"Could it be because of Teacher Leng Tian..."

Just when Kakashi thought they had completed the task, Rope suddenly asked, "They didn't suspect you, did they?"


Saori's face turned blue, and she cursed at Naoki, but Naoki was not angry at all.

At this time, Saori glanced at Kakashi and the others.

Nakoki's inadvertent words just now revealed the connection between Saori and Nakoki.

And it turns out that Kakashi immediately understood after hearing this sentence.

Before they appeared at Minghu Trading Company, it was not unreasonable for Senior Saori to be nervous, that is, she had a connection with Konoha's rebellious Shinoki.

If Anbu or others find out, Minghu's family may be ruined.

"It turns out that Senior Saori is hiding this matter!"

After Shengshu finished asking, he immediately came to his senses.

He also saw Saori appearing here, and was worried for a while.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi and the others noticed something that hadn't been exposed.

"Why, do you need me to solve them?"

Rope tree pointed at the three of Kakashi.

This time Nakoki exuded a real murderous aura, and under this murderous aura, the three of Kakashi felt a sense of despair.

"Illusion? No, it was created purely with murderous intent!"

Although Kakashi was thinking in his head, his body reacted in surrender.

Not only him, but also Obito and Lin.

It was the same as when facing teacher Leng Tian's murderous aura.

But at the beginning, Leng Tian wanted him to break through, but the one in front of him didn't mean that.


Saori knocked directly on the head of the rope tree.

"Take back your murderous intent, don't scare them!"

After Saori finished speaking, Shengshu really withdrew his murderous aura.

At this time, Saori walked up to the three of Kakashi and asked with a smile on his face, "I believe that none of you three will tell what happened today?"


Obito hesitated.

"Is it because we don't agree, don't even think about going out from here today?"

"That's not true, but I have to modify your memories, it's just that it might be discovered by Anbu, right Mikoto?"

When Saori was speaking, a figure came out from behind them.

It's Uchiha Mikoto.

"Sister Meiqin?"

Obito was even more surprised this time.

Teacher Leng Tian's six disciples have all arrived.

With a worried expression on her face, Miqin walked up to Saori and said, "I found out that Konoha started to find out the business of the Lake family, and worried that my relationship with Shengshu would be exposed, so I hurriedly followed Saori's instructions. The secret code is coming, what is going on with Saori?"

Hearing Mikoto's words, Saori covered her face helplessly, pointed to Obito and the three with a long mouth and said:

"It was simply a misunderstanding. One of my father's business partners was bought, which is why Anbu's investigation was provoked. No one found out that you and Naoki were dating at my place, but just now you and Naoki automatically exposed this. secret!"

Saori shook her head helplessly.

At this time, Kakashi, Obito, and Lin are still in extreme confusion, and they haven't figured out what's going on?

Only Obito suddenly thought of something, and said eagerly: "Sister Mikoto, you like him, but what about Uchiha Fugaku?"

Hearing Obito's words, Mikoto knelt down and said with a serious face: "It is Mr. Uchiha Fuqiu who is engaged to me, not his brother. Even if Brother Fuqiu dies, I will not marry him!"

Mikoto said seriously.

Hearing Mikoto-san's words, Obito fell silent.

Others don't know much about this matter, but as Obito of the Uchiha clan, he knows something.

The Uchiha clan doesn't know why, both women and men usually have brothers or sisters.

Previously, Miqin's sister had a marriage contract with Fuqiu, but she was killed because of a betrayal mission, so the family asked Miqin's sister to marry Fuyue.

But according to Obito's understanding, sister Mikoto doesn't like Fuyue at all.

What surprised the family even more was that Mikoto applied for the pursuit of Ren Ren alone, and killed the other party in the Kingdom of Waves.

You must know that the strength of the opponent is no less than that of an elite Jnin.

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