Although there are only special jounin and jōnin in Konoha jōnin, there are no elite jōnin, but everyone knows that this is divided by tasks and assessments.

In terms of strength, there are elite level ninjas above the jounin, the half-step shadow ninjas that surpass the elite jounin, and the pseudo-shadow level of strength that is not as strong as the first line.

Although the strength ninjas of these three levels are all in the range of jounin, but the levels are different when the tasks are issued.

Ordinary Jonin is only A rank.

But the elite is at the AA level, and once you enter the half-step shadow-level Jnin, it will be an AAA or even S-level task.

At the beginning, sister Meiqin was the AAA level rebel who killed.

The reason why it is not AA level is also because of killing Fuqiu, but who would have thought that Mikoto, an elite Chunin, could kill such a strong person.

That's all Obito knows.

And Obito knew about this matter, and even Anbu investigated it, and finally admitted Mikoto sister's strength, and Mikoto sister became a jonin without even passing the assessment.

And was ordered to marry Fuyue, because after Fuqiu's death, Fuyue became the next heir to the patriarch.

What Obito didn't know was that other than Mikoto, there were other people present in that battle.

One of them is Saori, she was also the witness of that scene, they were the ones who chased and killed the traitorous ninja, and the traitorous ninja was indeed extremely powerful, so they fell into a disadvantage at all.

Just when the other party was about to dig out Mikoto's eyes like Fuqiu did before, Naoki arrived and rescued them, and helped Mikoto kill Rebel Nin.

But Mikoto lost an eye.

These things were all said by Saori herself.

"Wait, since sister Meiqin you lost your eyes, why do you have both eyes now?"

Obito was surprised and pointed at Mikoto's eyes with an expression of disbelief.

"These eyes? These are Fuqiu's eyes, but the Uchiha clan made me marry Fuyue not because of this, but because of it..."

When Meiqin said this, she suddenly opened Sharingan, and the Sharingan in her right eye actually reached the three-gou jade.

This surprised even Obito, and even Kakashi knew something about it. In the Uchiha clan, almost all the elites who can open the three-god jade are the elites.

"Could this be Master Fuqiu's eyes?"

Obito asked aloud.

"No, Obito, look at Mikoto-senpai's right eye..."

At this time, Kakashi said with a look of surprise, even though Kakashi has always been very calm, his voice was trembling at this time.

"Then, what kind of eyes are those?"

Obito saw that Mikoto's left eye actually appeared like a windmill, which he had never seen or heard of.

"This is the most advanced pupil technique of the Uchiha clan, Kaleidoscope Sharingan, which has the ability to change your memories, so if you don't cooperate, I can only use ninjutsu..."

Mikoto said this, revealing a slight smile.

It's just that although the smile is not murderous, it is serious and serious.

"I absolutely can't let Konoha know about my relationship with Zhishu, and then use me to hurt Zhishu!"

When Obito heard Mikoto's words, he suddenly found that when Mikoto talked about the rope tree, there was a tenderness.

"So sister Meiqin likes Naoki? My God, this... this?"

Not only Obito, but even Rin and Kakashi opened their mouths wide open, not knowing how to react...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Knowing the relationship between Mikoto-san and Nakoki made Kakashi and the three of them all look surprised.

Not only because Miqin likes foreigners, but also because she is a traitor, and the most important thing is that they are from the Qianshou clan.

Although there is no explicit regulation, almost the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan will never intermarry.

However, ever since Mikoto opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, her aura is no less than Naoki's.

Kakashi was the first to discover this, seeing that Nawaki, Mikoto, and Saori almost all have strengths that surpass those of the elite Jnin.

Needless to say, Senju Nawaki can be listed as the most dangerous Konoha Renin by Konoha Anbe. His danger level has already been raised again, and he has reached the SS level, which is completely Kage-level strength.

However, Meiqin, the most low-key person, did not expect to have the strength of a half-step movie.

Especially those mysterious eyes, could it be that the kaleidoscope Sharingan that Mr. Leng Tian once said he planned to open for Obito?

Even Saori has already surpassed the strength of the elite Chunin and reached the strength of the Elite Jōnin, and considering her fighting style and her acupuncture skills, the ordinary Jōnin might not be her match.

"No wonder the village is so afraid of Mr. Leng Tian. Mr. Leng Tian taught three monsters!"

Now it is no longer a matter of capturing Iwa Shinobi, but Kakashi and the others, the current Leng Tian's students and Leng Tian's former students.

If an agreement can be reached, I believe they can take this Iwanin back to the business, but if they are not satisfied, I am afraid that Mikoto-senpai will use those eyes to change their memories.

"Sister Meiqin, since you already have someone you like, why don't you leave the village?"

Lynn asked suddenly.

In Lin's understanding, the reason why the three people in front of them want the attitude of the three of them is obviously that they still want to keep this secret.

That is to say, they still need to use Minghu's family to cover it up. Why didn't Miqin follow Shengshu? Could it be because the other party was traitorous?

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