha is a little unfamiliar with the topics of other ninja villages, and it is impossible to get good results in the exam unless it is copied from other ninja villages.

When candidates asked questions before, the examiner never said two keywords, that is, prohibition.

In other words, the examiner did not prohibit them from copying other people's answers, but refused to use this inferior method.

Kakashi carefully observed the surroundings, and sure enough, some people have been able to understand the topic of this exam, which is actually to collect information.

Kakashi saw that some people from Ninja Village had begun to use some special means to attract the attention of others, and began to discuss the exchange of information.

In fact, it was the answer to the test question, but the examiner didn't stop it, but it didn't mean that he could be so blatant. If the method was too bad, he might be invited out immediately.

This level of investigation is still intelligence!

Thinking of this, Kakashi began to think, the answers were all in the hands of the other party, and he only had Konoha's exam questions here.

I believe that as long as you don't get discovered by the examiner by your own means, even if you copy it, you will be considered a pass.

Thinking of this, Kakashi immediately reached out his hand under the table, and typed out a few code words that only those who had received Leng Tian's instruction could understand.

Obito and Lin stared blankly at the test paper in front of them, without the slightest idea, after all, they didn't know how to answer the questions they didn't know.

After seeing Kakashi's gesture, everyone was overjoyed.

After understanding the puzzle of gestures, both Obito and Lin showed surprise.

"Look at me!"

The method given by Kakashi is very simple. Use Obito's Sharingan to imitate the opponent's actions, and Obito's Sharingan can completely imitate the opponent's movements, so that you can know what the other party is writing.

And Kakashi observed who got the answer, and then notified Obito.

In addition to Obito and the others who could understand Kakashi's hand gestures, there was one other person who also understood it, and that was Kai.

Of course, Maite Dai also told him the set of hand gestures taught by Leng Tian, ​​but he didn't expect Kai to use them here.

"I see, Kakashi must have been reluctant to let me fail, so he told me on purpose, right? Sure enough, he is worthy of being my lifelong rival, so in order to repay you, I will definitely pass!"

If Kakashi knew what Kai was thinking at the moment, he would definitely say very resolutely: "It's better for you to be eliminated!"

Unless it's the kind that has blood inheritance, such as Leng Tian's white eyes, you can look at the answer of whoever you want to see, otherwise, only Kakashi thinks of exchanging for the answers of their respective test papers.

Kakashi noticed that some people had already discovered this, and used various methods to reach a consensus.

As time approaches, many people are desperately looking for heat who can understand their codes. After all, if the other people in Ninja Village get the answers they want, the rest will lose the opportunity to exchange.

Konoha is at the biggest disadvantage here.

In the monitoring room behind the examination room, several ninjas were observing the information of the examination room. When they saw that some people had already started to act, they all showed a hint of satisfaction.

"But this is just the beginning. It's good to exchange answers, but in actual combat, sometimes the other party will give you false information. If there is no way to distinguish clearly at this time, it may cause a very large loss. I just don't know. How many of them will notice the problem..."

Hearing what his companion said, the other invigilating examiners also nodded.

Kakashi had already asked Obito to simulate three answers, and some of them had already used the cold weather code to pass them on.

These actions did not fool the examiners present and the examiners in the monitoring room, but in their opinion, this was a very good method.

It belongs to the first class of passing the customs.

"This gesture should be a gesture invented by Mr. Leng Tian. Now Anbu is using this kind of code in common use. It is really hard to imagine that the combination of several gestures can give so much information. It is almost like speaking with your mouth..."

There are also people from Anbu here, and one of the examiners said cautiously: "Although their method is good, but Lord Leng Tian discovered that this code has been classified as a secret, even if they are students of Lord Leng Tian, ​​it is not easy to spread it like this." it's not good……"

Hearing this person's words, the person who spoke just now looked at him coldly and said: "This kind of code itself is to better serve the ninja, and Danzo-sama's insistence on restricting the power of this code to Anbu itself limits its use.

Besides, this matter has not been agreed by Captain Leng Tian from the beginning to the end. Captain Leng Tian wants to give whoever he wants is his freedom.

If Captain Leng Tian is forced to be unhappy, maybe he will give it to the Hyuga clan. You must know that the Hyuga clan has always wanted to get this set of gesture codes! "

This Anbu is obviously White Fang's former boss, and he is very dissatisfied with Danzo's actions in Anbu.

In fact, the secret code invented by Leng Tian is just a combination of some sign languages ​​of modern troops, and the most important thing is to add sign language suitable for the public.

But in the world of Naruto, it has become a treasure and has been studied by ninjas from all over the world.

At this time, some candidates in the examination room were ready to hand in the papers, and Obito and Lin were the same, so were they.

Just when Kakashi was about to send a secret signal to hand in the paper, he suddenly found that one of the Kusanagi who had chosen to copy the answer showed a smug expression...

This surprised Kakashi, and immediately issued new orders to Obito and Rin.

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